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10 Good

About Jakimo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Was there ever a solution found for this? After the patch to 1.40, I am now getting error code 81 upon startup. Game was fine since alpha, no issues. Now all of a sudden I can't play. Any help?
  2. Squad name: 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion Timezone/location: GMT-5 / GMT-8 Gamemode preference: Coop Contact : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thirdreconarma3 Website address: http://www.thirdrecon.us Short description: Arma3 tactical realism unit. Professional, mature, and fun; we provide a great balance between tactical MILSIM and an enjoyable environment that makes you WANT to be part of the team. We pride ourselves on how realistically we run things, and how we portray a realistic military unit. We take our unit very seriously, and allow little slack. However, we are also fun loving gamers who like to goof off when not on duty. Language: English
  3. Admin remove please? Double post.
  4. Those look 100 times better than the last ones, no offense. Those are fantastic.
  5. Update 12.01.2011: - New Teamspeak 3: (Had issues with old provider) - New Public Server: - Several public missions running, including a custom ACE Domination - New operators working with our live chat support (located on the homepage) - Also, we now host a public TvT night every week, on Sunday at 1 PM EST, running until 9 PM EST. This was done to ensure that players from all over the world will be able to come and enjoy a fun filled, yet realistic game of TvT. - We also will be beginning our new campaign shortly, as we will be getting deployed to a currently undisclosed location. We are recruiting for several billets, mostly including Infantry and Corpsmen. For any questions, comments, or concerns, please visit our website or one of our servers, and speak with a unit representative.
  6. I am having issues with my 3D sound. IT only works to a certain distance, of about 30 feet. Their voices slowly drift out as normal, but then as soon as I am about 30 feet away, their voice drops off and I can no longer hear them. Everyone I play with can hear just fine over long distance. Has this ever happened before?
  7. Jakimo


    For some reason, when I try to launch the campaign, I select my difficulty, and my game freezes. It does not crash, it freezes. I have to alt-ctrl-del and close it that way. Any idea what might cause this?
  8. Hey, for some reason, the I44 snow module won't work. I set it for heavy snow, and nothing happens. Any ideas?
  9. I am, running 1.3.2 and almost every time I run ACRE in game, my TS3 will crash, causing me to hotmic and not allowing me to use my radio. I will then alt-tab out of game, close it and restart it, but it does not load back up. Why is this? And is anyone else having this issue?