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Everything posted by undercoverbrother

  1. My apoligies, I unintentionally posted the same thread twice.
  2. undercoverbrother

    Would'nt blowing up a SCUD set off its missile

    over analysing? not at all and I reckon your right about the missiles blowing up if you shoot them - infact I'm sure after reading that article in the link by AnimalMother92. By the way I suggest anyone who hasn't already, read that article... they sniped SCUD's with 50cal's and disabled them:eek:
  3. undercoverbrother

    Would'nt blowing up a SCUD set off its missile

    lol :D
  4. undercoverbrother

    Would'nt blowing up a SCUD set off its missile

  5. undercoverbrother

    Would'nt blowing up a SCUD set off its missile

    by the looks of that picture I'm not the only one who has asked this question :D. Hey thanks for the article, I'll make sure I have a read through.
  6. PogMoThoin pretty much took the words from my mouth
  7. G'day, look could you explain what exactly outroo is? Is it a function that returns a boolean (true or false)? Assuming its your cutscene for the end of your mission, the way you got it there, if outroo then endMission "END1" else enableEndDialog will always end the mission as I think your asking whether outroo is itself, which will always return true. outroo == true This may not be working for the same reasons. Also with ? !outroo: enableEndDialog you are asking, when outroo isn't itself then to enable the dialog and this isn't working because that is never true. You might want to create a gloabal variable that is incremented as soon as the outroo starts, something like: _CheckOutroo = (_CheckOutroo + 1) when the outroo is played If _CheckOutroo == 1 then (end the mission) else (play the dialog) which will check whether the outroo has been played i.e. if _CheckOutroo is 1 or not. Please note that syntax for some of the stuff I wrote here might be wrong as I use sqf. I might be wrong altogether, and you are probably better off waiting for someone better than me, to give you an answer :D
  8. G'day everyone, I've spent quite a while trying to write script to spawn 5 units. So far this what I've got: _pos = getMarkerPos "MarkerOne" _s1 = "Graves" _s2 = "US_Delta_Force_SD_EP1"; _s3 = "US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1"; _s4 = "US_Delta_Force_Night_EP1"; _plane = "C130J_US_EP1"; for [{_counter = 0}, {_counter < 5}, {_counter = _counter + 1}] do { _units = [_s1,_s2,_s3,_s4,_plane] select _counter; _spawngroup = [_pos, West, _units, [],[],[0.5,0.8],[]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; }; On my map I have a marker named "MarkerOne" and a functions module. I know there are a lot of threads on this already but none of them seem to work for me; which is really strange as they work for the people who post them :confused:. Please help. thanks,
  9. undercoverbrother

    Problem with spawning script (ArmA 2 OA)

    Thanks Kylania, but its still not working. Am I calling the script incorrectly or something? I placed the marker and the functions module, I just don't know why my script never works. Could it possibly be a problem with my version of ArmA 2 OA.
  10. Thanks for clarifying that up for me fellas, its just that I was unsure because, I've seen people saying stuff like put this (whatever code) in the helo's init.sqf and I was confused.
  11. G'day everyone, Something tells me this is maybe a little to ambitious or may not be possible, but can you create a video or image to play on a TV screen or any other surface within the game. Cheers,
  12. Thanks anyway, and where would I find patch 1.56 when it comes out?
  13. undercoverbrother

    Tell your most EPIC and fun moments with ARMA 2

    Why you should always look were your going when flying Toying around with the editor - I set the time late in the eavening, ramped up the fog and made weather stormy. I then placed an AI C130 on the map set its flying height to 3000m and put me in a A10 and tried to escort it you, (you know just like in the movies, right?;)). Well I was following it and I was getting bored so I decided to do some aerobatics. There is one manouvere I like to do when flying jets - its pretty much roll until completely up side down, then nose down, peforming a half loop to go back upright, what could go wrong? This time when I did it I thought I'd mix things up a little and do the upside down half loop, then when back upright, do a huge nose dive, just for lolz. After comlpleting the half loop I nose down hard and go into a nose dive, doing about almost 600km/h. Now s**t goes down... Remember the fog? Well on top of that my viewing distance was set way low because of the lag I was getting. It was really hard to see anything, but it did not bother me that much and I continued the nose dive thinking I had plenty of time to pull up, at about 3000m in the air. Something small... coming closer... closer... I can see its colour now, grey... getting closer, getting bigger... now very big and - I can see... wings?... WAIT THATS TH - OH SHIIII - kBAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No explosion, no fiery death, 100% hull damage and my HUD dissapeared. Well people, that A10 dropped out of the sky like a pebble; the smoking wreck leaving a huge black stain as I falled through the sky. Now I was doing another nose dive, but this time it was unintentional. I hit the ground - HARD - and the jet blows up. Now the wierd part the game glitches out and my screen goes static; no pause menu, no alt-tab, nothing. Meanwhile the C130J kept flying and wasn't bothered by any of this ( I know this for sure because as I was busy dropping out of the sky to my death, I managed to catch a glimpse of the C130 still flying without any damage. Probably thinking, "I told him that was a bad idea!". hope you enjoyed, This is my first story that I have told on BIS forums, I assure that this one and all others I may tell in the future are all 100% TRUE
  14. undercoverbrother

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    G'day guys, Some thing quite out of the ordinary happened while playing ArmA 2 OA the other night I thought it might be nice to share the story as it is pretty crazy. Whats the appropriate forum to post my story in. Cheers,
  15. undercoverbrother

    Enabling Thermal Vision

    Sorry if I was telling you anything you already knew:o Thanks for that thermal script, could be very useful.
  16. Your solution worked!!! Only issue is that you cannot switch to a unit who is currently in a vehicle (don't know a way around this). Instead I used this: selectNoPlayer selectPlayer _player To switch between players. This is great, as with the switchCamera command you did have free look, instead you were only allowed to see what the AI sees (don't get me wrong, I think that makes sense). Here you actually control the player, allowing you to have free look and access a unit in a vehicle. Thanks for you help anyway,
  17. Hey everyone, First of all excuse me, I know I've posted a lot of questions on this topic lately, but I'm actually working on something big here (or at least big for my standards) - my very first cutscene, for my very first (serious) mission. From searching through thread after thread it isn't very hard to see how many questions there are on work with "camera.sqs" and hopefully this will be my last question on this topic for a while, so bear with me:) First up here is what I've got saved into a SQF file called "Scene1.sqf". I've shortened and simplified it: Everything works fine as far as cycling through each shot goes. My problem is at some point I want the camera to switch to an AI soldier, looking through his eyes and after this is done, allow the player some time before switching back to cycling through the pictures I have taken with "camera.sqs". I have tried using this: I have no idea how to use this command when using a SQF file, I mean I can just chuck it into the init line of the AI soldier and it works. I tried using this as well which I saw in a post by "Big Dawg Ks" (sorry if I got the name wrong) and puting that inbetween shots but it not work either. I'm at a complete loss as to what to do here, spent a lot of time researching and working on this. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  18. undercoverbrother

    Enabling Thermal Vision

    camUseNVG can be used to turn on night vision in your cutscene. I don't know how to activate thermal though. Remember, when you are taking photos with "camera.sqs" you are pretty much making a record of that exact location on the map with the zoom and angle that you adjusted to. When you execute your pictures you will only see whatever is on the map as you cycle through each shot. For example, you could have taken the photo at night while it was raining and with thermal on, but when you run those on your actual mission it could be sunny and whatever you place on the map that you can see from the shots you took, you will see. Thermal and nightvision and all the other modes are just to help you see better and navigate better through the map while your taking pictures with "camera.sqs" it does not necessarily mean that is what you will see when you execute the pics. That is why your pictures are not showing up in thermal vision. This is more helpful than you might think or than I first thought. It allows you to manipulate that picture and use it for many different types of mission. If the shot you took was permanently in NVG then it couldn't work for anything else other than a night op, see what I mean? You have a switchCamera command that is not working, I am actually trying to figiure this out myself as well, I think it might be something with the time delay you've got there. I've got it work in the past with just this: #loop unit switchCamera "Internal" goto "loop" #loop and goto "loop" force the script to continue executing. This is probably why your method is not working, the delay may not necessarily mean that it continues to execute that script (I've tried your method too). As for how to end the cutscene, I have had a lot of grief with using the "intro/outro" thing in the editor (I couldn't figiure out how to go back to the player in the mission). So what I would recommend is that you place all your units for the cutscene in the mission section of the editor (this is just the section that automatically opens up when you begin the editor). At the end of your script place: Player cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"] camDestroy _camera titlecut [" ","BLACK IN", 2] Exit; Worked for me, hope it works for you. You could then delete all the junk that was part of the cutscene that you no longer want in the mission using deleteVehicle. If any of this stuff doesn't work ask someone with better knowledge of it than me, because this is truly the extent of my knowledge; I'm still very new to this, just a lowly first class private :)
  19. Apologise for replying late, @ AZcoder. I didn't work what I'm still getting taken back to a completely static screen showing some hills and grass:confused: Out of desperation I have just dumped most of my script into another folder, heres what I've left in "Scene.sqf" to see if I can get the "switchCamera" command to work: I added that part before that last block of code. Still no luck, thanks anyway. Check out this thread out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107535&highlight=_camera+camSetTarget+_unit%3B+vehicle+_unit+switchCamera+INTERNAL%3B+cameraEffect+titlecut+ Thats were I got that block of code in the last spoiler from. It seemed to work for that guy, would this have something to do with saving the script in a SQF file. A few more pieces of information which I think is important, the AI soldier called "_unit" is in a vehicle. I've tried using the switchCamera command and it worked when the AI soldier was on the ground, but not when he was in a vehicle. Also would it be possible to instead of switch cameras just use this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/selectPlayer and switch AI soldiers to player controlled for a short time and if so can anyone provide the syntax for it.
  20. Thanks anyway mate... when I was posting that question a big part of me thought it wasn't possible as well
  21. G'day guys, Ok this question may seem a bit strange but I assure you that there is a perfectly good reason for this. I know this is a longshot but if it is possible to turn on the lights in the cockpit and on the screens manually, please show me how. If it is not possible or this is just a waste of time then tell me, I won't think twice about dumping the idea - its just a what if, so if its not going happen thats fine. Thanks,
  22. hey guys, can anyone please tell me the simple syntax for creating a loop that will only execute for a certain time. Cheers
  23. Thanks heaps man, you have no idea how much this will help and your example is the exact same situation I'm using the loop in as well. Thanks again :)
  24. g'day everyone, First up, there isn't anything on other threads that answer this problem. I have a few example pics here using camera.sqs, to illustrate my problem: showCinemaBorder false ;=== AWESOME PIC1 ;=== 20:19:33 _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] _camera camPrepareTarget [60320.04,86086.62,-98.88] _camera camPreparePos [3420.99,3854.94,10.56] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 _camera camCommitPrepared 5 @camCommitted _camera addCamShake [20,20,20] ;=== AWESOME PIC2 ;=== 23:16:08 _camera camPrepareTarget [-55209.34,-73764.37,2898.08] _camera camPreparePos [5614.11,5640.71,3006.83] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.774 _camera camCommitPrepared 10 @camCommitted _camera I have tried putting the addCamShake command in every different line I could think of and I still dont get any camera shaking. Any help is both welcome and much appreciated. Cheers,
  25. undercoverbrother

    I can't get addCamShake command to work

    thanks for clearing that up mate :)