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About vixen

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  1. no, i didn't. tnx for the info and the time. it has helped me a lot.:)
  2. I had already seen these links, but they do not clarify much for me. the problem is that i do not understand how it works. in my opinion there is stil 1 marker. i put the code in my init like this: newRespawnPos = getMarkerPos "ground"; _respawnEH = x1 addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) setPos newRespawnPos}]; _respawnEH = x2 addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) setPos newRespawnPos}]; _respawnEH = x3 addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) setPos newRespawnPos}]; _respawnEH = x4 addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {(_this select 0) setPos newRespawnPos}]; this does not work. i only can make it work for 1 unit and 1 marker. i stil have -respawn=3 respawndelay=5; respawndialog=true; in my description.
  3. tnx for the information so far :) but i still don't get it :( there are 6 teams with 3 units. my unitnames are x1, x2, x3, etc there are 2 markeres : -ground- and -air- 4teams have to respawn at -ground- and 2teams have to respawn at -air- what is -respawnEH-? and is there somewhere a list of this things?
  4. i'm starting to learn it.:p but i thougt i got it, but apperently not. this is what i did: my description looks like this: class Header { gameType = COOP; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 16; }; respawn=3 respawndelay=5; respawndialog=true; newRespawnPos = getMarkerPos "ground"; then i tried the code: _respawnEH = Unitname addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn", {_this setPos newRespawnPos}]; in my init of the unit, not good. then i put it in the init.sqf but once again, not good. what is wrong? sorry for the burden, but without question you will learn nothing:)
  5. it does not work :( i suspect that i have to put this in the init-line of the unit and that newRespawnPos is the name of the marker where i want to respawn?
  6. hi, is there a way to respawn each unit to a different respawnpoint.
  7. ok, but 2 different dvd's with the same problem?