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Everything posted by demonized

  1. i use this for some "dedicated" testing on same machine: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655
  2. you can also if ship is sinkable, place a object at bottom of sea and attach the boat to it, then attach the heli to the boat. Just need to experiment a little with offset values on object and boat, also its important that heli is attached to boat, not boat to heli.
  3. Knowsabout 0, means unit have not seen or heard the unit. More than 0 means that its detected sound/sight of something. Above 1 means detected object, unsure what specific kind or side, but even in daylight will a unit standing with its back to you knowsabout you 0, so you will you if i sneak up behind you. viewDistance is the command to check your ingame viewdistance, but that is generally at 1500 to 10000, wich you can potentially spot something. you just needs to define yourself what range is considered spottable. you can check daytime and fogaswell i think, but daytime readings are useless if precision is desired as 04:00 in winter is not same as in summer (dark night/bright morning). this is a function created by CarlGustaffa wich calculates it somewhat but again, not 100% reliable:
  4. use detach comand when you want to take off.
  5. spawning compositions and with use of BIS_fnc_spawnGRoup and BIS_fnc_taskPatrol and use nearestobjects on composition position to check for static weapons to mount ai is is very reliable.
  6. demonized

    Race missions

    place 2 triggers in finnish area, group them to each of the racers, for the player make trigger end win, for the other make it end fail.
  7. if its simply a distance you want to check for and reveal: while {true} do { { _unit = _x; if (alive _x AND side (group _x) == east) then { { if ({(_unit distance (vehicle _x)) < 100 AND side _x == west) then {_unit reveal [_x, 4]}; } foreach allUnits; }; } foreach allUnits sleep 5; }; code will reveal all west units to all east units within 100 meter every 5 seconds.
  8. well, there is the knowsabout command, wich you could use to determine if you want to fully reveal the group.
  9. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=2081580&postcount=2
  10. by the looks of it you are synching the side value instead of the object. post the relevant code else its difficult to help you.
  11. demonized

    count units in vehicles

    just make a small (size does not matter) end trigger with this in condition: ({alive _x AND side _x == east} count allUnits) < 6 change east to whatever side you play, will end game when there are less than 6 east units alive. west east resistance civilian
  12. Using getIn or getIn Nearest waypoint on AI group on/near a vehicle, all turret slots should be filled if enough group members. Current result: group will mount: "driver","commander","gunner", then if any more members are available they will mount "cargo", extra turret slots will never be mounted. if no Cargo is available, for example TUSK, 3 will mount and last will stay outside vehicle, even though loader position "turret" is free. Using current beta 87816, though i think this has been an issue a long time (pre 1.59) repro and DH ticket: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27595
  13. ive experienced in the past that (pre 1.60) land "none" had no effect at all, only doMove away from the pos had.
  14. demonized

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    Yes thats correct.
  15. demonized

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    quick and dirty example, will drive towards any bluefor unit wich is nearest not caring if he drive on roads or offroading. 1: place in init or run on the VBIED unit. _null = [this] execVM "scriptName.sqf"; 2: save this as scriptName.sqf: _drv = driver (_this select 0); _noBoom = true; _dist = 999999; _target = _drv; _pos = []; while {_noBoom} do { { if (side _x == west AND (_x distance (vehicle _drv)) < _dist) then { _pos = getPos _x; _target = _x; }; } foreach allUnits; _drv doMove _pos; waitUntil {sleep 1; (_target distance _pos) > 10 OR (_drv distance _target) < 3 OR unitReady _drv}; if (alive _drv AND (_drv distance _target) < 3) then {_noBoom = false}; _dist = _drv distance _target; }; _drv execVM "yourKaboomScript";
  16. demonized

    Eject script ?

    click on the ParaReinforce in my sig, on top of post 1 is a very simple eject/paradrop script.
  17. demonized

    loadouts for aircrews?

    whatever you would use to equip you would place something in his init line, either a _null = this execVM "somescript.sqf"; or the addweapon code directly, instead of this or unitname in vehicle init, use this: for pilot only: to do it for entire crew of vehicle: if vehicle has passengers and you only want it applied to group of the pilot or
  18. demonized

    ACE2 HALO help...

    simple solution, once you have started the halo, run this code: waitUntil {(typeOf (vehicle _unit)) == "old_chute_name"}; _veh = vehicle _unit; _pos = getPos _veh; _unit setPos (getPos _unit); deleteVehicle _veh; _veh = createVehicle ["new_chute_name", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _unit assignASDriver _veh; _unit moveInDriver _veh; code will replace old chute with one of choise, just change names in above code.
  19. you need to spawn art module same time as arty and imediatly sync using synchronizeObjectsAdd, else it wont work. you can have several art modules in same mission.
  20. have a condition in the waypoint with height should solve the "bug" this AND (getPos (leader (group this)) select 2) < 2
  21. when you export the mission you get in MP editor mission select menu, 2 same, 1 is blue or white text, click it and you can edit it, this is the one saved with a mission folder in your documents. the other one, same name, but different color, click it and notice you can NOT edit it, only play, this is the exported one, it is located in game install dir "Arma2/MPMissions" folder, not in your documents, this cannot be edited, if you open the editable mission of same name and choose export to MP missions again, it will replace this one, leaving you with 1 "final" uneditable with all scripts and such in it, and one wich you can edit wich uses a mission folder. The guide in my sig is old, but it gives a new mission editor alot of good ways to acomplish various stuff, i highly recomend you give it a read.
  22. think you maybe could use the keyUp version together with keydown. to pass local variables to something you can use a format of the "" in the eh. _test = 0; _lv = format["if ((_this select 1) == 31) then {1} else {%1}",_test]; _display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",_lv];
  23. try: if ( (side (group (driver (vehicle _killer)))) == west ) then {hint "its a west operated vehicle"};
  24. use ctrl F to make your tank switch to Sabot shells when you are commander.
  25. Welcome to the comunity. When you open mission and save it as something else, only mission.sqm is exported to it, you need to copy all other files from original mission folder to the new folder aswell. a: not sure what script that is, filling crates? but yes, addWeapon addMagazine commands should work, though there are limits if weapon box is full etc.. also there are these commands specifically meant for adding cargo: addWeaponCargo addMagazineCargo clearWeaponCargo clearMagazineCargo b: this is related to a patrol script, you need the files from top of my post. c: how to add 5 mags: {_unitName addMagazine "magzine_class_name"} foreach [1,2,3,4,5]; d: press on the top right in editor "intel", change title of mission there.