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Posts posted by DAP

  1. hxyZep1.png



    VERSION: 0.4.2. BUILD 1865




    Added: APEX compatybility

    Added: Various Mossberg 500C shotguns

    Added: Various RPK light machineguns

    Added: Various SVD rifles

    Added: Various KO-44 rifles

    Added: 1P69 sight

    Improved: Throw power indicator

    Improved: Various weapon sounds

    Improved: Damage system and first aid system

    Improved: Singleplayer compatybility

    • Like 9

  2. Well, according to your logic, this was made on an 18 year old engine...

    Pretty amazing, huh?

    Please, don't make me laugh. Try check changes in each version of UE and check changes in each version of RV, yeah? PhysX, Sound Engine, Particle Effects... Again. Don't make me laugh. And yes, according to this logic - OTHER engines make big step forward. But not RV. RV even not moved to x64. But we got a plancton module. Brilliant, I think. Just brilliant.

  3. They are making a new engine. Just not for Arma 3.


    new engine for Arma.


    why would they replace the engine of a 3 year old game?

    I'm not talking about Arma 3. I'm talking about Arma series. 15 years on same engine with same bugs and "engine-blocks". And this damned config structure. Again and again. And I sure, that Arma 4 will be on same engine again. Bohemia. Bohemia never changes.

  4. I dont think anyone here have any right, to comment on how anyone should spent his own money. Be it buying a tank, or investing in new projects. 

    So let's close this forum. Feedback tracker is enough. Actually... we talking about Bohemia's abilities and resources for making new engine for Arma. I think, that they have those abilities and resources. Why they don't do that - another question. And yes, current engine is pretty old and needs replace. And yes, i don't think that they will make new engine for Arma. Another priorities. 



    VERSION: 0.4.2. BUILD 1500




    Added: Suppression effects

    Added: Throw power indicator

    Improved: Hand grenade models

    Improved: Various weapon sounds

    Fixed: 6SH104 Backpack

    Fixed: PM reload animation

    Fixed: No sound when player throw MiniGrenade 

    Fixed: Throw power sometimes not reset after grenade was thrown



    Arma3Sync autoconfig url:

    • Like 1



    VERSION: 0.4.2. BUILD 1475




    Added: CZ 584 Mod. 4 rifle

    Added: TT-33 pistol

    Added: Ballistic eyeshields

    Added: Alternative weapon holding for PKM/PKP (Press UserAction 20 button when bipod is deployed)

    Added: Advanced grenade throwing (Hold "Throw Grenade" button for more powerful throw)

    Added: EDEN compatibility

    Improved: UAZ 3151 and UAZ 469 

    Improved: HMMWV M1151

    Improved: Various weapon textures and materials

    Fixed: No sound on TRG-21 with sound suppressor

    Fixed: Game crash after loading savegames




    Arma3Sync autoconfig url:

    • Like 6

  7. I know that no one can restrict to make config patches but when you do that ask yourself - will developers be ok with it? You remove main feature of the mod. Don't think that posting such config patches in this thread make developers happy.


    VTN team just will not support this "feature" :) And if something will changed in mod, then those config patches can be broken, like it happened with "TECAK addon" :)


    You don't seem to understand the point. With zoom player has at least something to counter AI's super detection ability.

    Belive me, AI is not so big problem for skilled players :) With zoom it will be too easy for them :) And besides... AI skills can be tweaked by mission makers and even in options menu :) And again - right now disabled zoom equalizes AI and players on "open ground". Issues with AI "rentgen vision" must be solved by BIS :D VTN team can't do anything with this.

  8. In real life you have no 1920x1080 eye resolution.

    It doesn't matter, because we talking about gameplay. Main idea not in realistic "image resolution" but in realistic distance of firefight and optics usage. You can't effectively engage targets with iron sights on distance more than 200-400 meters. Even on 400 meters it's a big problem. No exeptions from this rule. But zoom gives you this ability. And this is absolutly unrealistic. There is only one reason for zoom existing:


    I have bigger chances with zoom than without it.

    All in those words :)

  9. With no zoom you're almost blind against enemy AI which detects you from a long distance, through the grass and trees and able to engage you effectively no matter whether it uses optics or not. That's kinda unfair, don't you think?

    Agian :) Let me explain something :)


    With zoom you are anyway blind against enemy AI, which detects you from a long distance, through the grass and trees and able to engage you effectively, even if you using zoom  :D This is AI issue, not VTN :)



    Like i sayed before, if target is in center of sight its smaller, objects on the edges of screen are bigger - so no, size of target is changing.

    I saying about difference between size of target in default view and zoomed view :)

  10. Did you hited 1500m target with iron sight?

    It possible with zoom. There have been cases in some PvP projects, like WOG.


    More - in real you can focus your eyes in sight, just like zooming the view. And zooming helping me to find AI hidden (sinked in those grass). This is why this option have been applied. Shitty FoV need great zooming.

    But size of target will not change, like it happens with zoom :) Again - zoom make the optics not necessary. You just don't need binoculars or optical sights for searching and enagaging targets. But in real life you need optics to engage targets on distances more than 200-400 meters.

  11. Well AI can sink in terrain, we cant. Ai can see through grazz why they are sinked - we cant. AI can detect properly direction of shooter from great distance in 2 seconds - we cant. Disabling zoom option wasnt good choice here.

    Actually, zoom can't help you to see through walls and grass, like AI. And again - with zoom you can effectively use weapons with iron sights on distances more than 200-400 meters. Now, in Arma, with zoom you can grab old AKM with iron sight and kill enemy on 1000-1500 meters (not one bullet, but anyway). It's absolutely unrealistic. You need optics for that. Disabled zoom can help solve some problems with unrealistic distances of firefights and low needs in optics. Without zoom you really need binoculars and optical sights for firefights on distances more than 200-400 meters. Like in real life.  

    • Like 1

  12. Ohhh... and ALL Aks variants (ak47/74/74m/104/etc) are GONE.. at least couldn´t find them on Virtual arsenal, just VSS, VAL, SR-3... downloaded from Armaholic, BTW (maybe corrupt copy went to armaholics server?) 

    Seems that there is corrupted files or something like this. Maybe some errors appeared while downloading. But files from main mirror is fine. Try check them with Arma3Sync.



    Vsegda pozhaluista, tovarisch!  :D
