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Everything posted by fruity_rudy

  1. fruity_rudy

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    if anybody is interested, i ported Wasteland to this wonderful Island. We do a test-run tonight. if anybody is interested , pm me in here or add me on skype : poldee187 .. And thx sumrak for the gas station info, i managed to make em work via script.. Cheers R.
  2. no thx dude. I've been on this forum for a long time, played a lot of user missions, that users actually provide for others in this "community". I never had to ask somebody to play it on our server and i won't do that in the future..Good luck with your mission and server though..
  3. So it's still not "allowed" to host it on my own ded. server ? That's something i quite don't get. I mean i donated 20 bucks to Icebreakr for his super sick islands and units. And i think that was much more work. I simply don't get, why nobody else is allowed to host the mission.
  4. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Filter for TGW , are you GMT + 1 or which zone? btw, send pm , let's not spam this thread with that
  5. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Sounds good, actually me and some others guys are going to test everything on our server, cause i also wanna use all my addons. When I'm sure it's not buggy, i will hand it over :) .. but you can aswell hop into our server and join us for some testing...cheers mate
  6. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Well i was really confused, i thought Tonic is one of the 404-guys, so i derived it from 404 wasteland cherna 2.7 ..As a matter of fact i have no clue about the difference of these two versions, or better, i did not compare them yet..And sure, you can get a copy as soon as everything's done.. Works now , but i had to bypass the random location finding script, cause Sumrak did not specify the meta code for >>cfgworlds for Namalsk .. Well i assume he didn't , cause otherwise it would work.. But you could help me stresstesting a bit..
  7. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    it's only me and 2 other guys playing / using the server.. And i'm always up for sth. new..I like your mission, but i played cherna way too much, so i need new environments :)
  8. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    hey guys.. I ported this one over to Namalsk, i don't know if everything's working fine, that's why it would be sweet if anybody would join us for some testing. Just filter for TGW , you only need Namalsk Island... cheers
  9. fruity_rudy

    WarFX : Blastcore

    would be sweet ..thx
  10. fruity_rudy

    WarFX : Blastcore

    i looked into mine and it says this : File warfxpe\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf, line 97 Error in expression <etDropInterval _dr; sleep (0 - (_speed / 0)); _i = _i + 1; }; deleteVehicle _sm> Error position: </ 0)); _i = _i + 1; }; deleteVehicle _sm>
  11. fruity_rudy

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    would you mind adding a parameter in the lobby, so admin can either do fasttime or normal time? cause i don't want to have the time skips. Or can you tell me the actual line in the scripts so i can comment it out or so? btw. : What is the difference between your version and that 404 Wasteland version? I have no clue about this mission
  12. fruity_rudy

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    You don't have to launch the dlc's in the launcher, simply start CO that's what i do all the time. You install the DLC so it's always being launched. Also did you add the beta from the left "addon" window via drag and drop to to one of the groups on the right or did you check the box "launch beta" in launch options tab?
  13. sounds good..beta testing here, if you want..let me know or hop on TS
  14. fruity_rudy

    Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

    well done..you should have added a screenie for the facs..where the vehicles spawn, to make it more clear for "newbie" commaders, so they don't mess up the factory and vehicles spawns inside a building or so ..But overall good thing
  15. fruity_rudy


    i asked, if there are addons allowed on the testing server dude, i don't wanna modify it, i only play another mission, cause i played ins too much.. :) but for in between i would join their testing server
  16. fruity_rudy


    other addons allowed??
  17. fruity_rudy

    Satellite view (SATCOM)

    addon version works, but i don't have the satcom option when i die..is it somehow possible to add a line to the init or the respawn script to restore the satcom action menu entry again, so in my dynamic mission when i get revived (ace) or respawn (mission is similar to domination) , the action is available again ?? i wasn#t able to use the script version..didn't work for me ..no clue .. or could somebody give me an example for the init, that i have to use for the script version? I'm not that familiar with it and the example on the hp or the manual isn't working for me..i think i simply don't get it :)
  18. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    no sorry, it's ok..was an ace issue..Everything solved..thx anyways.
  19. fruity_rudy

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Sickboy can you help me please?? I can host a game on my pc, when i start arma with ACE everything seems fine. I uploaded exactly the same files on the server, but i can't start it.. rpt says this ErrorMessage: Include file x\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp not found.
  20. fruity_rudy

    ACE for OA 1.13

    i updated ace, today, on my end and on the server, now i can't start the server anymore? i think i saw a message with ace_c_weapons .. in rpt..i take a look ..i just started the server without ace, acex,navy,ru , now it starts up
  21. fruity_rudy

    Robalo's ACE configs

    could it be possible that some things in these configs are outdated? i can't start the server cause it says some RH things are missing ace_c weapons or so..did you update the configs or something like that??
  22. fruity_rudy

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    ah nevermind..i DL'ed some stuff, but right now i only took version 1.0 + 1.3 update and it seems like the error is gone..i dl'ed the files manually from armaholic, and the requirements too..seems to be fine now..
  23. fruity_rudy


    is anyone of you guys familiar with this mission, regarding editing? I really like the fact, that you can team up on blufor OR do opfor to make it harder for them. Is it possible to get that feature out of the mission? So i can play as opfor vs. my buddies who are actually playing a coop..So i teleport into the AI and team up with the AI..That would be superb...
  24. fruity_rudy

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    i got a question. when i start the game it says: afghan_village requires CAPlants.. I DL'ed all the required addons and i don't know whats missing right now..any idea ?!
  25. yeah sure..tell me which size and i'll do paa-files out of it.. like 10x10 or so..just let me know what fits best..as i wrote you..i cannot play anything else except defend an area which is under attack..I have no clue why..when recomputing, only new locations for that kind of mission.. And slerbal, i kept the "old" base, cause i don't want it down there :) i saw the new text, when it says check operation plan, and the Soldier in that pic..that is good. can you do that with the images for each mission or do you wanna put it into mission info in action menu? No matter what you wanna do, it's good :) .. EDIT: I found the problem. in the createlistofmissions file line 83 and 83 //_missionnumber = 55; //_thislist = _thislist + [_missionnumber]; I assumed you did that for testing positions? this means create list + _mission number , thats 55, 55 is the defend-area-mission..i simply commented it out as you can see..now i get all missions.. i hope it works :confused: