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About natula123

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  1. natula123

    The Undead Mod

    Are people still working on this mod? Its really fun, but you can still make it better bye stopping them walking through walls and how sometimes the sprint and sometimes they just walk around randomly.
  2. HELP!!!! My Arma2 does not have the simple support module in the modules sections. Does anyone know why this is or how to get one?
  3. natula123

    Trees surround by white lines

    thanks man u rock. It worked yea
  4. HELP!!!!!! The trees are surrounded/outlined with white lines. I tried reinstalling it but no difference. It is like this for Both OA and ARMA2. I don't think it is something with my graphics card, becuase other games have no problems. If you know anything it would be appreciated.
  5. natula123

    mikebart's Project's

    How do i install this? I put all folders in my ARMA2 OA dir and had @ infront of them, server key in Keys folder and used ARMA2 launcher and ticked the box and when i get on and go into editor, there is no mana island.
  6. natula123

    cant locate captives with UAV

    Do you have to use the UAV to find them?