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Everything posted by DarkMike

  1. DarkMike

    97thRR D-Day [@I44]

    Looked like a mega event to be honest! Awesome Stuff!
  2. Hi Abit Bout My Previous Ive played operation flashpoint since it cam out back in 2001 Loved the lan games i use to play with my friends from college, i then waited until number two came out, Disapointment! Ive had arma 2 for around 2 months now and have only just started getting back into the controlled movement i had when i played flashpoint 1. Im looking for a squad thats UK based, have a postive attitude to gaming, A squad willing to learn me tactics as this is something iver never done. Im 21 years old, im an airsofter for anyone who does it :) Im a student at staffordshire university with a part time job and have alot of free time to practice on arma 2 Thank You Dark.