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About guitardude95

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  1. guitardude95


    What is a good website that I can download a free voice activated command program from? There are a lot of controls in the game, and it would be much easier to use voice commands when playing user created missions rather then clicking all around. Thanks for the help. Chris
  2. guitardude95


    Hi there, I recently downloaded the demo for operation arrowhead and have been trying to create my own missions. The game is really fun and im probably going to buy it in about 2 weeks. One question that I had though was that when I set a waypoint for my team on the editor, my team does not go to the waypoint in game. I also set a waypoint for enemy team to simulate reinforcements and it takes forever for the reinforcements to arrive. Even when they do arrive, they dont all arrive at once. I was also curious on how to get the pilot of a helicopter to take off if you are a passenger. How can you also specify what units you want to disembark. Whenever I click disembark, every member on my team disembarks. One of the biggest problems I run into is trying to get ai into vehicles. I can never get my teamates to board another chopper adjacent to the one that I'm in so that I have two choppers in the air, one that im in with other ai units, and one that is completely ai. THis is the same for the enemy. I try to place enemy helicopters and units or enemy helicopters and trucks, but I cannot get the enemies to get into these vehicles and head to a certain waypoint. Sorry for the length of this. I really enjoy the game but as you can see, im a beginner and have alot of questions. Chris