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Everything posted by Hanzu

  1. Hanzu

    first mission problems

    I don't like posts with no replies, so I'm forced to reply this one after all this time. :) Do you mean campaign Harvest Red and mission Into the Storm? (It is actually the third mission of the campaign, but the first one where you are in real action (and not in practise). There is no command to call for extraction. If you have all tasks (objectives) completed like you said, mission should end once all 4 characters enter the exfiltration point located near the power line running through the forest. Don't remember the coordinates now, but I can check if still needed. If mission will not end with all objectives completed. You are suffering from endmission bug. If no earlier save is available and since it is a such a short mission, so I recommend revert and start over. Also playing it with Arma 2 V1.07 or Arma 2 Combined Operations V1.54 should give you better chances of avoiding that kind of bugs.
  2. Not a good idea to use cheats. It will mess up decisions made earlier in the game and create abnormal situations like example friendly shooting at you.
  3. Arma 2 Combined Operations Harvest Red Campaign First to Fight mission played in multiplayer There was 3 of us humans playing. I was the host and everytime I talked to the pilot and cut-scene fade to black started. Immediately after that always one and often two Razor Team members controlled by human players gets killed. Both players were standing next to me. After cut-scene style fade to black screen the whole Razor Team is teleported to nearby helicopter. When I look other human controlled players I see them die and lean fowards once they are put to sit down looking like the helicopter seat is deadly and reason for their death. I found this bug in V1.54 patch and reproduced it with V1.59 patch. The only workaround for this bug is to tell human client players to disconnect before talking to helicopter pilot and they can join back already immediately after their Razor Team characters are sitting in helicopter and missions ends in some seconds when we are flying to next mission area. --- EDIT: This bug was fixed in 1.60.
  4. I had several problems with this "First to Fight" too, so I would like to know if they were solved for you? Please verify also that you finished "First to Fight". If the helicopter pilot took you out of the carrier and you saw cut-scene where you were looking out of the helicopter door in the night time, then yes you did.
  5. I report one of my players who bought Arma 2 Combined Operations (Steam version) is causing "uses modified data file" messages when he joins my same type of messages when he joins my DVD version non dedicated Arma 2 + OA V1-54 server running in WinXP PRO. They must be false alarms since he can still join properly. Picture here Conclusion: He uses Arma 2 Combined Operations (Steam version) containing Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead which should really be installed in a right way and merged together in the right way already by Steam or whatever. Future: Future patches should be made to correct the issue of Steam versions giving false warnings about a player "uses modified data file". Otherwise some innocent Steam players may be thought as cheaters using modified game files.
  6. Now I can verify I get "player uses modified data file" messages in the following situations: 1) Everytime Arma 2 Combined Operations Steam version player joins my Arma 2 V1.07 + Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead V1.54 DVD version server. Tested with 2 different Steam version players. 2) Everytime Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead V1.54 version player (who has no original Arma 2 installed) joins my Arma 2 V1.07 + Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead V1.54 DVD version server (At this situation I'm hosting OA campaign or mission ofcourse, otherwise joining without original Arma 2 installed results automatic disconnect after trying to join). Tested with 1 "nothing but OA installed"-player. Conclusion: Anything installed not exactly the same way as the host version will result public "player uses modified data file"-message when that player joins the server.
  7. Ok thanks Günter! We are new to this game and both just installed the game first time last week and we don't have any mods. Only Arma 2, Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and Arma 2 British Armed Forces (Lite). The only difference is that I have Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead DVD versions and he has Arma 2 Combined Operations Steam version. When another friend of mine joined with DVD version and lots of mods installed, I didn't get this same message. So I figured out it is because of Steam version.
  8. Good to know, thanks. So maybe all those patches and OA release have modified the gamefiles so much that this message coming straight from original Arma 2 engine is brought up. The developers should just edit the text and put it this way "player uses the following addons" :) So it would actually serve some sort of purpose.
  9. Thanks, you may be right Laqueesha, but I wonder if that would also mean friendly AI. In cooperative campaign missions "Disable AI" function seems to not work but in separate cooperative missions it works. So if Super AI is enabled, there is no way of preventing friendly Super AIs run and kill all enemies, when we are still planning and getting used to terrain.
  10. After reading both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead manuals from cover to cover, I have noticed a lot of basic information is missing in there. Like a complete list of difficulty options and what they do. It is a loss that those manuals used so many pages explaining mission editing and too few pages about user interface and options. Me and my friends only play with Expert difficulty and nothing else and in that difficulty level only 4 difficulty options can be changed. So I would really like to know what these 4 options actually do without spending my limited gaming time on testing them and finding it out myself: Super AI Disabled/Enabled YOU WERE KILLED Disabled/Enabled Multiplayer score Disabled/Enabled VON ID Disabled/Enabled Facts only and no "as far as I know" type of replying, please. :)
  11. Thank you for good and fast reply MadDogX Forgot to mention that we play cooperative only. So it looks like when "YOU WERE KILLED" is enabled it works only for player versus player gamemodes and it would have absolutely no use in cooperative anyway. But funny thing is that I actually thought "YOU WERE KILLED" meant a difficulty option where no-one could heal you. :) So naming this option "YOU WERE KILLED BY" would have made much more sense.