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Everything posted by demonized

  1. demonized

    Stagger opfor planes

    if planes have no fuel, pilots auto exit them, no matter if you enablesimulation false. best way i know, is keep pilots gathered somewhere near on foot, use timers or switch triggers on hold wps to make them enter planes and then take off.
  2. demonized

    waituntil player distance on Dedi

    this line will check if any player is within the distance, deosnt matter what client they are. waitUntil {({isPlayer _x AND (_x distance _vip1) < 5} count playableUnits) != 0}; but the need for this code, very much depends on what this is:
  3. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/High_Command
  4. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    snow, mud, swamps. A additional ground layer wich will be displaced by objects, like wheels, tracks, units etc, and affect their movement speed. Maybe a module or object placed, could be customized in "height", so we can have deep snow up on the walls of buildings, wet deep swamp so we sink into ground, same for mud on roads etc. this would be a great diversity thing, imagine the winter battles that can be made out of any map, you get Takistan dusty desert, place a module with a param, [bIS_fnc_snow, 65] and you get Takistan with 65 cm of snow, anything under the top of snow could be deleted, so easier on the object/clutter count for map etc... You could then get many maps out of a single one with just a simple module.
  5. use 2 master arrays, one for AH-64 one for Ah6j, if anyone is in one they can use corresponding heli, if not they cant..
  6. demonized


    interesting stuff, as several above stated, linking it to ingame weather would be most welcome.
  7. demonized

    AA pods stop fire under hight xx

    @psivalli getpos is ground level, getPosASL is sea level, flying up a hill as it is now, as long as you have 80 or less altitude youre good, no matter if hill is 2k high.
  8. some of these stories or reveals are just to "good" to be true. are we sure they have really quitted? :)
  9. demonized

    Bin Laden Is Dead

    @[GLT]Myke Yeah i understand the political decision, not that i agree with it. Short term, it was the quickest and most global peaceful thing to do. But history dictates that they will always have bloodshed, it is culture or heritage. Now they have noone to hold accountable, exept the new war lords taking his place and celebrating his "sacrifise" to inspire the newly recruited troops, so that they might join him in paradise some day. We only bought a cheap temp peace or temp non escalation. (cheap in a global term) IMO we acknowledged that the very (version) of their religion that inspires to fight was real and valid, and thus we gave away our biggest chance of ever settling any peace or form of progress. If we could have publicly discredited him as a betrayer of his own religion via old respected tribal leaders by any means (bribes,threats,deals), we could have achived powerful longterm results, at least thats what i think.
  10. demonized

    England 'Riots'

    very true, and lol :D
  11. demonized

    England 'Riots'

    I guess i had that one coming :) Who said immigrants were darker skin? some are pale white as us, some are just a normal tan, wich we at this time of the year out tan. Anywho, its not about race havent been for years, my post was a outburst/trolling. I am fully aware that it is not that simple as its the brown dudes that fuck the world up. But that we let so many of them in, is certainly the whole problem. There is nothing to catch them, or throw them if needed, so we get this, people mad because they didnt get house, fancy car and vacations every year.. ;) Just got sick of those justifying and avoiding the whole immigrant issues. You know, political fog talk... aka: (awwifeelsorryforyaalllittlepoorthingstakemymothersmoneyandmyfathersjobandgogetsomenikesandiphones)
  12. Thats strange, i have seen several being forced to use html file, can you post your working mission, id like to see it. Also maybe you have stumbled upon a freak bug, though i dont know how many uses the weather module.
  13. demonized

    DLC for ArmA 3: A2 units

    not to worry, even if we got terminators against spock and his phazer, you would still get high quality Arma2 content in A3 after a very very short while. Community will make sure of it, i bet you one free copy of A3 on that. There is also some hope for some extra goodies, like the attacking three mod. :D
  14. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    yeah the knowsabout feature is anoying, there should be somekind of visual AI used, as of now it is vey bad. one could run a loop around the player and decrease the skill of certain aspects like aimspeed or firing speed etc, once player is prone in grass, but that would be somewhat cumbersome to do.
  15. demonized

    England 'Riots'

    fucking immigrants, house, fancy car and holidays every year, go somewhere else, preferably home but away works too! and who promised them these things..? What we are seeing is eastern culture clashing with western, crasy violence to get attention. Here they know we dont enforce hard, so its free for all. Kick them all out, imprison them in a chaingang in their own country were they could spend punishment building up something useful there.
  16. demonized

    Need JIP Help

    Your by far best bet, is to ask the creator himself in the taskmaster thread.
  17. im guessing your older mission is also played in a older patch, you do need what kylania said at least now.
  18. Editing Domination is and never has been easy. In fact, i dont think Xeno has that word in his dictionary.
  19. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    roll around or crawl around to make grass "fall" "prepping" your site. if you notice in 3rd person view, soldiers lying lie with head hunched down to ground, in RL you would extend your neck and raise head and get a better view, 10 cm extend and raise does alot in high grass. lying with your head to the ground and even 20 cm of grass limits your view.
  20. demonized

    Addaction and playsound

    most likely because playsound is a local command and addaction is local too, though you should hear the sound then... do you have anything exiting in the script? like if (!isServer) exitWith {}; that would make only server hear the sound and on dedi thats no players... show the full addaction script for more debugging, as its only guesswork at this point. Edit: ninjaed, and yeah, MP framework would do the job.
  21. demonized

    AA pods stop fire under hight xx

    try this, name all your pods and add the to the array/list as shown: _null = (vehicle this) spawn { _aaPods = [pod1,pod2,pod3,etc]; while {(getDammage _this) < 1 AND !isNull _this} do { if ((getPos _this select 2) > 80) then { {(gunner _x) disableAI "AUTOTARGET"} foreach _aaPods; } else { {(gunner _x) enableAI "AUTOTARGET"} foreach _aaPods; }; sleep 1; }; };
  22. demonized

    Need JIP Help

    array of markers: ["marker1","marker2","marker3"]
  23. demonized

    AA pods stop fire under hight xx

    you can place in init line of any vehicle: _null = (vehicle this) spawn { while {(getDammage _this) < 1 AND !isNull _this} do { if ((getPos _this select 2) > 80) then { _this setCaptive false; } else { _this setCaptive true; }; sleep 1; }; }; what it does: when vehicle is below 80 meter from ground its setCaptive, wich means no one will shoot at it, when its above its normal, all enemys will shoot at it. script will exit when vehicle is wrecked or deleted. Note: even if the vehicle is under the height and enemys wont shoot at it, the vehicle will still shoot at the enemys. for flying altitudes use vehiclename flyInHeight 70; now vehicle will try and maintain 70 meter height while flying.
  24. just find or create a position in the direction you want to watch and watch that.
  25. /* Change sights. by Demonized. place this in init of unit. _null = ["start",this] execVM "sights.sqf"; save this script as sights.sqf */ _unit = _this select 1; if ("start" in _this) exitWith { ACOG = true; _unit addAction ["ACOG sight", "sights.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "_target == _this AND !ACOG"]; _unit addAction ["CWS sight", "sights.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "_target == _this AND ACOG"]; }; if (ACOG) then { _unit removeWeapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG"; _unit addWeapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS"; ACOG = false; } else { _unit removeWeapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS"; _unit addWeapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG"; ACOG = true; }; _unit selectWeapon (primaryWeapon _unit); updated script with proper classnames and added selectWeapon line. important that you start with either ACOG rifle.