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Everything posted by DAP

  1. Thanks for report :) I check this errors :)
  2. CBA need for autoinit-version. Module-version run without CBA and do not use it. About ACE2... not tested with this mod :) About "_dragger error"... what kind of error? Message or error-log in .RPT file?
  3. Else one... :) ADDON UPDATED Changelog: - Fixed animation system - Fixed vehicle's "no barrier" bug
  4. There already three different shouts :) I think it not needed :) Rest group will be covering them :) Anyway... soldiers with lower rank follow to their "subleader", and we get this cover from other soldiers in group. Now I trying do my own MEDEVAC radio call for squadleader :) Main condition - free way for dragging. If units will be in building, or something will be on their way, then wounded unit will not be dragged and his teammate will help him on this place. I trying do it for MEDEVAC. But no guarantees, that it will be work properly :)
  5. Only if in mission will be a lot of units :) It work for all units. If you use DAPMAN.pbo from DAPMAN(AUTO) folder, then this addon will be run automatically. If you use addon from DAPMAN(MODULE) folder, then you must add special module (AI First Aid Module) on mission and synchronize it with chosen units. Also: i found small bug with vehicles :) When unit drag his wounded teammate they can go THROUGH vehicles :) Need fix that :) And else one.. maybe somebody test this addon in MP? :) Especially player's "first aid" action on remote PC.
  6. UPDATED VERSION Changelog: - Fixed problem with vehicles crew - Fixed minor errors - Two versions of addon: AUTO and MODULE
  7. This is possible. But only with CBA. Also it may cause problems with large scale combat. I work with this now.
  8. Of course :) Use command this synchronizeObjectsAdd allUnits in module's init :)
  9. Try this. Maybe this can help. At the same time this addon will be tested in MP :)
  10. ADDON UPDATED VERSION 2.0 Changelog: - Fixed all errors messages - Reworked sounds - Reworked animations - Initialisation through Module - CBA no more needed
  11. I Already work with this. Also i already reworked sounds.
  12. Bad news. Permission not granted. At least while. Now i search new animation. If anyone can help with animations - PM with me.
  13. Status report :) Version: 2.0 Changelog: -Fixed all error messages -Changed wound animation -Initialisation through Module Now i wait answer on my request for permission to use custom animation from author.
  14. Hi. Something about your soundmod :) Look at . Not blast sound. Background shooting. In your mod, when player stay far from combat (200-300 meters), he don't hear shooting sounds. Just island ambient. But in this video, we good hear far shooting.
  15. They drag their wounded teammates when they free :) If they firing at enemy they stay on their position :) Now i try find cause of this error. I not changed standart blood from BIS. I not worked with this. Without blood all fine (exclude CPU overloading when many units on map, but it is only SQS). Without blood i have troubles when i placed more than 100 units, but no CTD. Only freeze (Low FPS).
  16. Actually it not tested in MP :) This script use command "AttachTo" and i don't know how it work in multiplayer. Also this addon use custom sound :) But i try do something with this soon :) Something like custom script for adding in mission folder :)
  17. As i say... main problem in SQS. I don't think that problem only in errors. It's whole structure of SQS. SQS is very slow. If i find time and convert this script in SQF... :) Maybe it help with this problem.. i mean large-scale combat.
  18. Problem WITH this addon? THIS ADDON cause this error? Else... this addon is "script-only". And some post-FX. Nothing else. It can be slow.. because this addon's core is SQS-script. But only on weak PC.
  19. Main script was written in SQS. Most problems in this. Also i use standart BI's functions WITHOUT their set. This necessary for deteÑtion of the added BIS modules in mission. And system think that i was wrong. But it's work? ;)
  20. What kind of errors? In error-log or in standart error messages? What version? what mod, if used... This addon tested on ARMA2, last version (1.08) and on Combined Ops, last version (1.56). And all works great. If you use some mod, like ACE2.. try on clear version.