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Canadian Joker

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Everything posted by Canadian Joker

  1. Name: Josh Age: 23 Location: British Columbia Canada (GMT-8) Microphone & teamspeak: not as of yet, need to grab a new mic in a few weeks. Languages: English Ready to pay for a server?: In the future if i stayed with the team i wouldn't mind chipping in. Games: Arma2 User codename: CJ, CanadianJoker ACE: ? Roles preferred: Pretty much anything, give me a gun and some orders. Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience: I am very new to arm2 but have a little experiences with ofp. Altho i am new to the world of arma2, i was apart of a unit known as the 23rd MEU back in the battlefield 2/ofp days. I am not looking for a hardcore unit, but realism is welcomed. As mentioned above i do not current have a mic, but when finance's allow i will be picking one up, also i have a flight stick and am currently practicing in the editor but to be honest its a slow progress lol. anyways if you want to message me you can do so here (pm) or send me an email at joshreading@gmail.com Josh.