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Everything posted by GodsFist

  1. GodsFist

    How to Model?

    Hey VincentValentine, Ive started a few months ago with Modeling for Arma3, and had a great help with this movie. Its a blender to Arma3 tutorial, hope it helps you to.
  2. I wish everyone a very happy, succesfull and above all a healthy 2014
  3. thats good news Abs. Arma 3 even better thanks. I cant wait to see youre work
  4. Jep my fault!!! I re-installed Arma and it works fine now.
  5. GodsFist

    New to modelling , advice needed

    Hey Creaney2 and Tom.Tucka I'm also new to moddeling and find some nice tuts on these pages. It's a step by step and simple explained............ so far (haha). This is a very simple crate tut from o2 to arma. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12680 and these are a house, container, weapon, car, plane, heli, animated house for o2 to arma. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials.htm How 3dsMax to o2 works ??????? I don't know JET, I in a few weeks I will HAHA. My crate from 3dsMax to o2 is too big, but i will get they answer. Good luck on you're projects.
  6. Or if you can please a very simple crate or building like in opfset7. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/brsseb/tutorials.htm
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I only see a few soldiers usa a few helicopters and a jeep. no enemy no tasks. Can you please help me.
  8. GodsFist

    Is there a need for modeling videos?

    Maybe you can make a very simple crate in 3ds max export it to o2 and then arma. I get stuck by export it from 3dsMax to o2, its to big in arma. Please can you help me.
  9. Hello i'm making a sp mission for the Unsung mod but I'm stuck. I want some vc ai's spawning behind a house. I've placed a marker on the map named:spawnPoint1 and put this code in a trigger. groupName = [getMarkerPos "spawnPoint1", EAST, 10] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Everything works fine but instead of Vietcong ai's there are Russians soldiers. I've looked in the Unsung handbook and find a VC Rifle Squad named "uns_mf_vc8a". We're can i put this so there would be Vietcong soldiers? I Hope someone can help me!!!
  10. I can't explain how the script works but i can explain how i use it? 1.I put the murk_spawn.sqf,murk_spawn_loaded.sqf,init.sqf,loader.sqf from the demo mission in my mission. 2.Than I put a vc group with a waypoint on the map. 3.In the init from the boss i put: nul = [this,"triggerone","once"] execVM "murk_spawn.sqf"; 4.Then I put a trigger with activation: Anybody, condition: (vehicle player) in thislist onAct: catch_trigger = "triggerone"; publicVariable "catch_trigger"; "triggerone" can be any name you want. I hope it works for U2
  11. Mihikle thanks for this script, It works for me now THANK YOU!!! :dancehead: :dancehead:
  12. Thanks but I'm not that good at scripting (still learning) and have really now idea were to change the units to unsung. Can you help me please?
  13. Awesome planes and boat, I'm very glad The unsung is going to ArmAIII. THANKS GUYS!!!
  14. I had the same problem and found a fix on the internet that works for me. Here it is: When you're crashed to desktop click on "left shift" and the "minus key" on keypad and type "flush" and boem you're back in the game. I hope it works for you to.
  15. GodsFist

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Maybe its under my christmas tree :pray: :pray: :pray:
  16. GodsFist

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    I can't wait to play this mod, I voted for this MOD
  17. GodsFist

    maps under construction:

    My mistake, I thought there were forums to ask questions, stupid of me
  18. GodsFist

    maps under construction:

    I already got an answer when I asked it the first time. frostybowman :I'll say maybe Saturday the 8th of October That date is past so I ask again when the next release date is?
  19. GodsFist

    maps under construction:

    Can you please tell me when U think Da Nangh will be released??
  20. It works!!!! I now have my WRP_PROJECTS folder and it ends with "press any key...". THANKS guys :dancehead::pc::dancehead:
  21. Disabled UAC, Arma2P runs now for 4 hours, almost done (fingers crossed:notworthy:)
  22. That's all it says "cannot write" http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/cannotwrite.jpg/ and then when i hit a key it says "press any key...."
  23. I run ArmaP2 three times and it ends three times with "cannot write". then pushed a key and then it says "press any key..." . HELP!!!
  24. I followed the http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=124623 tutorial and it says: Arma2P made you one of these as well! - isn't it clever?... Look on your P:\ drive and you'll see a folder which Arma2P created called "WRP_PROJECTS" - inside there is a "ca" folder... this is your ready-made "little configs-only" ca folder!. But I can't find it anywere, FPDR. Anyone have a suggestion????
  25. GodsFist

    Wich tutorial

    I followed Bush's Geotypical Microterrains - A Beginners Guide and Sgt Ace's tutorial and I'm standing right now on my own terrain :dancehead::dancehead: Thanks guys