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Everything posted by demonized

  1. if you read info on BIS_fnc_spawn.... youll see that you need a functions module placed on map, and wait for it to be initiated, usually a second or 2 else use the condition found on the BIKI.Edit: seems the BIKI isnt very clear on the functions module, its a small note at bottom page. place this in the triggers condition line and it will activate immediatly once the module is ready. !isnil "bis_fnc_init"
  2. this is how it should look: btw, you had one to many }; wich isnt surprising since it was setup in its messy state. anyhow, not tested or changed anything, just removed the extra }; and set it up so its actually viewable. _unit = _this select 1; if (!alive s1) then { hint "The Team Leader is currently dead."; } else { if (vehicle s1 == s1) then { _unit setDir direction s1; _unit setPosATL [getPosATL s1 select 0,getPosATL s1 select 1,getPosATL s1 select 2]; _unit setPos (s1 modelToWorld [+0.75,-1,((position s1) select 2)+0]); } else { if (vehicle s1 != s1) then { _freePosGunner = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "gunner"; _freePosCommander = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "commander"; _freePosCargo = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "cargo"; _freePosDriver = (vehicle s1) emptyPositions "driver"; if (_freePosGunner > 0) then { _unit moveInGunner (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosCommander > 0) then { _unit moveInCommander (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosCargo > 0) then { _unit moveInCargo (vehicle s1); } else { if (_freePosDriver > 0) then { _unit moveInDriver (vehicle s1); } else { hint "The Team Leader's vehicle currently has no empty seats to teleport to."; }; }; }; }; }; }; Like Kylania posted in 4th post, use tab between next line after {, arma edit does that automatically for me, a superb script editor.
  3. how are you starting it in mission? is it a trigger or action?
  4. 1: _null works just fine without local variable in global space error, why i cant tell you since i dont really know why. i always use _null and it always works. 2: sqs is slower, sqf is faster. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=6thSense.eu:EG#SQF_vs_SQS look through that exxelent page, it explains alot of different stuff. I myself started out with sqs and learned from Mr Murrays exxelent guide, once i wanted more i had to learn sqf, and now i never really use sqs anymore, its like the lada VS the Batmobile, both can drive on the road, but Batmobile can do so much more. Highly recomend you start learning some sqf, its not that different from sqs really, just if instead of ? and then instead of : and sleep instead of ~ etc, ofc there is much more but it all makes sense after a short while. Look up other peoples sqf scripts, start small and youll get a hang of it. Also do a few searches and im sure there is several sqf guides out there.
  5. I was sure getVariable would work for JIP´s, anywho.. other possible ways might be: Edit: unless the vehicle init, will mess it up giving it its original setVar on JIP. try setting the variable in a script only if variable is not there instead. for the JIP markers part, one way of doing it possibly: again use a global variable with pubvar. dont place marker in editor, we spawn it instead via init,sqf place in init.sqf: marker is named "A_S_rally1" if (isNil ("A_S_rally1")) then { _marker = createMarker["A_S_rally1",[0,0,0]]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "DOT"; A_S_rally1 = [_marker,[0,0,0],"ICON","DOT"]; publicVariable "A_S_rally1"; } else { _marker = createMarker[(A_S_rally1 select 0),(A_S_rally1 select 1)]; _marker setMarkerShape (A_S_rally1 select 2); _marker setMarkerType (A_S_rally1 select 3); }; in the rally point script whenever the marker is moved add this after the move: A_S_rally1 set [1, (getMarkerPos _marker)]; publicVariable "A_S_rally1"; Im am sure there is another way, like using MP framework or something, this above is just untested, speculations by me..
  6. demonized

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Havent you heard? its the future and sci fi, we simply beam them down from the Enterprise :p
  7. maybe this will yield an error: null = execVM "scripts\sidemissionstart.sqf"; try this instead: null = [] execVM "scripts\sidemissionstart.sqf";
  8. use this, ive set the text time to 10, change it to what suits your needs. titleText ["Jungle Trek\n\n by Rip\n\nVersion 1", "BLACK", 10]; cutText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; 10 fadeSound 1; 10 fadeMusic 0.5; sleep 5; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5];
  9. the problem is this: [player, c130] exec "/scripts/eject.sqs" in any editor item, (unit, object, trigger etc) you need to have a handle on all exec, execVM, spawn, call lines. placing this in your trigger should fix alot. [b]_null = [/b][player, c130] exec "/scripts/eject.sqs"; Edit: and your / is wrong, should be \ Not sure if it matters though.
  10. dont think markernames like spaces in them: this is most likely a error. "Chernogorsk FOB" should be: "Chernogorsk_FOB"
  11. titleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 0]; titleText ["Jungle Trek\n\n by Rip\n\nVersion 1", "BLACK IN", 5]; fadeSound fadeMusic
  12. 1: spawn the vehicle using BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle. 2: create a waypoint on the mapclicked position. 3: waitUntil so and so distance away from getWPPos from currentWaypoint, run bomb script, or just run code directly in waypoint on act. 4: doMove or create a new waypoint and deleteVehicle when unitready or in on act of wp. ;)
  13. demonized

    AA pods stop fire under hight xx

    maybe its because they already have you targeted and the target is not switched off, only checking for new targets, and the isServer part. here we switch off both current and new targets, and run only on server side. _null = (vehicle this) spawn { _veh = _this; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _aaPods = [pod1,pod2,pod3,etc]; _disable = ["TARGET","AUTOTARGET"]; while {(getDammage _veh) < 1 AND !isNull _veh} do { if ((getPos _veh select 2) > 80) then { { _gun = gunner _x; {_gun disableAI _x} foreach _disable; } foreach _aaPods; } else { { _gun = gunner _x; {_gun enableAI _x} foreach _disable; } foreach _aaPods; }; sleep 1; }; };
  14. Make sure the plane has a clear taxi way to the correct take off side of the airport. Ai inside hangars is most likely not a good idea, though i havent tried that in a long while. Place the first waypoint say 500 or 1000 meter directly in front of his takeof direction, the way he starts his takeof, on takistan South Airport that is North East - East i believe. Also if you use moveInDriver on AI, make sure you use assignAsDriver first, if you dont, AI will not "know" that he is in a vehicle.
  15. Use a resistance pilot and setCaptive before the wp and change it after the wp. Or you can just make them enemy to everyone with this: place in wp: {_x [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addRating"]addRating [/url]-99999} foreach crew (vehicle _this);
  16. you can just make the crew join a enemy side group. make sure you have a enemy side unit placed somewhere before this or have side center: place directly in any waypoint. groupIndependent = createGroup resistance; {[_x] joinSilent groupIndependent} foreach crew (vehicle _this);
  17. demonized

    Random Weapon config.cpp

    try my preset loadouts script in my sig, it works for AI too, info in instructions. its still scripted, but one time only and then its saved for all future. also celery may have already posted a script you may want, im not fully sure about the details but its some random equipment type thing. just search for him in advanced search >> users. Edit: i meant this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100496
  18. demonized

    Removing dead BIS_fnc_spawnGroup

    For deleting only that single group when they are all dead: _grpradar = [getPos _name, east, _enemyCount] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _grpradar spawn { _units = units _this; waitUntil {sleep 2; ({alive _x} count _units) == 0}; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach _units; deleteGroup _this; }; Edit: updated above code, with deleting group aswell, to keep away from 144 group limit. Note: only meant for man type units, if you use vehicles in your group, then setPos them before deleting, and add the vehicle to the _units array. Or you can use my delete script wich handles any units, no matter when and how they are spawned.
  19. afaik there is a "roof" in the world at 500 or 1000 meter or something like that for AI pilots, above that and they act "high" encountered this in another thread awhile ago when we could not get AI pilots to ignore known AA threats upon spawn. some bombing run or strafing run type thread, im to tired to go thrugh all my previous posts, and i couldnt find it with some quick searches.
  20. Nice work, downloading. I am working on a multiple missions MP mission, and have been looking at having some form of code be input by players to skip to a previous gained point upon a restart etc. This will help alot in getting that working. Cheers
  21. demonized

    OnPlayerKilled script

    you should not need the alive _killer part, as he can be suicided by himself, grenade to close etc.. also you used player instead of the local variable _player wich means the player no matter what unit he is, so the kiled player is not used in the check, but the current state of player is. ? (_killer == _player) : goto "suicide" you use [_player, _killer] as info sent to the death script, make sure you use _this select 0, _this select 1, and use _player instead of player..
  22. Additionally, you can manually arange the order shown in MP lobby in the mission.sqm file. top is top in lobby, bottom is bottom. Think it was like that, quick to find out if other way around though :)
  23. demonized

    Where did you buy Arma 2?

    A2, OA, BAF, PMC - all from sprocket like a breeze.
  24. demonized

    Spawn enemy intervel

    use a while loop on getMarkerPos "yourmarker". while {true} do { create the unit here sleep (60 * 15); }; be careful with the max amount of groups for that side, 144, though it will take you 36 hours to reach that just with this loop.