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Posts posted by Rime

  1. Bascule42:"Innovation can only start when a majority of people demand it."

    Your money is your vote in the game world....they've cast their votes, lets them have their Hollywood grade b action games. :rolleyes: not that they seem to mind.

    Also the reason why pc games are Innovative is mostly do to independent developers. most of them don't care if their game sells or flops. its the greed that kills the Innovation.....



    man, just reading the comments tells you why there's a lack innovation in consoles lol

  2. Same as drmidnight


    Name: Dylan

    Age: 19

    Location: Tennessee gmt - 5

    Microphone & teamspeak: yes

    Languages: English

    Ready to pay for a server?:yes*If I'm Financially able at the time*

    Games:OFP(GOTY), Arma2 and Arma2 OA

    User codename: Rime

    ACE: NO

    Roles preferred:I have experience In all roles and will fill any roles necessary for the mission.

    Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience:I've played OFP for 8 years, then switched to Arma2 when it was released*same with Operation arrowhead* and its been the black hole of any and all my free time since.

    What kinda of squad I'm looking for:

    Just a group of people that work together and love playing Arma as much as I do. I'm willing to give as much time as needed for training/certification/placement.


    PM me if interested
