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Everything posted by Dean.F

  1. Its not in the pipeline, its finished. But they released it only internally, because they were sick that whenever they announced something 90% of the feedback was "Ololol you stole it from flight simulator!!!1111" If you can speak russian, contact them via email, or pn (dont think they are that active here though). Also the "Goonsquad"-clan got some addons from them I think, if you know some of them ask nicely. Check this channel on youtube, there you can see some of their stuff in action. http://www.youtube.com/user/ZENGERm16 I hope they will change their minds sometime and release the addons.
  2. First, use some punctuation man :D Then why dont you have Arrowhead? Its not like with ArmA 1 and "Queens Gambit", which just added a new campaign and island, Arrowhead completly overhauls and improves the game.
  3. The jet from robotech is here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1747768&postcount=1 The Talon I dont know exactly, but this one is similar, it also moves the wings forward like the one in "Stealth" http://s1.directupload.net/images/101007/lhwp7vkp.jpg Icebraker makes the Predator for his "Lingor" map, together with all the features known from the movie. The BWmod has the PSG1, and RobertHammer and some other guy made Metal Gear units and weapons for them. Next time use the search function before posting a list with 50 entrys ;)
  4. Yeah. Especially since the other plane are quite nice, either completly new or very well done OFP port. And judging from the cockpit the MiG-19 would have been also high quality.
  5. Ah man, whats the problem with the MiG? I mean the one from LOBO already works in ArmA II without modifications, and the RACS one only needs a config line changed.
  6. Im writing down some bugs I found, please tell me if Im the only one: - UNSUNG listed two times in the editor list - Error message "UNSUNG Air.sqs not found", so one editor entry appears blank - Minigun in the Cobra Gunship doesnt work - You cant enter as a pilot in the Cobra from the outside - Error message "CSJ_M134" not found when inserting a Huey with miniguns
  7. Its from the Stargate mod. They are still active I guess, but havent released the map.
  8. I have also no idea what this vehicle is. From the style I would guess Babylon 5 or Moonbase Alpha.
  9. Nice, many thanks. I fear the guy who was on it got banned.
  10. Come on, please release the MiG-15. I just need the error message gone and a working pilot. Also, these planes work as well in ArmA II: http://s1.directupload.net/images/101004/6hjnsi3y.jpg http://s7.directupload.net/images/101004/fwq4d9l4.jpg http://s13.directupload.net/images/101004/lbwfi2sj.jpg http://s10.directupload.net/images/101004/gt46onvy.jpg http://s10.directupload.net/images/101004/3ebxd827.jpg http://s3.directupload.net/images/101004/3bjwmtum.jpg
  11. The Mirage F1 isnt on his list. Also I heard they once banned a guy after he called the Tomcat "ugly"....
  12. A shame. Because the Electric Lightning is actually a fucking awesome jet. (Not as awesome as the F-14, but close) :D
  13. Right, I also dont need a WORKING SA-2...I just want a generic "SAM site" object, even if its not realistic or accurate. Just something like this for missions:
  14. Count my vote also on the F-14. I know the AIM-54 wont make much sense on the ArmA-maps, but damn this jet is BEAUTIFULL. Also, theres always the CAS variant. If you dont want to do a F-14, Im for a russian fighter. Vanilla ArmA only has anti-ground jets for OPFOR, so I want to see a MiG on OPFOR side.
  15. I want a surface-to-air-missile. Dont care if SA-2, or S-300, just a working SAM-site.
  16. Beautiful model, but I have to admit Im more interested in the working Displays. In Operation Flashpoint many addons featured interactive displays, so far I have not seen such a thing in ArmA II.