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Everything posted by demonized

  1. demonized

    prisoner escorts

    place a trigger covering the area the player shall be considered prisoner in. make it side present, for you i asume west present. in on act: player setCaptive true; on de act: player setCaptive false; now once player leaves the trigger area, he becomes a valid target again.
  2. i asumed you used a vehicle respawn script like tophes vehicle respawn or something similar? if it was for the v 1.2 of my respawn script: check if you start it right, as i edited instrcutions after the post, i forgot to change the instruction saying add eventhandler to execVM the script instead. instructions part 1.
  3. you should maybe add in a check if the vehicle is respawned, im guessing it will be destroyed when ai resapwns so just do this before assignasdriver line: waitUntil {(getDammage _plane) == 0};
  4. Updated to v 1.2, check changelog. @A-SUICIDAL
  5. hey, i am almost ready with the next update, it includes AI and names and custom loadouts, no need for several scripts. ironing out a few details now and adding in the custom loadouts option and multiple optional spawn markers option. will post update soon.
  6. add the weapons to them before you enter them into the parachute.
  7. i added some timer and delete functions and improved upon my original code: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121814
  8. ive never had any issues with using the simplified version i posted onmapclick. not when in vehicles, airborne or ground, the only thing that happens is that the unit play the exit animation when teleporting from inside a vehicle. i always end up at 0 height. issue is if you click on a building, the floor rarely is at 0 height, its most likely 0.3 or something, varies with buildings ofc, but then you may end up on the ground wich the house is placed, and inside the foundation of the building, this will happen no matter if you force the 0 height or not, and as we know, jumping isnt at its best in arma. also a note on allowDammage, if you are inside a vehicle and only you the man unit is allowDammage false, you will die if vehicle explodes, ofc putting the allowdammage on thevehicle itself negates that giving the vehicle god mode instead. @galzohar i know this is more of a workaround, but using a hidden allowdammage false, cone or something similar small object, placing that at the pos and getPosASL from there works, minimal effort but not a direct scripting solution. ---------- Post added at 12:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ---------- creating a single player resapwn is kindof easy to do. example, not taking into account custom weapons etc. instant respawn, place one marker called graveYard somewhere out of sight. place one marker called SP_respawn where you wish to respawn. *snip* editing hold on. ---------- Post added at 01:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ---------- Edit: continous Single player respawn. place this in player initline. graveYardGrp = createGroup (side this); _idx = this addEventHandler ["killed", {_null = _this execVM "SP_respawn.sqf";}]; save this as SP_respawn.sqf _dead = _this select 0; _type = typeOf _dead; _grp = group _dead; _dead setPos (getMarkerPos "graveYard"); _unit = _grp createUnit [_type, (getMarkerPos "SP_respawn"), [], 0, "NONE"]; addSwitchableUnit _unit; selectPlayer _unit; _idx = this addEventHandler ["killed", {_null = _unit execVM "SP_respawn.sqf";}]; waitUntil {_unit == player}; [_dead] joinSilent graveYardGrp; _dead hideObject true;
  9. one helpful command when testing something in SP or MP for that sake, is to use allowDammage, here below a re a few optins i use when testing different missions, sometimes need 1, sometimes all, sometimes none. god mode: this allowDammage false; invicible /civilian mode: (will not activate any west, east, resistance triggers, nor any shooting will atract enemys) this setCaptive true; teleport on map click: onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; true;" tracking markers following a unit: _null = this spawn {while {alive _this} do {sleep 1; "markername" setMarkerPos (getPos _this); };};
  10. one soultion, have them be in their own group, all vehicles are theri own group, so when you need them to move, join all to the leader group in the order they are palced, also arange them in convoy by rank, highest front, lowest rear, for best results. I used a great convoy script before, wich i found on armaholic, it did almost perfect convoys. just look in the scripting part of A2 or OA downloads on armaholic.
  11. here is a updated version of my take on this with xenos script. works quite well in SP tests.
  12. demonized

    Ambient IEDs

    search the forum and armaholic, there are literally 10´s if not hundreds of these type of scripts.
  13. when you first mentioned this in the other thread, Xenos vehicle rearm script imediatly came to mind. here is a crude working version of this, (just tested in SP editor) i just wanted to post it before i go into the code and start changing it for the issues descibed in notes: Xenos vehicle rearm script is unmodified, exept for i removed the setfuel 0 at start and commented a few other lines, i also changed the text displayed. Notes: place your trigger and have it cover the runway for example, set it to rectangle and adjust size. make it anyone or side present, repeated, 0 delay. in on act: _null = thisTrigger execVM "flybyRearm.sqf"; in the top of script adjust the minSpeed and minHeight options, its what is minimum for start of rearm. flybyRearm.sqf edit: note to self, press refresh button before posting. btw, i flyed my a10, unloaded all the weapons made a slow pass over the runway and was fully rearmed at the end of the runway good to go. however i could just dive in start the rearm and go wherever i wanted, since the script does not care yet if i stay inside the trigger area.
  14. after you have adjusted to the specific details Xeno mentioned, do this to make it work for all players. just use publicVariable and MP framwork: objT1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; publicVariable "objT1"; // this will give all clients the updated taskstate. [nil,nil,rHINT,"Enjoy the game."] call RE; // this will show a hint on every client.
  15. why not just make the action available to just the pilot? i dont see any issues with being inside differ from being outside as galzohar is claiming. you can add a pilot only can see the action condition like this: _idx = this addAction ["A 10 Loadout", "scriptname.sqf", [], 0, false, true, "", "[b]driver _target == _this[/b]"]; ive higlighted the condition part of the action, it takes special variables: _target = the object the action is on. _this = the one doing the calling of the action. the above condition will only make the action visible to anyone being the driver. so no problem with "outsiders" activating the loadout messing it up for the pilot. And again: There should be no whatsoever difference in activating the action on the inside or the outside. locality is the same, player is the same, vehicle is the same. If you for some reason need the pilot to exit to change loadout, then you can assign some keys to the pilot using setVariable and using _Target getvariable in the condition of the action. many posibilitys.
  16. demonized

    BIS_fnc_spawnGroup issue

    The way to run this is many, your trigger method would be one of them. only thing you need to change is the marker names in the code, rest is _local variables, meaning they have no affect on other scripts. and ofc the different options as height etc and the types of planes spawned if that is not all su34´s. ive actually just been flying around in takistan battling su34´s with a f35 using this code, its quite fun and relaxing in a twisted sort of way :D
  17. demonized

    BIS_fnc_spawnGroup issue

    exelent idea, but you should really make a seperate thread for that so others can find it by searching.
  18. demonized

    BIS_fnc_spawnGroup issue

    make sure to add a unit of that side on the map, you can set the probability to 0 in the unit placement window so he will not actually be there.
  19. create several different identitys in a file called description.ext and place it in your mission folder: class CfgIdentities { class John_Doe { name = "John Bartholemew Doe"; face = "Face20"; glasses = "None"; speaker = "Dan"; pitch = 1.1; }; }; more info here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity
  20. lets say you have a officer unit placed at a base, name him unitName in the name field in the unit placement window. now place a radio trigger or a opfor not present or something, type of trigger does not matter, that will only be "when" you want the switch to happen, for now just use a radio trigger in a test mission. place the code in the on act field of a trigger. when you run the trigger, either from radio menu (press 0, 0 ingame) or opfor not present or whatever you use, you will switch to control the officer.
  21. demonized

    BIS_fnc_spawnGroup issue

    np m8, by the looks of your now edited post, it was a good reason to be hyped. :) the part about the techno beat and swarm of enemys got me a little hyped as well :D i forget to refresh the page many times myself, leads me in all kinds of trouble. ;)
  22. selectPlayer command works well in SP, exept for yhe fact that your name will also change. (just a detail) when in your mission you want to switch to another unit automatically, do this: name the unit you wish to switch to, unitName, can also be a spawned unit with name or handle. addSwitchableUnit unitName; selectPlayer unitName; for MP this command has alot of issues, i have a working MP switching part in a beta version of my player loadout script in my id. it will work with normal MP respawns, but so many other "mission related" issues will occur so i eventually gave up on the uniform switching project.
  23. demonized

    Rescue Missions

    np m8, i would ofc not just use it like that myself, i would have created a invicible H at a safePos near player in open terrain, instead of relying on AI to find a good lz, but most of the time AI does well on his own. Also the above is very hard to grasp if you are new to scripting so youll maybe learn that at a later time when scripting for Arma, and i wont go into it now.
  24. demonized

    Rescue Missions

    there was a missing ) in my code, and after testing i added a dostop command for functionality. new code: _pos = getPos unitShootingFlare; helipilot doMove _pos; waitUntil {((vehicle helipilot) distance _pos) < (100 + (getPos (vehicle helipilot) select 2))}; unitShootingFlare assignAsCargo (vehicle helipilot); doStop helipilot; (vehicle helipilot) land "GET IN"; waitUntil {unitShootingFlare in (vehicle helipilot)}; helipilot doMove (getMarkerPos "base");
  25. maybe issue is locality, i see the commands should work from local to global but anyhow, try this: place in init.sqf: ch50Loadout1 = false; place a repeated trigger cond: isServer AND ch50Loadout1 on act: ch50Loadout1 = false; _null = [] spawn { ch50 removeMagazinesTurret ["2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z",[-1]]; ch50 removeMagazinesTurret ["2Rnd_Maverick_A10",[-1]]; ch50 removeMagazinesTurret ["4Rnd_GBU12",[-1]]; ch50 removeWeapon "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z"; ch50 removeWeapon "MaverickLauncher"; ch50 removeWeapon "BombLauncherA10"; {ch50 addMagazineTurret ["4Rnd_GBU12",[-1]];} forEach [1,2]; ch50 addWeapon "BombLauncherA10"; }; in your "scripts\loadout1.sqf" place this only: ch50Loadout1 = true; publicVariable "ch50Loadout1"; this should activate the script on the server only everytime you use the action. edit: experiment with removing isServer AND from the condition to run it on all clients.. this is only major guesswork on my part btw.