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Everything posted by demonized

  1. that happened to me awhile ago, our server was using an earlyer version of CBA and i had the newest version. maybe you have old or newer version CBA than the server you are trying to join?
  2. demonized

    arma 2 patch (1.00-1.08)

    here is BI how to guide on using editor: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor As gunther said, you can make it as complex or easy as you want.
  3. demonized

    Downloaded CO from Sprocket, ArmA II not working

    when you installed A2 in program files > BHI > ArmA 2 then set that exact same path for OA install, it doesnt overide anything from a2, both a2 and OA exe should be in same folder when youre done.
  4. press singleplayer editor then make missions to your hearths content. here is BI how to guide on editor: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor
  5. demonized

    Cargo space.

    create your script and in it have a while {alive truck} do {fill all ammo scripts}; sleep 180; // or how many seconds you want inbetween each fillup run script from vehicle init
  6. demonized

    after install problems

    yes you have to uninstall and reinstall, dont worry all your mods will still be there if you have any. uninstall all then install: 1: arma2 then run it once and enter a mission and save. 2: install OA in same folder as arma2 then run it once and enter a mission and save(probably not needed, but i do it just incase) 3: install your dlcs if you have any (not mods) 4: run patch 1.56
  7. For not able to get out, simply lock vehicle in editor or via scripts. For cursor, i think veteran skill does it, i dont know how to force cursor off.
  8. Thank you this is always useful to have in a mission. Is this a new version or a new release of same version?
  9. ive experienced similar on domination. Was flying and shooting manually, then land and other player gets in as gunner while still on manual fire and hellfires behaves as hydras, lock works but missiles just go straight. ofc switched manual off but same problem
  10. demonized

    Buying the full party pack

    clever. Id rather have my car with only left turnlights than have it with 24 hour delay on AAA and instruction manual on russian. Edit: I was referring to that issue with battle eye or whatever its called kicking steam users.
  11. open init_UPSMON.sqf and in top there is this line: KRON_UPS_Debug = 1; set that to 0 instead of 1 to turn of debug messages. also you should change those three markers color red and blue for flanking etc to empty markers.
  12. tnx will try that right now. Edit: works nicely thank you. Edit2: above works fine, but when i try using local variable _enemygroups instead of global enemygroups it returns 0, any idea why? when using no space inbetween it returns 0 if using _enemygroups, adding a space like here woked fine. _enemygroups=[]; {if (side _x==east and _x in list areatrigger and !(group _x in _enemygroups)) then {_enemygroups = _enemygroups+[group _x]}} forEach allUnits; _nu = count _enemygroups; hint format["%1",_nu];
  13. is there a way i can count amount of groups not units inside a area? Example i have 3 groups of takis spawned with BIS_fnc_spawngroup and they are guarding an area, is there a way i can count amount of groups without knowing their group names? groupnames are _locallgrpname in spawn script.
  14. _trigger = _this select 0; // trigger east present repeated. _allUnits = []; // ready array for units. _allgroups = []; // ready array for groups. _allUnits = _allUnits + _this; // add all units in trigger to array. while {count _allUnits > 0} do { _unit = _this select 0; _group = group _unit; if (_group in _allgroups) then { _allUnits = _allUnits - _unit; hint "not adding already in there"; } else { _allUnits = _allUnits - _unit; _allgroups = _allgroups + _group; }; }; _amountgrps = count _allgroups; hint format["%1",_allgroups]; // this is the amount of groups inside trigger. maybe this will work??
  15. demonized

    Dynamic Helo extractions

    try putting rescue1 in description in unit window...
  16. demonized

    Downloaded CO from Sprocket, ArmA II not working

    first off, ive bought A2 and OA separatly but i asume CO is just the 2 in one download. How to install asuming there is seperate setup.exe for A2 and OA. 1: install A2 and run a mission and save ingame(this to add the reg keys to PC) 2: install OA and run and save again. 3: install any dlc you have BAF, PMC no mods yet. 4: update to 1.56 and run game save it again. 5: install all your mods, zeus, CBA ACE etc etc.. make sure to install OA in same folder as A2 else patching will not work correctly.
  17. demonized

    Cargo space.

    why you would want 1000 units of anything in a vehicle is beyond me, but you can create a trigger wich is set on repeated every 5 mins or whatever and run the script you used to fill up car from there. Then it will always have 50 guns wich is restocked every 5 mins or whatever.
  18. demonized

    WarFX : Blastcore

    You should get OA asap.
  19. demonized

    So many clans, such little acitivity

    1Para and 3Para servers are really well run servers, with lots of active members, dont forget its holidays now and players might be occupied with familiy shit.
  20. hmmm. i suddenly got the urge to fire up oblivion again on the console. I agree that when it comes to experience morrowind was slightly better, but the graphics was simply awsome when i first got oblivion, i cant seem to pick a clear favourite, when i remember back i felt like morrowind was a bigger more diverse landscape where oblivion was one single big forest landscape, ofc with hills and graslands. Will deffinetly look out for more bethesda stuff.
  21. Hehe i remember that on evolution in arma 1. thats what gave me the final push to use vent and ts.
  22. demonized


    In my ParaReinforce script i land helis on LZ in hot zone while under fire even when in stealth or combat or aware mode. Use this in transport unload waypoints for landing when not in careless and enemys shooting: heliname land "GET OUT"; {if (_x in heliname) then {unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x;}} foreach units patrolgroup; It will land keep engines on, dismount all passengers and move away when done. all whilst its being shoot at, beware blackhawk gunners may accidently spray unloading passengers when defending th heli.
  23. assign a trigger with switch synchronised to cycle waypoint, and have other waypoints after cycle. wpa ------------------- wpb wpcycle, when switch trigger is set on this patrol will go to wpc. wpc
  24. demonized

    Some things about AH (weapons, AI..)

    for flying heights put this in ah init line for 30m, not the pilot: this flyinheight 30 patch 1.56 have serious issues with AI flying due to bug, this is fixed in newest available beta.
  25. Anyhow, maybe try researching into scripting triggers and find out how you can sync a script created trigger to a unit and then try using that on high command module whenever player dies... Imagine high commmand module being a trigger maybe it will work.