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Everything posted by demonized

  1. ive NEVER experienced any trouble with laser or flashlight not showing ingame. But on the other hand im allergic to steam. ;) No seriously, take off all mods and addons, and run clean arma then test, then add 1 addon, test again etc. also look up your .rpt file incase something is causing an error, you may locate it to a certain addon. Any addon can be a possible problem for arma2, units or birds can effect flashlights. Find .rpt file by showing hidden files and folders and search for arma2OA.RPT
  2. 1: you have messed up the unit assignment of engineers, maybe switched out units to BAF engineer or something and not assigned them to repair ability in domi scripts? Repairs work in domination as normal for me. 2: when you kill an empty vehicle you get a -1 point. silly but thats how the last version domi handles it.
  3. demonized


    i tested trigger with silence since its been awhile since ive used it, and it is now a new alarm... ? Well anyhow, why are you using radio trigger for sound? If you have a trigger with alarm on repeated and bluefor present, you can walk into trigger area and alarm sounds, then when you exit trigger alarm stops. You can also in condition of trigger use varabels, like this(means the opfor detected etc.) and alive enemy(wich means if unit named enemy is alive) this AND alive enemy Now when opfor is detected and unit named enemy is alive the alarm will sound, if any of the 2 conditions is not true(enemy dead, or no opfor detected), alarm will turn off.
  4. demonized

    Buying the full party pack

    Dont use steam, it is very .... twitchy. and you always get updates later than everyone else. Many i know have had various issues with steam. I recomend sprocket as i have bought all my arma 2 stuff from them, never had any problems, you basically download a DVD with game on, wich you can either store on a HD for the future or burn to a disc. Now this is my personal opinion. What to buy, i recomend buying Arma2 CO (Combined Operations) wich is Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead for 2/3 of the price both cost seperate. I deffinetly recomend bying BAF dlc as you get a lot of goodies, merlin, warrior, jackals, all the brits. I dont recomend bying PMC to any new players since it give very little in terms of new things. When patching to latest 1.56 you get BAF lite, and PMC lite, so you will never find a MP server you cannot enter because you havent payed for full BAF or PMC. dlc lite, means low textures and no missions, campaign. I personally have bought A2 CO, BAF, and PMC to support BIS, i will continue to buy dlc, but if the next dlc is same poor quality IMHO i will not buy it. BIS made a mistake in releasing PMC as payed dlc. I tolerate mistakes as we all are not perfect, but if it happens several times..... Also there are ALOT of fantastic user made addons and missions and stuff FREE on sites like http://www.armaholic.com/ My sugestion if you are new to Arma2: buy CO and explore the free addons, then play some MP and if you miss BAF full or PMC full when playing online, buy them.
  5. have you tried armaedit, it sets up custom loadouts for you. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1455 and here are classnames of pretty much anyweapon includingace ones. http://browser.dev-heaven.net/cfg_vehicles/classlist?version=23 and this one has pictures but only arma2 and OA vanilla stuff http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/
  6. demonized


    there is another sound called silence, use that to deactivate alarm sound in another trigger.
  7. Yes it blends in with all, in patch everyone have baf (british armed forces) lite version wich basically is full without campaign and low textures.
  8. Blackhawks, littlebirds etc small medium helis work ok, tho its bobbing up and down with its nose. Its like a rollercoaster being a passenger. For the big helis, mi8, chinook, it seems as they have been given more weight, so slower to control, wich since AI drives a chinook as it was a lb have catastophic consequences. Hills in warfare or domination is riddled with drop helis.
  9. As long as in a if (isServer) it will update marker pos on all connected players on dedi server, i did it on a clan mission a few weeks ago, were i moved an intel marker on map for all to new pos when they found object.. Top one should work ok. Edit: didnt notice any problem with JIP as described in sbsmac link in above post, but could just have gone unnoticed by players..
  10. script updated to v1.2 Now including all arma2 and OA west, east, resistance as well as BAF. Added Arma 2 only demo mission as well. Update changelog in first post under spoiler.
  11. This is one great guide to editing for mission editors. It works for both arma and arma2. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847&highlight=MR+MURRAY
  12. In our clan missions we use ieds and suicide bombers, these are civilians. I plan to make a option for players do direct civilians in view. How it should work: My idea for script: Have or create triggers, civ present repeated with say 50m radius on every player, moving with player every 1 second or so. Or maybe use nearestenemy,nearest object or something similar if that works with civs.. And in script have if player knowsabout civ is 4 then assign action to playerunit for playerunit only. Anyone know if this has already been done? Any suggestions to how to do this? Beginning work on this now, lets see if i can get something usable soon. Edit: This is what i got sofar in tests: _DCPlayer = _this select 0; _runtest = true; while {_runtest} do { _kv = _DCPlayer knowsAbout test; hint format["%1",_kv]; sleep 2; }; This gives me a hint with the value of knowsabout every 2 secs, value 4 is in hint when i place mouse over civilian. Now the problem is i still have 4 even when i dont look at target. Anyone know how to reverse knowsabout, clear all targets spotted or something? Is there a command that "knows when i hold my mouse over a target" and "when im not"?
  13. demonized

    SQF revive script

    I just did a test and in editor you die instantly if killed and using playable units, i know for a fact that on dedi server we use playable units in previous versions of Revive and it works, amongst players, we never use AI on team then.
  14. Added small bugfix where east and west spawned same time and started killing eachother before they got into heli. Displayed script, readme and demo mission link is updated with fixed version. Added in line 117 in parareinf.sqf // use helispawn if east units selected for paragroup. if (_side == east) then { _spawnmarker = _spawn; };
  15. demonized

    Fallujah 1.0

    This is GREAT!! have been waiting for this one a long time downloading now.
  16. cant help you with a UAV script but i saw somwhere that you can now play video in the gps window ingame, use it as a uav screen came to mind instantly. think it was a function i saw when displaying all the functions window from a trigger. the help or show functions thing. Not sure when it was added but i guess PMC brought it.
  17. demonized

    What is the state of the game now?

    Arma still has it quirks, but yeah some good patching have been done. As to what i can only direct you to read release notes of patches.
  18. demonized

    Array usage question

    Youre right, as i said im a very novice scripter, for my scripts it have been more about actually working without errors, than beeing efficient, so my codes are very primitive. I just begun to get serious into scripts last few months. Learning alot from you more experienced guys. Regards
  19. Problem resolved, answer on page 2 of thread, BIG thank you shk, GDICommand and UNN quick jump to solution post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1813136&postcount=12 I was trying to do locating on different elements in an array. So i started experimenting and this is what ive come up with, but cant get it to work, im a novice scripter learning on the fly. I cant see how this is not working...:confused: Probably a simple thing right?? How can i find the object in array after a named one? Ill try and show instead what i want to achieve: i call a script with _nul = ["someshit","crap","min",59] execVM "thescript.sqf" _ALLParams = []; for [{_i=0},{_i<count _this},{_i=_i+1}] do {_e=_this select _i; if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};_ALLParams set [_i,_e]}; _stillLooking = false; _getArrNR = 0; _minNR = 0; if ("MIN" in _ALLParams) then { _stillLooking = true; while {_stillLooking} do { if (_this select _getArrNR == "MIN") then { _getArrNR = _getArrNR + 1; _minNR = _this select _getArrNR; hint format["%1",_minNR]; // for debug. _stillLooking = false; } else { _getArrNR = _getArrNR + 1; sleep 0.1; }; }; sleep 5; // for debug. hint "MIN VALUE FOUND"; // for debug. sleep 5; // for debug. hint format["%1",_minNR]; // for debug. }; Asume that i dont have _this select 0,1,2,3 for the array, i only use this select 0 for first needed in array, rest can be entered in any order in the array, well, thats what i want anyhow, much like the upsmon script uses if anyone is familiar with that. "min" and ,59 belongs together to give me info to my script. How can i locate what number _this select ? "min" is?? And how can i locate variable after "min"? in this case 59. I do find "min" in array(tested with hint) but recives Error Generic error in expression for this line in the above while loop if ((_this select _getArrNR) == "MIN") then { Any help will be much appreciated.
  20. demonized

    Array usage question

    Well i got it working with a modification of what UNN posted. I suspect the other examples ive recieved by shk and GDICommand will work with similar adjustment, not yet tested that. I tried both arma2 and oa version of UNN´s posted scripts, both worked with same adjustment, but i do own complete arma2, OA, all dlcs. Objective is to find the position in the array that "min" is in, and then add +1 to that to get the one after "min". i used in a radio trigger this: _null = ["ohoy","milkshake","niceT",4572,"min",57] execVM "testScript.sqf"; i also tested with thiss to confirm it was not just luck: _null = ["ohoy","milkshake","min",4572,"niceT",57] execVM "testScript.sqf"; 1st trigger i wanted hint to display number 5(wich is location of value after "min") - target is now 57 2nd trigger i wanted number 3(wich is location of value after "min") - target is now 4572 UNN posted these scripts: Now these didnt work, same generic error as with all other previous script attempts. Then i got to thinking of what shk said about comparing non string to string. so i modified scripts like this: Operation Arrowhead version: _minNR=-1; {if (str(_x)==str("MIN")) exitWith {_minNR=_forEachIndex}} forEach _this; if (_minNR!=-1) then { hint format ["String at index %1",(_minNR+1)]; } else { hint "Not found"; }; Arma2 version: _minNR=0; {if (str(_x)==str("MIN")) exitWith {} ; _minNR=_minNR+1} forEach _this; if (_minNR<(count _this)) then { hint format ["String at index %1",(_minNR+1)]; } else { hint "Not found"; }; At top i modified _x and "MIN" to str(_x) and str("MIN") that gave me a message saying String at index 4 in 1st trigger and String at index 2 in 2nd trigger, now this is the actual position of "min" and not the next one. changing _minNR before foreach check to 0 or 1 didnt have any effects, got same number in hint, unknown why, maybe outside number not taken into inside if... anyhow.. So i changed hint format ["String at index %1",_minNR]; to hint format ["String at index %1",(_minNR+1)]; And now in 1st trigger i want 5 as hint and i get String at index 5 in 2nd trigger i want 3 as a hint and i get String at index 3 Its all working At least the correct hint is working, now to actually implement it in a script with selection based on this, ill work up a script now, and post it here, tho i suspect it will work as intended anyway, but just checking. @GDICommand youre right, ofcourse i would have a if ("min" in _this) then {run the while loop, so then while loop would exit correctly because it will never run if min not there. also asuming if min was entered in an array it would always be followed by a number like this ["min",567], at least thats how i think about it, have used before with other while loops sucessfully, maybe ive only been lucky :j: i dunno. A big thank you to all for great response, and problem solving. :bounce3: ---------- Post added at 07:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ---------- _minNR=-1; {if (str(_x)==str("MIN")) exitWith {_minNR=_forEachIndex}} forEach _this; if (_minNR!=-1) then { hint format ["String at index %1",(_minNR+1)]; _minNR = _minNR + 1; } else { hint "Not found"; }; sleep 5; //hint format ["%1",_minNR]; _MYdisplay = _this select _minNR; hint format ["%1",_MYdisplay]; Actual implement in script, hint at end of script displays now the correct value wich can be used further down in script.
  21. demonized

    Array usage question

    Ok guys i wont stress you any more, my script can fully work without this, but having this would be nice nonthe less. tried various commands, with shk version i managed to get a hint with 0 even though my wanted target was 5th line in array, also got generic error every time. with GDICommand version i got hint with 2, or 3 but still same generic error. This is whats done in UPSMON wich i want my self: in upsmon.sqf: // convert argument list to uppercase _UCthis = []; for [{_i=0},{_i<count _this},{_i=_i+1}] do {_e=_this select _i; if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};_UCthis set [_i,_e]}; further down in upsmon.sqf there is: _ambushwait = ["AMBUSH:",_ambushwait,_UCthis] call KRON_UPSgetArg; ambush is entered same way as i wanted my min, followed by a number. Example = ["someRandom","someRandom","someRandom","ambush",numberToWaitForAmbush] Now i look up KRON_UPSgetArg wich is located in upsmon_init.sqf wich is run from initfile, also at missionstart: // Misc KRON_UPSgetArg = {private["_cmd","_arg","_list","_a","_v"]; _cmd=_this select 0; _arg=_this select 1; _list=_this select 2; _a=-1; {_a=_a+1; _v=format["%1",_list select _a]; if (_v==_cmd) then {_arg=(_list select _a+1)}} foreach _list; _arg}; KRON_UPSsetArg = {private["_cmd","_arg","_list","_a","_v"]; _cmd=_this select 0; _arg=_this select 1; _list=_this select 2; _a=-1; { _a=_a+1; _v=format["%1",_list select _a]; if (_v==_cmd) then { _a=_a+1; _list set [_a,_arg]; }; } foreach _list; _list}; KRON_deleteDead = {private["_u","_s"];_u=_this select 0; _s= _this select 1; _u removeAllEventHandlers "killed"; sleep _s; deletevehicle _u}; Not sure if thats all related but here it is anyways.. i could post entire upsmon script and upsmon_init, but not sure if im allowed since its Monsadas script. Edit: noticed "ambush:" ----- a colon was in there. : Maybe thats what is missing. but this is atm beyond my scripting skills, but if any of you like to crack it for me to put in a same script as i want it used or do similar as Upsmon.sqf and upsmon_init.sqf then id be very happy. EDit, didnt see your last post shk , testing now :) ---------- Post added at 11:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 PM ---------- @shk deffinetly on right path; no errors but wrong number, i got 0 but i should get last, maybe when added to array from _this its reversed.. retesting. Edit; tried ignoring the whole add to and set uppercase and just vent with check switching out _ALLParams with _this but same result, no errors but still get 0 when i should get 5. only active was the private lines at top and rest below // Find minimum value ---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ---------- _minNR = 0; _e = -1; { _e = _e + 1; if (toupper (str _x) == "MIN") exitwith {_minNR1 = _this select (_e + 1)}; hint format["%1",_minNR1]; } foreach _this; i recieved 0 everytime and no errors. figured i try switching name of hint so i added a 1 in hint and _minNR1 and now i get hint any...
  22. demonized

    Array usage question

    thanks for the replys guys. sorry if i wasnt clear in my first post. What i wanted was if i had put "min" follwed by ,number_of_any_kind. This was a typo mistake when i changed the names to make it as clear as possible for anyone looking at it. Fixed 1st post. _minNR = _this select _getArr; Btw: what is _i and _e?? is it same as _x used in foreach commands? Ok tnx SHK. @GDICommand by bound i assume you mean if i select a number value wich isnt there in array? example: myarr = [1,2,3] ---- and if i select myarr select 3 (wich isnt in array its out of bounds right? I am aware of this so i used a local var named _stillLooking and declared it true before the while loop. while {_stillLooking} do { And when i found what number to select my target with, like seen here: if (_this select _getArrNR == "MIN") then { I declared _stillLooking for false and loop would end without going out of bounds. At least thats how i have made similar things work... @shk i asumed the array _ALLParams to be exact copy or replica of _this array, thats why i did, came up same error with using _ALLParams instead of _this there when i tried before posting 1st time. Edit: tried your version shk, same generic error message. here is rpt file: Error in expression <) then { _e = -1; { _e = _e + 1; if (_x == "MIN") exitwith {_minNR = _ALLParams > Error position: <== "MIN") exitwith {_minNR = _ALLParams > Error Generic error in expression Edit2: not working with any suggestion, and while researching more into for i found this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/for_var So checking now if i can set letters to lover or just not set them to any and just use lower in execVM line. Edit3: @GDICommand i didnt find any break command but maybe this does same? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineBreak
  23. demonized

    Array usage question

    thanks for the replys guys. sorry if i wasnt clear in my first post. What i wanted was if i had put "min" follwed by ,number_of_any_kind. Like this ["min",59] execVM..... I wanted to do a check if "min" was present in array, then i would get its position and get the value of the next param in array after "min", wich in this case was 59 I think you guys have given me the solution anyway so im testing now. Btw: what is _i and _e?? is it same as _x used in foreach commands?