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About DDRDave

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  1. Ok, I'm new to scripting, so bear with me... I'm sure there must be a way to do this, because I found a script in the wiki (here) but can't seem to figure out how to apply it. Thus ultimate goal is to have an airplane start the game, engine off. Totally stationary. Otherwise, the paratroopers won't mount. Even if I give the plane a halt command, the paratroopers don't wanna board. They do board however, Of I set the fuel of the plane to zero, so no engine. I just need the plane to start with the engine off and wait for a move command to start up and take off. Also, while I'm on the subject, how do you make troops start inside a vehicle? I know how to tell them to board as soon as the mission starts using scripts, but can't figure out how to make them start 'in cargo' Thanks!! DDRD
  2. DDRDave

    Newbie Question

    Wow! Thats great! Pretty much what I've been looking for this whole time (a way to command other groups) Thanks a lot!
  3. DDRDave

    Newbie Question

    Is there a way to set it up in mission editor so that you can give movement orders to other units? Thanks,
  4. DDRDave

    Newbie Question

    Okey Doke... Thanks! Dave
  5. DDRDave

    Newbie Question

    Thanks Alot! What about Commanding groups larger than 12? Is this at all possible? Thanks! Dave,
  6. Hi All! I'm a realy newbie at map editing, but I have one major question... Whats the difference in OFP between PLAYER and PLAYABLE? In ARMA, you could switch between playable troops in-game... is this the same in OFP? Thanks, Dave