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About Athius

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  1. Hello everyone, My brother and I have been playing arma quit a lot the last few weeks. After many custom and coop missions we decided to mix things up and try the warfare mode (We had great fun with crCTI in the OPF days) We had a great time, we really liked the way the high command feature worked in warfare and enjoyed the larger scale manoeuvres it allowed. There where however also some points we liked less and would like to ask some questions about: There seemed to be a lack of infantry. Units that were displayed as a "Motorized Infantry squad" often consisted of couple of APC's with no infantry attached. Once in a while would we encounter a truck filled with soldiers. But most of the time we were firing bazookas at hordes of APC's. Which wasnt that interesting and grew a bit tale after a while. This is a bit of a shame really. I made many custom missions where we would fight against motorized/mechanized infantry and the enemy AI handled those units very well. They mounted/dismounted at the right times and the combination of infantry and APC's was a dangerous cocktail of death. Thats why I have the following question: Is there a way to force the (enemy) AI to use more infantry/change the make up of their motorized units? A setting that we could edit perhaps? Another possible problem that we encountered was that it seemed that our AI commander would not rebuild destroyed buildings. Enemy tanks blew up our baracks and the AI did not rebuild it, even though it had the money. (Something we discovered when we temporarily made ourselves the commander). Was this a bug or working as intended? Thanks in advance Jasper
  2. After years of playing OFP my brother and I finally upgraded our computers and bought ARMA II. We've been playing around a little bit already, and are so far loving every second of it, but I've got a question. The original OFP became a bit boring after playing it for a few years, a problem that we solved by installing the E.C.P mod. This mod made the game much more dynamic and immersive by adding speech for the AI, new effects, improved weapon sounds, AI use of flares, AI use of smoke screens to alert nearby friends, background radio chatter, burning crewmembers, and a much improved AI that engaged you from much greater distances, adding both realism and difficulty. My brother and I have fond memories of trying to defend a hilltop location at night while the enemy attacked us from all directions. The flares going up left and right the incoming fire from enemy's that we couldnt see and the panicked screams of our squadmembers added a great deal of immersion and fun to the game. I looked around on this forum but to my knowledge no ECP mod was ever released for ARMA II. This leads me to my question: are there any similar mods for ARMA II? I red about the ACE mod, but this mod does not seem to include the improved AI or many of the other effects of the ECP mod. Thanks in advance, Jasper.