I have a similar issue, except in my case it's extremely localized. I, as in myself, am not being scripted a loadout by LEA. In our sessions this is a huge problem. I am always playing a support or leadership role. Playing MAT without the proper MAT is a serious issue. So is being a pilot with no ACRE radios save for the 117 in the aircraft.
I am on the verge of quitting for a while. Even standard roles have specialized loadouts. Not having the proper gear is infuriating.
If it makes any difference, we are playing on the older build of the game. Prior to Steam server browser integration. We are using a direct connect to bypass the lack of gamespy. The reason is, LEA was totally broken after that patch came out. If a slot wasn't filled, all slots after that were unscripted. Some kind of unexpected script end error.
So does anyone have a solution to this? I really want to get playing again, but simply cannot. I appear to be the only one with the issue. Go figure.