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About shiron236

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Name: Fuzzy Age: 18 Location: Houston, Texas (Central) Microphone & TeamSpeak: (Eventually Will Get One) Languages: English, limited Korean Ready to pay for a server? Depends Games: ArmA2, OA ACE: I can use it or not. Roles preferred: Open to anything! Time spent with Arma2 and skill/experience: A bit raw, but I do play some time with ARMA. I just need a squad to develop in.
  2. Okay thanks =D Btw, it says that the error is my waypoint or something and that my helicopters cannot spawn in z2 :/
  3. Nvm about the post above, now it works somehow... Anyways, I've done everything in the tutorial here, yet my units won't spawn at all D= My initialization code is this: null=["z1",[1,0,0],[8,3,25,15],[5,3,20,10],[6,2,30,15],[4,1,12],[1,1,1,1]] spawn DAC_Zone
  4. After trying to install this mod (DAC), I'm getting a problem now... When starting up, it says "bin/config.bin/CfgingameUI/MPtable.shadow" and then "Error Compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" And the game shuts down! Help? =(
  5. After trying to install this mod, I'm getting a problem now... When starting up, it says "bin/config.bin/CfgingameUI/MPtable.shadow" and then "Error Compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" And the game shuts down! Help? =(
  6. shiron236

    Where is My MP Folder?

    Not there at all... I might have deleted it possibly... Should I just make a new folder?
  7. shiron236

    Respawn Not Working

    I asked, but sadly I have received no answers. And I think it's respawn in general... I'm not sure
  8. I can't find the folder to put in my MP mission or the campaign folder =( Help? Where would I find it?
  9. Respawn does not work at all on my game. When I die, there's a respawn menu but there's no yellow circle indicating where I can spawn. Along with the respawn menu is the "You Died" Menu with "Restart" and "Switch Teams." If I press "Switch Teams" I can finally respawn and see the yellow circles around the respawn points. The problem is switching team messes up everything up, after I die switching, the respawn menu disappears. This happens in Benny Warfare and other warfare mods.... I believe the problem lies in the game itself. Or perhaps the two games are conflicting with each other. Any help will be appreciated!
  10. shiron236

    HALO Missing?

    It says the script for Halo.ini is missing and when I tried jump, I'm frozen in midair. It worked in ARMA 2 Arrowhead and then when I finally decide to get Arma 2, the HALO thing is missing. Any help? I tried doing bootcamp with parachutes, but I have no control over my character. He just appears out of thin air and already has his chute out without me having any control.
  11. What can Ambient Combat Module be synched to so that it works? SOM? Leader? And how do I determine the output of units and faction?
  12. I was checking out the huge thread about ACM and I read it thoroughly through; but unfortunately, I had no idea what the heck people are talking about. Is there anyone with a guide or tutorial video about this? I need major help in a simplified manner... I'm hoping to be a good map editor =)
  13. shiron236

    How to Waygate Several Groups?

    How would you? And making them same group is a pain in the butt, I have to click and drag all the units.
  14. I searched this but I couldn't find anything like this... Is there a way to mass way gate units? It's a pain in the butt trying to way gate or way point all the squad leaders.
  15. shiron236

    Random Crashing on ARMA2

    Problem solved =D Thanks!