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About Schwifty

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  1. If you are still tlaking about Max's Ah-1, I don't think it matters what colour you make it, you should still need permission.
  2. Schwifty

    Star Wars: Episode 7

    I think this whole issue errupted, like with every other movie recently, when writers decided to start having characters look right at the camera and explain things in the movie. It's kind of like an insult to the audiences intelligence and imagination. Everything is spoon-fed to the audience these days so why not make everything explainable. Such as the civilain pilot in prometheus after having been on an alien planet for barely a day and having no idea what anything they've found is so far say "this is a military installation". mmmmm space diabetes!!!
  3. Schwifty

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    I'm a little late to the convo but severely stoked for the alpha!! Sucks about the delay though but this will tied me over. I already did some machine updating based on the projected system requirements that were posted somewhere a while ago just to make sure I could play ArmA 3 as soon as it is released. June is gonna be a good month.
  4. The 9th Infantry Division is a multi-gaming clan that has been in the ArmA community since the launch of Arma: Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint before that. We play all types of arma 2:co missions from warfare and domination to life. Lately we have been spending our time taking part in realism scenario's with the United Operations community or editing missions in preparation to launch our new server. Since we are multi-gaming it is hard to get bored here because there is always someone checking out something new. We are a pretty relaxed group out for maximum fun and challenge with minimal drama. We use Team Speak 3 for voice coms which are mandatory to have but don't need to be used when you don't want. We are a mature group recruiting 18+. Our members currently range from mid twenties up to fifty years young. We are looking for players of all skill sets and skill levels, hard core or casual. Anyone with mission editing experience would also be most welcome. Feel free to check out our website and drop us a line in our forums at the link below. Our forums are hidden, so to see general you need to register on the site and the rest are visible to members or officers. Once you register on our forms pm me here with the name you registered under so I can give you access to the public forums quicker. Ltc. Frostback, Executive Officer Able Company 9th Infantry Division http://www.the9thinfantry.com