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Everything posted by demonized

  1. Ive been playing around with ACE2 in SP and SP missions and i must say its insanely cool. It was so in Arma 1 and only got bigger better cooler in A2. I hope you guys never reach a final ACE. 1 thing i know discourage mission makers, this is in regard to MP play. Is that ACE2 tends to lag up servers, now i only say this because others say so, i dont know as ive never been on an ACE server myself. Is it true or is it just because of those servers not using ACE2 dont know how to set it up correctly?? Maybe they want to use other mods not related and that clashes with ACE2?? Edit: i use the ACE_SM mod when playing online on non ace servers. Its FRICKING AWSOME!!, cant wait for another update Anyways, cheers to all ACE devs, and happy holidays. Regards D
  2. you cannot use mp3 etc, you need to convert musicfile to a .ogg file.
  3. Updated script to Version 1.2. 1st post updated and added demo mission wich should be usable in arma2 standalone, OA standalone and CO because i used baf and pmc units for demonstration on pmc map.
  4. demonized

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    The heli fix is sweet!! thank you. Big helis now able to fly at 100 height in takistan or hilled maps again. An observation is that helis dont go at full speed anymore with this fix, but that is helluva lot better than filling every hill with big AI heli wrecks.
  5. demonized

    arma 2 OA drama

    no it doesnt. what is boh int file?if it installs a new boh folder, simply install in a folder out, so boh folder overrides old boh folder. you understand that? when you install oa just click on arma2 folder , thats the one with the arma2.exe in it. then install... And yeah,like the others said remember to start game and run a mission save then exit when installing arma2, then when installing oa, then when installing dlc´s, then when installing patch. at least needed for arma2 and oa not sure if rest times is needed.
  6. what you are asking requires understanding of scripting. modifying takistan force i assume is like modifying domination, not easy to do. search here in forums and google for changing unit classes, modify takistan force, etc... there should be something in one of the scripts)can be several) that describes wich class is allowed to do what, you need to searc and find and alter to what type unit you will be playing.
  7. Add this in heli initline: _null = [this] execVM "createlights.sqf"; here is script you need to save as createlights.sqf and place in missionfolder. // Prepare Chinook light3 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light3 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light3 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light3 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light3 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -3.25, -0.3]]; light2 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light2 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light2 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light2 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light2 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -5.25, -1]]; light1 = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [1,1,1]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light1 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light1 lightAttachObject [chinookname, [0, -0.25, -1]]; you see lightAttachObject that is x y z in relation to direction of heli, x is sideways, y is forward backward, z is up down. 0 is center, so -1 for x value is 1m to the left. adjust to what you need if using other helis, need to experiment until you get it right. Now the pilot: Add this in pilots initline: pilotname addaction ["switchlights green", "greenlight.sqf"]; pilotname addaction ["switchlights red", "redlight.sqf"]; pilotname addaction ["switchlights off", "offlight.sqf"]; That will give pilot a scroll option with switchlights green,red,off. Now create a script for each color green and red, im using kylanias script as example wich has 3 lights, but keep in mind that was made for chinook: this is redlight.sqf: notice that color and stuff is same as script run on heli initline. // change to color red. light3 setLightBrightness 0.00675; // this is light strenght. light3 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; // this is light color shed on surroundings, same as color. light3 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; // this is color of light. light2 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light2 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light2 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light1 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; this is greenlight.sqf wich you need to change the setLightColor to match green, set setLightAmbient to same as green color: // change to color green. light3 setLightBrightness 0.00675; // this is light strenght. light3 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; // this is light color shed on surroundings, same as color. light3 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; // this is color of light. light2 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light2 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light2 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.00675; light1 setLightAmbient[1, 0, 0]; light1 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; this is offlight.sqf wich you dont need to change anything in. // change color and light ambient to none, set light strenght to 0 (not there) light3 setLightBrightness 0.0; // this is light strenght. light3 setLightAmbient[0, 0, 0]; // this is light color shed on surroundings, same as color. light3 setLightColor[0, 0, 0]; // this is color of light. light2 setLightBrightness 0.0; light2 setLightAmbient[0, 0, 0]; light2 setLightColor[0, 0, 0]; light1 setLightBrightness 0.0; light1 setLightAmbient[0, 0, 0]; light1 setLightColor[0, 0, 0]; Now save all three and your pilot will have 3 options when scrolling, 1 switchlights red 2 switchlights green 3 offlights, and switchlights any of red or green will turn lights back on again with correct color.. I think... good luck.. Edit1: you are aware of the inside view other soldiers issue ive posted in previous posts of this thread. Edit2 edit3: this will make pilot able to switch lights even when not inside heli. to solve that, run lines in pilot initline in a trigger instead set on repeated. and in condition have pilotname in heliname AND lightsready on activation line: lightsready=false; pilotname addaction ["switchlights green", "greenlight.sqf"]; pilotname addaction ["switchlights red", "redlight.sqf"]; pilotname addaction ["switchlights off", "offlight.sqf"]; in on deactivate add this: lightsready=true; pilotname removeAction 0; pilotname removeAction 1; pilotname removeAction 2; add this in initline of pilot: lightsready=true; Edit4: corrected typo and missing line in onactivate in trigger.
  8. yes deletevehicle on lights for off is the first id do, maybe there is something you can turn light strenght down to 0 but i dunno, you can just delete and create new light with same script mentioned by shk and kylania when you need light back on. experiment or google setLightColor for changing to green: light2 setLightColor[1, 0, 0]; edit: gogled r g b color charts and got this untested if its used in arma http://kb.iu.edu/data/aetf.html
  9. simulate switching by changing color then delete when off is wanted
  10. demonized

    arma 2 OA drama

    i recomend uninstall/remove arma2 and OA from your pc, then do a new install. 1: arma2 2: OA 3: any dlc if you have 4: patch 1.56
  11. demonized

    Destroy all Walls in city

  12. Zeus worked nicely with upsmon, but the heavy cpu use in large battles is there. Make sure to use a cache system and even your big maps should work ok. else upsmon works quite nicely on its own. here is cache units script, very easy and nice. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2019
  13. demonized

    Fire damage

    have you tried JTD fire and smoke mod? it even can createforest fires when something starts burning. burns you, burns buildings, can be modified to burn what you want. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7383
  14. in top of my thread there is a simple para/eject script http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=111311
  15. demonized

    How do you install the patches

    patches dont work if you used cracked version. neither does online play.
  16. demonized

    simplify not stupidify

    Organisation is key when using keyboard commands. before you head out into action assign group red, blue, vehicle groups etc. then you can shift and press on f key and all of that color will be selected. furthemore attack, getin, move, watch etc can be used with hotkeys and click very simple. Anyhow, yes its not the most efficient system, but how would you go about having a better system with same amount of commands??? You cant, assigning more keys to be used will only confuse alot of us since we already use alot of keys depending on role played. Ive not tried that VAC i posted in above, but it seems as the best solution as of now. Edit: also you can get one of thos fancy gamerkeyboards and assign macros to quick select get in driver disembark etc etc.. but then again, more keys... Play online coop and you dont need any command keys ;) This is the way arma is meant to be enjoyed at its best.
  17. demonized

    Buying the full party pack

    It has never given YOU any problem YOU cant handle. Sprocket also have redownload at any time using your account with them so no problem there either with loss of data. Anyway i wasnt out to bash steam, but its startup params and installs and updates can be very confusing to the average gamer with less skills than esco7800 and others not having issues with steam. Also steam content have had its issues with ingame security etc, true there are fixes but why buy something you need to fix, why not buy something thats working. Regardless, i started out with sprocket and stayed with them since it works like you have the game DVD, and if you scratch your DVD, you can always download another using account info and burn a new fresh copy for backup, or just screw the burn and download when needed depending on internet connection. I might have started with steam, and could have been either one of them that i know that complains about issues wich is steam related or i would be like esco7800 and saying it has never caused ME any trouble i cant handle.
  18. one advice: DONT USE STEAM.... my pho
  19. demonized

    Fallujah 1.0

    remember to delete old fallujah folder and use new version 1.0 fallujah in a single folder, always have only 1 custom map per game shortcut.
  20. demonized

    simplify not stupidify

    look at this: also look at these from same maker as top link: part 1: part 2:
  21. Ok then, 1:id start mission with a black faded(asuming it will not fade ammomenu) in of amount of seconds you want the players to "gearup". 2:Then id find how to script a unit to perform the gear command on or near a box. 3:execute command on every player on mission start placed at a safespot with ammocrate of choise. 4:after your specified time, trigger a new trigger wich display hint and [_x setPos getPos "startmarker"} foreach playableunits; If fade in doesnt work, try setting night time and removenvgs and dont show sky in any way and run steps 2-4. and step 5 set dayttime again. cheap workaround
  22. several mistakes: Looks like you are mixing sqs and sqf.. stick with sqf as its much more efficient and reliable. its like the notebook VS the laptop. you call side instead of tank in spawn, should be switched. also created wps are named same so that would be error as well once you get tank spawned. and use getPos object/unitname or getMArkerPos "anymarkername" Use this: execute with: _null = [] execVM "scriptname.sqf" script saved as sqf not sqs: if (isServer) then { _side1 = EAST; _side2 = WEST; _grp2 = [getPos wp1, "M1A1", _side1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; sleep 2; _wp1 = _grp2 addWaypoint [getPos wp1, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 = _grp2 addWaypoint [getPos wp2, 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp3 = _grp2 addWaypoint [getPos wp3, 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "DISMISS"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; };
  23. demonized

    Donkeys or Mules with packs

    Awsome picture :bounce3: i asume its the prescud beta version lol.
  24. why should there be a JIP problem? when player joins server after mission start, any command executed on server will be transferred to the JIP. Your latest code will move marker on server, then again movemarker on every client, i dont see how this is needed. Optional: movemarkers with a trigger placed in editor to be totally sure that marker gets moved.
  25. use Helicopter flyinheight 85; where Helicopter is name of the vehicle helicopter and not the pilot.