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Everything posted by demonized

  1. in my script i use BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle to spawn a heli with crew and then assign it waypoints to go to. Problem: when i try to set wp position to center of a rectangular marker, wp is set to lowest furthemost left of mapscreen, why? Ive worked around this problem by having empty markers placed in editor centered on the rectangle markers and setting wp to them instead. I tried in same script to create a marker(instead of having them preplaced in editor) and set created markers position to rectangle marker using a _name instead of name, so that i can run script many times same time without conflicts, but i get errors. Anyone know if it even possible to do something like this? Ive tried different approaches using markerPos, with and without () etc... problem was upsmon related Edit: maybe i should just use invicible h´s. Id still like some info on the above if anyone can shed some light on this? this is whats causing the problem: first deployment works with invicible h, then second time AFTER upsmon is started on marker it sets next invicible h to the lowest most left corner of map. This is what i think is the problem in the upsmon script: // show area marker _showmarker = if ("SHOWMARKER" in _UCthis) then {"SHOWMARKER"} else {"HIDEMARKER"}; if (_showmarker=="HIDEMARKER") then { //_areamarker setMarkerCondition "false"; // VBS2 _areamarker setMarkerPos [-abs(_centerX),-abs(_centerY)]; }; It sets the marker to some form of absolute value, unsure about the details. link to bis info on abs : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/abs Anyone know a way i can work around this in script without making adjustments to upsmon itself?? How to create a marker or invicible h on marker position after scripting above is run on it? Regards Tried alot of diff stuff, and finally got this and results was working!! Reversing effect: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1808557#post1808557 I still dont fully understand what abs does exactly when used like in above, anyone with a better explanation than bis wiki please feel free to post here.
  2. I was gambling on -abs meant underground, and abs meant over, after i looked at that bis info, testing supports that. So here where -abs have a - in front, means it will set it to 0 or any negative number, meaning underground (out of sight). And with no - infront, just abs it will be opposite, 0 or any positive number Underground with -abs: _areamarker setMarkerPos [-abs(_centerX),-abs(_centerY)]; i only see x and y here no Z but maybe Z is set anyway. Overground with abs: _areamarker setMarkerPos [abs(_centerX),abs(_centerY)];
  3. yeah i have an extra set of markers placed manually on center of each patrol marker, that works, but its an extra hassle to do it, i would like to make my script work alone with only patrol marker, but guess ill have to live with the extra markers for awhile. Edit: Content deleted, buggy solution. The working solution...... im almost sad to say... is to use "markername" setMarkerAlpha 0; on upsmon markers and then activate "showmarker" in every upsmon group initline, wich basicallyt leaves markers as normal without changing them, and setMarkerAlpha hides them from the start so all working ok, even wp, etc... lol, simple solution is often the best.
  4. Ive run into a problem with upsmon: Regards Edit: Problem has been resolved Solution is to use setMarker alpha on markers and use "showmarker" in upsmon goups init lines.
  5. demonized

    Servers with voice and team-work.

    in serverlist filter enter para and join 3PARA server. I can highly recomend 3PARA for teamwork and communication, TS open to and encouraged for all publics. Also 1PARA server is ran in similar way, join them if 3PARA is full ;)
  6. demonized

    How to AI Paradrop on trigger?

    np, i didnt realise it was for arma. well script was made for arma2 with OA units. Converting it to only arma 2 requires you to just replace the group spawn units with arma 2 classnames, and heli with a arma2 heli. fairly simple. I think all the script should work in arma2, not sure but remember to put a functions module on map.
  7. demonized

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    1: id like to see bigger maps, having 50km2 to play large campaigns on, and a built in standard cache system or module, including all objects threes houses etc similar way like community made unit caching works, if any player within a specified range objects are spawned, else not present, landscape is bare. 2: id like to have a module in editor that makes all building within adjustable range(preferred) or just all over the map, house versions you cannot enter(no interior), meaning hell of a less workload for the game engine. Very usable for some missions, for others not. 3: I dont really care for any DLC´s, personally i bought them all just to support BIS to continue improve on arma2. Id pay for any new usable map gladly(PMC map is not counted as a usable map), screw the units we have alot of exelent units addons in the community. Great new maps for DLC will generate alot of green for BIS. Anyways, big fan of Arma go BIS:yay:
  8. I agree that fallujah gives great performance. Zargabad basically sucks. Have you ever tried entering all the buildings in fallujah, or at least alot of them?? Well you cant. Reason why fallujah runs so great, well one of the reasons, is that many of the buildings are boxes wich you cannot enter, (closed houses) All the buildings in OA and zargabad you can enter and walk around in, wich forces game to create outside and inside walls, floors, roof for every single building. This is the reason for bad fps in zargabad and OA big citys. All they saved on less grass, threes etc is spent thrifold on getting all the nice walkable buildings running. And dont forget about destroyed buildings in oa, alot of mess for the game to handle after awhile rampaging on takistan or zargabad map.. Oh and btw, fallujah version 1 is rumored to soon be out
  9. Demo mission by author is made on utes(wich requires Arma 2), but upsmon doesnt care what units or wich map its used on. But if you only have OA, simply just copy all exept the mission.sqm into your mission folder, and use read me to set it up.
  10. try using BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle, also maybe take a look at my script and see if you can modify it to your own needs. scripts are detailed with info on each part, so you can easily pick and choose if you have some scripting knowledge. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111311 Anyway here is a functioning spawned East mi8 with East crew at 100 meters flying // create drophelo with full crew at 100 altitude, setting heli to spawn at high altitude sometimes causes nosedive to fiery death when alot of scripts are running, works fine if not. set 100 to 0 if issues arise in your mission _sv = [[getMarkerPos anymarker select 0, getMarkerPos anymarker select 1, 100], random 360, "Mi17_TK_EP1", EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; // Name the vehicle and group _drophelo = _sv select 0; // vehicle spawned. _drophelogrp = _sv select 2; // group of vehicle so waypoints work. _helopilot = (driver _drophelo); // get pilot of drophelo _helopilot setSkill 1; // set high skill on pilot. // set what height drophelo will fly in: this seems to fix the crash when spawned at altitude _drophelo flyInHeight 100; // go to random Position 3000m from center of city marker, flyby.. _wp0 = _drophelogrp addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "headtocity", 3000]; _wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp0 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp0 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; // set to "CARELESS" if trouble with enemys distracting heli. _wp0 setWaypointFormation "LINE"; [_drophelogrp,0] setWaypointStatements ["true", "hint 'heli have reached waypoint'"]; // activate first move for pilot incase something stops 1st wp to be executed somehow _helopilot doMove (getWPPos _wp0); EDIT: you need to have function module placed on map, in editor press F7.
  11. demonized

    How to AI Paradrop on trigger?

    saw this post while browsing the forum hunting treasures. In case you havent already found a solution to this here is my workin (at least in SP editor and self MP) script, i assume it works on dedicated server, but no guarantees, have not yet tested it on dedi. Edit1: im new to MP scripting and no expert so code may be abit primitive.... Edit2: This above in spoiler was my original personalised beta version, ive released an Updated V1 here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111311
  12. Is there a way i can set something in the init.sqf or somewhere that if player joining mission is not named Specific playername or maybe use playerid ******. If not same name or id exit or end mission.. Reason why is i want to test my mission on server and make sure noone from my clan cannot sneak a peak on it until im completely satisfied with it, and its ready for use..
  13. Much appreciated. lol yeah i met that strange beast a little while ago, was editing my missions with a clean shortcut, but one night i apparently edited with my mods activated, (diff shortcut) i got laptop wtf not installed and started pulling my hair out.... after some time and some research on forums, i found that it worked with my regular gaming shortcut, found item in mission replaced it and luckyli found the part in mission.sqm so i could delete it. A little while there i was sure mission was lost.... and i had been putting it all in bit by bit after i found something new or usable for mission on forums.. had no chance to repro it easily..
  14. Regarding my previous post 1 page back: Have edited post. I was not aware of thet flares didnt give AI light as it appeared so from player POV. Silly BIS.. :) In my script now, flares are giving AI actual light, AI will see in the dark now when a flare is up on the sky., using EH. Flare is no longer just eye candy for players. Also added optional line to include in init.sqf so that any player firing a flare will also give AI light while flare is in the air. Tnx to info and example scripts from Carl Gustafa. Link to forum post with script 1 page back
  15. if (isServer) then { hint "only server will see this, wich is AI on dedicated server and not players"; }; hint "all players will see this but AI on dedicated server will not"; 1:Im wondering, is this the way it will work? or do i need seperate scripts for server and clients? 2:isDedicated whats the difference if i use scripts on a dedicated server, do i need this instead of isServer?
  16. demonized

    isServer question

    Thank you CptBBQ, easy and simple:) I was getting myself into the mud, forgot about true false.... >.<
  17. Well from what someone tells me is that to fully test a missions functionality you have to have it on dedicated server, running it from home may show no problems, then once mission night with clan, scripts dont work because of dedicated server and differences when running scripts.. I have no clue really, i just took their word for it, im a new scripter, worked my way into MP scripts a month or 2 ago..
  18. yeah well its not life dependant, just wanted to make sure any curiosity would falter at first sight,, having a message saying "please wait, your not allowed to preview mission until its complete, mission will now terminate" if they really want to download take a sneak peak at it before i actually wanted them to, by all means, spoil your own surprise. Server is btw passworded since its our mission server so its no publics who have acess, only members. I just remembered that mission in oa at the mine, where you had to enter a correct code in the laptop else mine blows and mission is failure.. something like that would be perfect for me :)
  19. demonized

    isServer question

    I dont understand.. will i be better of using: isDedicated? if (isDedicated) then { hint "only dedicated server will see this, meaning only AI"; }; hint "all players will see this"; or is there an if (clientside_type_var) then {.... Im abit confused as to how it works. ---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ---------- from what i am using now in my various scripts: Is that for server only scripts, i use if (isServer) then {all kinds of stuff}; example: creating light only for AI on server on a launched flare so they actually see in the light of the flare at night, players will not see any changes. i believed that when i didnt use isServer it would be happening on all players machines, and when isServer was used only AI or dedicated server would see change. EDIT:if(isServer) exitWith{}; server dont run script below this, but for all players script below this exitwith is run normally on each computer? Am i way off? Wiki isnt all that clear on the subject.
  20. Lol yes, locking, trouble is mission will be there more than my time online and i cant remove it without having to wait awhile, maybe a day.. onPlayerConnected will do nicely i think. thank you
  21. I have made a script for AI to use flares, and it works perfectly together with upsmon. Idea to using this together with UPSMON stems from Lightspeed_aust previous post about using housepatrol together with UPSMON. Update: flare now gives actual light so AI will see in the dark while flare is on the sky. here is my thread with info how too and scripts: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1804029#post1804029 Also a suggestion to UPSMON creator, could you make AI use flares, either by this script or something similar, Carl Gustafa has posted some very useful info, and more complex on this matter aswell.
  22. Added Event handler to create actual light for AI when flare is lit based on Carl Gustafas scripts and helpful tips. If you use both of the scripts, AI will also get vision same as players at night when AI shoots a flare. Also added and optional line for init.sqf so that if any players would shoot a flare, then same effect will be added for AI, meaning if player shoot a flare, AI will see in the dark aswell. If deleting line in lightsoldflare.sqf wich adds evenhandler, then script is standalone and AI will shoot flares so players can see (eyecandy for players), but AI will not be able to see any better in the dark, they will still be blind. 1st Post updated with scripts and info Edit, @Carl Gustafa: Im curious, can you decribe the reasoning for the exact value in setLightBrightness 0.24;? I asumed it was an value that made the light strong enough to cover a realistic area lit up by the flare, key word, i asumed...
  23. It works with any island afaik, i have tried several usermade islands and all the official ones, upsmon works. @Hellfire257 for upsmon always make sure you add "spawned" into upsmon initline for spawned units: example: nul=[this,"grppatrolmarker","move","spawned"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; also for your script i think maybe it will work if you just add this below your setWaypointFormation line _waypoint setWaypointStatements ["true", "nul=[this,'patrolmarkername','spawned','move'] execvm 'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"]; Anyhow, this below is scripts ive used and know works. 2versions, createunit and functions this is what i used to spawn units with createunit and using upsmon this is what i used with BIS_fnc_spawnGroup, i added some help lines for you in script, also make sure you have the function module placed on map in editor and also here is link to info on BIS_fnc_spawngroup http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnGroup Edit: Always make sure you have declared a side in mission, easiest way is to place 1 unit of each side units you will be using in editor, and set their probability slider to 0, then these will never be in mission, but sides is created for spawned units upon mission start. i add 1 of west,east,civ,guer to my missions, then all sides are covered and if and when i change mission during editing, this is never a problem i need to find out about.. :)
  24. demonized

    Ai thread

    As of patch 1.55 some beta version, and now in official 1.56 version, AI flying big helis, mi8, chinook will crash into mountains etc 50% or more of the time, seems the big helis have been given more "weight", wich makes them slower to adjust with and AI cant keep up with it. AI are still flying the chinook as if it was an MH6 (littlebird) In our domination servers now, Takistan is littered with ammo drop chinook wrecks, and Main target mi8 paradrop helis... Edit: this has been fixed in patch 1.57.