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About Qwertinator

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  1. Name: Sam Age: 22 Location: California (GMT-8) Microphone & teamspeak: yes Languages: English and Swedish Ready to pay for a server?: I would be willing to give a few bucks later on if squad suits me Games: Arma2 OA (CO), OFP (all versions) User codename: Qwertinator(can be changed to fit squad style) Roles preferred: Any role required. Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience: I haven't played a lot since I recently got the game, but I'm really interested in beginning my playing experience by joining a squad that's willing to accept someone as the rookie private. As mentioned above I'm not the most skilled player, yet, but I learn fast and I'm willing to try a session with any type of squad. Usually in games like these I like a squad with a semi-serious attitude. No excessive messing around/joking during missions, intent to complete the mission but doesn't have to have real military strategies or similar. Mature play but not necessarily roleplay