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About gw01993

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  1. gw01993

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76973

    Great Beta. Thanks BIS.
  2. Hi all. I admit I'm a noob but I understand strategy. I love this game as a black ops, bc2 replacement. I thought this game was about strategy and teamwork? I have joined a few servers 24p vs Ai and no-one speaks and when I check the map I see people on there own on a quad or 1 person flying a chinhook into an enemy base. I join teamspeak and only 1 or 2 are on it. Yet I spoke and said hi I'm new what's rules and tactics and got kicked? Any recommened a2 or oa servers that use strict teamwork and strategy that will guide me through. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  3. i dont like using mods because they can cause problems with official updates/beta patches etc, but for Ai i would love to see either the ai zeus mod or the A.C.E mod implemented into an official update.