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Everything posted by demonized

  1. No. The creators of ACE itself are watching that ace thread, meaning their thread, what better place to get answers about ACE??
  2. Edit: its a bug no doubt in my mind, bluefor present on a repeating trigger should fire every time the time interval elapses.
  3. demonized

    A-10 tips

    ....nvm myke beat me to it :)
  4. first of try using search function on forums, second try your question in the ACE thread since this is general scripting section. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=112068&highlight=ace
  5. demonized

    Fallujah 1.0

    @shezan74 Using latest patch 1.57 and no mods, thermal works as normal on foot and in vehicle.
  6. You should post your question in the ACE thread since this is the general script section. Also use SEARCH in forums. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=112068&highlight=ace
  7. demonized

    Game logics?

    gamelogic is basically a AI unit wich isnt there. You can use it to run scripts, turn engines on, switch on lights in a vehicle etc. Its like a ghost. I believe you cant use a gamelogic as a target for bombing. Not sure, since i dont know what you want a gl to do for LGB bombing. Why not use AI bomber?
  8. demonized

    Sniper + Spotter

    In MP you should really try using teamspeak or ventrilio to communicate and then you can tell your sniper where the target is, asuming sniper is human player. No need for fancy red circle. :)
  9. First off, welcome to the scripting world, Oglesbee. As mentioned be prepared for a steep learning curve. Also as mentioned open others scripts and take alook at them to see whats what, start yourself off with small scripts, nothing fancy. This is one great bible for a new scripter, Mr Murrays editing guide deluxe: It has alot of info on editor and etc as well, learned my first bits of scripting from this. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 Edit: and yeah dont forget the search function here on the forums. Anytime you have a question, it probably has been answered already somewhere sometime before. This page may be of high interest for you: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78089
  10. demonized

    Please BIS, release new DLC

    yeah having a addon missing to enter this server, press or go to this link to download missing content type thing ingame would bring alot of usermade content back to MP. The quality of user made contents on armaholic.com and others are impressive. The amount is extraordinary.
  11. @Rekrul Ok then, if i understand correctly: You want to move markers that a upsmon group is patrolling and then the upsmon group should move to that new marker position and continue their patrol there? right? I dont know what you guys are doing wrong. Ive moved markers several ways and it works for me. example:
  12. Yes ive noticed something different with triggers after patch 1.57. seems like repeating triggers are now on off and not repeating. if i set condition to alive player and 1 sec timeout and repeating it activates once, then if i exit trigger area and come back in it fires again. For messages: add this in trigger to get message or in script hint "any text here is showed onscreen top right"; You can also set text in trigger where you select sounds.
  13. updated my previous post and posted CIT ticket as sugested by Fireball. New observation relating to triggers.
  14. demonized

    Invalid CD KEY

    contact the shop were you bought it from.
  15. id like a command that tells wether a player cursor or anyones weapon is pointed at an object/unit. Not like the knowsabout wich stays at 4 after you look away, but instant. Look on object value is 1 or whatever. Look away and value is imediatly 0 or whatever. nvm command already exists, ty Myke for pointing it out.
  16. Ok, good you worked it out. Could you post the working MP script here so we can see? Edit: these light scripts worked in MP on dedi server, but youd need to put them in a if (isServer) then { for all the players to see it.
  17. If you have a empty vehicle near a upsmon squad and the reinforcement is activated, they will mount nearest vehicle if reinforcement area is so and so far away. When it comes to water there may be trouble, ive never noticed but place squad in boat before using upsmon on them. put this in leader initline: {_x moveInCargo nameofboat} forEach Units Group this; this moveInDriver nameofboat; And in upsmon init of that group use the "nomove" parameter. this way group will stay in boat not moving until reinforcement is activated, then they will move to area and do as normal. maybe you need a marker over their start pos to make them wait there. experiment.
  18. @M4rK3Tin6 You need to provide more details than that. how does your scripts look? how do you addaction and to what?
  19. misunderstanding on my part... @rekrul whats wrong with your script i believe is this: IF triggeractivated _sTrig THEN wich if its a normal if then check it should be like this IF (triggeractivated _sTrig) THEN with parenteces. Edit: Also i always use: if (anycondition) then { run stuff; }; @galzohar Moving markers should work normally, but upsmon group will finish their last wp before you moved marker and then move onto new marker pos. @both of you UPSMon moves marker using asl to make it hidden(sets marker to be underground), thats why if you try and set a script created wp on pos of patrol marker it will be set to lowest, left corner of map (out of bounds) To be able to use patrolmarker for anything in a script relying on position on patrol marker you need to use showmarker(wich will show marker) and markerAlpha way(wich hides marker from view, not moving it)
  20. demonized

    JTD improved grenade effect

    looks nice, but whats with that mini mushroom cloud on some of the grenade shots? Edit: first one is at 0.09 in video.
  21. First off all, awsome work on patches BI, also great to see helis can again fly in hilly areas and no more rollercoaster beheaviour A few bugs or issues, no big deal, can be worked around but id mention them anyway. Appologise if this has been reported in previous posts. Ive noticed 2 things when using transport unload wp with helis: 1: when having a group lead by AI moved inside AI heli with {_x moveIncargo heliname} foreach units this and group has no wp of its own, heli will not unload them, leader of group will tell group to disembark and group will reply with no can do, negative etc. Heli will just hang in the air over the WP waiting for group to start disembark. It makes no difference if you assignAsCArgo before moveinCArgo, also it does not matter if you use H for landing or no H. If group has wp of its own, say a SAD wp anywhere, transport unload works with no issues. this is not clear all the time after further testing, sometimes it works other times not, seems depending on area, not clear as to what kind of area, 2: using Transport unload wp for a heli with no invicible H or any kind H at wp location, heli seems to use the selectBestPlaces command and its focused on hills, while ignoring open areas and roads. Also this ive noticed about heli beheaviour: 1: using flyinheight for heli will make heli stand still and climb to set height before moving on. This is when starting first wp after flyinheight have been activated, and if transport unloading at a wp, once passengers is out, heli stands still and climbs to its set flyinheight before moving on, doesnt matter if careless or combat same result. using no flyinheight command on heli still makes heli stand still and climb to its default flyinheight set by the game engine, before moving on. So if i have a heli with flyinheight 250, and transport unload wp, once passengers is out, heli will stand still at pos and climb to 250 height and then move on to next wp.
  22. nice, testing. great works you have DMarwick, big fan of JTD FAS.
  23. demonized

    UAV unpredictable behavior

    I cant tell you anything specific about the UAV since ive never used it. But since its an vehicle here is some info: When it dies you need to give its commands all over again, when a unit dies and respawns it looses all previous commands and is pretty much a new unit without commands. If you use the common vehicle respawn script found here on forums you can simply attach some form of script with commands to the units name. Else you need to make sure that you have named respawned unit. this is the script you will run at it the first time aswell in mission start. There is some way to copy placed waypoints to a script but youll need to do some research on that. creating scripts with waypoints is pretty easy look here for info on creating waypoint: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWaypoint this for adjusting waypoint types: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWaypointType
  24. demonized

    JTD Hide

    Sounds great DMarkwick, will deffinetly try this out.
  25. demonized

    Essential Tweaks & Mods?

    the best way to experience Arma2 is online with friends or team focused public servers, and using Teamspeak or similar to communicate. try out 3PARA servers for exelent Team play and good fun.