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About 82ndFGump

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  1. 82ndFGump

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    the USAT 82nd Airborne is recruiting for Arma 1 and the USAT 101st is recruiting for Arma 2 CO and OA. We have experienced training and we make our own maps to our liking for Arma 1 and arma 2 well they are really good for training and game play they have a rank WO1 which when you join you will be that rank which means your in training to play with the 101st same thing with the 82nd recruiments -17+ or 15-16 if you are mature -have a microphone -willing to take constructive criticism and orders -we are very easygoing and a fun clan contact me for info on either of USATs clans
  2. Hello im using the MAP-3DE editor and i was wonderiong since i placed all the object i wanted in the editor how i can import the saved mission into the regular editor for Arma1 because i can not add soldiers using the MAP-3DE to add soldiers so i need to import the mission.sqm and script from the editor into my mission file which i did but when i try to open it say Warning File read only and it doesnt even show the objects on the map so i need help plzz thanks in advance for any help