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Everything posted by kershaw101

  1. kershaw101

    Sharpe's Rifles Mod

    I hope you're not referring to me as a moaner, i understand that the real world comes first far more then time spent for a video game, i was simply stating a suggestion. Its exactly that his work, whatever he decides with his great work is in his own opinion. Also if it's not to complicated to model in 02, then why don't you do it? If he releases the MLODS.
  2. kershaw101

    Sharpe's Rifles Mod

    Couldn't you just release the mod as is? even if its like 1 unit per side? if they were finished you could just release those?
  3. kershaw101

    Sharpe's Rifles Mod

    I am really really looking forward to this Mod, i have enjoyed the civil war mod from ofp and the napoleonic wars mod from ofp. Now that i updated to Arma 2 i really am looking forward to this mod too. My question is to the creator; you had released some youtube video previews of the units, i went to try to watch them and all i got was errors saying the videos were removed by user. Would there be any way to be able to view the unit preview videos? thanks!