Have major problem driving me nuts. Please please can anyone help fix it??
Bought new computer I7 processor, windows7, 6Gig Ram, Geforce GTS240 graphic card. Works fine on major games, flight simulator, etc with graphics turned up to max.
Downloaded demo version of ARMA2 OA. After about 3 attempts because of slow internet connection (204kbs) and power cut to villiage finally got it to run. All ok -fantastic game.
Bought the full version from amazon. Disk arrived and program installed no problem- game is brilliant.
Downloaded the 1_54 patch. Installed no problem - gamer even better.
Bought BAF addon from sprocket - downloaded but unable to install correctly. After numerous emails to them for help finally achieved installation, and ran the game. Excellent no problems game ran.
Closed machine went to bed. Next day turned on PC and tried to run game. Black screen comes up with music.
Have tried everything to fix. Uninstalled ARMA2 OA and all other progs associated with it. Taken off game spy. Re-downloaded ARA2 OA demo cannot even get that to work. All other programs and games work fine except for ARMA2.
Can any of you geniuses out there help an old timer like me fix it (i'm in my fifties, disabled and can use a PC but thats it) so I can continue to use this excellent combat simulator instead of watching the telly all day.