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mark turner

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About mark turner

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. mark turner

    getting the AI to do what you want

    Thanks everyone for the help, by the way JoJo, where do you download VaC? cheers, Mark
  2. Hi, I am easing my way into the sim and finding a few issues on the way. last night I sat down and watched Baz's guide to the AI, covering movement and targetting, played a mission in the campaign, and all seemed ok. Today, I decided to try a mission, downloaded, one from sander, called Road toll. However, playing it, I am finding that my squad are not reacting to my commands as they should. So I was wondering if there was circumstances that affected their reaction to orders. Do you have to cancel a previous order for a new one to take precedence ? If so how? I have tried regroup and return to formation, but even then, they do not seem to always all come back and gather round me. I then selected all of them and ordered them to move to a point up the road, but they just stayed near me. If you have for example ordered them into a stance, eg prone, they stay in that stance until you order otherwise? What are the parameters for orders and which has precedence over what? Is this a mission issue do you think. they seem better behaved in the stock game scenarios.. also, while I have your attention, I have noticed that when wounded, after I heal them, they stay with a red colour, and I cant seem to heal them any more. Is that because once wounded, you ccannot return to 100% health and remain slightly incapacitated? Its a bit irritating when it happens to you , as you then cant walk or run, only crawl. Thanks ,mark
  3. mark turner

    quick question about command lines text for mods

    Wow, thats was quick!! Thanks, i thought I had it wrong. I must say the community for this game is just amazing and so helpful. Cheers, Mark
  4. I am just getting aquainted with how this all works, and have managed to get my combined ops install working fine, and ACE installed. I also have installed BAF and PMC dlc. My command line looks like this: "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -nosplash -world=empty -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@ACE;@ACEX Is this correct for my combined ops install? reason I ask is that in various guides and threads I have been reading, example command lines have the CBA section showing @CBA_OA, while mine say @CBA_A2. As general rule, for using combined ops, should anything in the command line referencing A2 be changed to OA? Oh and one more quick question, I have downloaded TheD's predefined user values for GL4, its a .7z file - how do I open it / where does it go? the files in the userconfig/GL4 floder are .sqf files.... Cheers, mark
  5. mark turner

    Error message on starting game with ACE addon.

    I have it working now, thanks guys. If I want to ( do I need to?) use the zues mod as well ( do they play nice together?) is all I have to do add :@zeu_AI to the end of the string on the properties shortcut ( after first making sure the folder is in my root directory? Cheers, Mark
  6. Hey guys, me again, I have set up and used addon sync to install the ace mod , also followed the youtube installation video. I have the correct ACE files in the root folder. I have altered my desktop shortcut properties target line as follows: "D:\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -mod=@ACE -mod=@ACEX When i start the game I get an error saying: include filex\cba\addons\main\script_macroscommon.hpp not found Why is this and what have I done wrong? Could swear I followed the guide exactly..... Thank you!!
  7. mark turner

    six updater- how to use?

    OOps !! beg your pardon...please feel free to move to the appropriate section. I have looked at the web link you gave, but that was the same site I had been searching in vain for any instructions on. I guess you need a degree of knowledge of the game structure and mods in general greater than i currently have........
  8. mark turner

    [CAMP/OA] Operation Mighty Justice

    Hi Bardosy, newby player here, how and where do I install this? I tried copying the PBO file to my missions folder and to the addons folder, but cant get it to show up... Thanks Mark
  9. mark turner

    six updater- how to use?

    I have installed this, ( no mods as yet) as recommended by one of you kindly gents as a good way to manage my mods etc. However, i dont seem able to figure out how to use it. I am new to the game and have zero knowledge of the file structure etc, so its all a bit confusing. The web site FAQ did not help me either, can someone give me some simple newby oriented useage instructions? I have downloaded ACE and zues, but also cannot see how to easily install them either.. Thank you for your patience! Cheers, Mark
  10. Thanks guys , turning off the post process effect did the trick, however, changing the 3d setting to 2560 to match the interface made my frame rates plummet to 7 FPS, all other settings remaining the same!!! I stepped down the resolution to 1920 x 1200 and its gone back up to 19 FPS, but still not as high as I would like. What exactly does the 3 D setting govern? I had it set at 1280 before while my main res was at 2560 x 1600 and was getting 25 - 30 FPS Cheers, Mark
  11. Hi Guys, a new player here, so forgive the newby questions. I am running the game at 2560 x 1600 , with high antialiasing, high and very high textures and getting pretty good performance ( 25 FPS in the benchmarks, so no complaints there) Despite the high res and the other settings, the game looks really soft focus, not like the sharp screenshot images you see on the loading screens etc Whay is that do you think? Cheers, Mark
  12. mark turner

    Re installation issue

    OK guys, so at the risk of testing your patience, If I install vanilla arma2 first, then OA, ( Will they "see" each other and make a "combined ops install" or do I have follow any particular steps?) the I can use my patch 1.55, which seems to work fine, to patch the combined installation to the required level,( I dont need to use the 1.08 patch?) at which point I will be good to install any mods if I so wish. Have I got that right? thanks for the help, its pretty damn confusing... Cheers, mark
  13. mark turner

    Re installation issue

    Hi guys thx for the advice. I see you are referring to a "combined ops install" - how is that achieved, by simply doing what old painless described? Or is it some version you can buy? Sorry for the newby questions!! Bythe way, i have re installed just the OA on its own and patched it to 155 and its working great. So maybe I will just stick with that for the moment. Can any of the mods like ACE etc be installed to just OA ? Cheers, Mark
  14. mark turner

    Re installation issue

    Hi Mrcash, I have not installed any mods at all yet, all I had installed was vanilla Arrowhead, from the DVD, then uninstalled it, to start again with arma 2 as per your instruction. So no idea where the mod bit came from. I just uninstalled arma2 again ran regedit, deleted any bohemia interactive entry and tried again. Arma2 installed fine, I ran the game, seemed good, then i installed the patch. It was taking forever, so I left and let it get on, came back an hour later and PC was hung on a black screen, half way through a reboot. It took several attempts to restart and I looked in the system event log, but could only find a kernel restart error. so lord knows what happened there. I tried to run Arma2 to see if the patch had applied properly, but it would not start, I get a similar error message to the first one, only referring to a soldier instead of powerlines this time, and it would go no further. So, i have uninstalled again. I must say, this is pretty offputting, it nearly killed my PC and seems incredibly buggy and difficult just to even get the game installed. I am not sure how much more time and risk I want to take trying to do this.... anyone else had these issues? Cheers, mark
  15. mark turner

    Re installation issue

    Ok, I was advised in another thread to install Arma2 as well as OA, which I had installed as a stand alone first, was given a procedure, so uninstalled OA, then installed Arma2 from the DVD then patched it 1.08. I have not yet installed OA, but now, Arma2 wont start, I get a message first referring to " Addon CACharacter2 requires addon CAWeapions_m1014" I press ok on the message, I get the BI splash screen, then another error message saying " Warning- PreNlod format in object ca/structures\misc-powlines\powlinesconcl.p3d" I press ok and I go back to desktop..... Any help please? mark