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Everything posted by DAP

  1. My addon uses the standard interaction "medic-wounded". You can check it without my addon. Picture will be same. Medics do not heal allied units, even they are close to the allied squad. All what I can do - increase priority of medics in my addon. I already add this feature in new version. Now if squad have medic and they found allied wounded, then squad leader will send medic instead nearest squad memeber, as it was before.
  2. AI really try to avoid enemy. They all time using cover and moves slowly. When one of soldiers got order to kill enemy all other units try stay low and don't open fire. But no any preference for silent weapon. Maybe add this as new ticket to the CIT? Or this ticket already exist?
  3. Try remove all comments. And check bottom of file. Maybe you forget some brackets - }; Code which I place in previous post - works fine. I tested it right now.
  4. //M107 spec Sound Mod Test //spec_m107.pbo class Cfgpatches { class spec_m107 { units = {}; weapons = {}; requiredversion = 1.01; requiredaddons = {"CAWeapons"}; }; }; [color="Red"]class cfgweapons { class rifle;[/color] class m107: rifle { drysound = {"\spec_m107\m107_fire",1.0,0.0,2500}; reloadmagazinesound = {"\spec_m107\m107_reload",1.0,0.0,10}; }; }; And be sure, that your path to sound files is correct.
  5. Try module or script version. If it works, then problem in incorrect version of CBA. Because I tested this addon with CBA 0.7.6 (build 160) in all combinations : A2 only, CO 1.59, CO 1.59 beta and in all tests was ok.
  6. So why they not want run away? Enemy's spies? :D Back to topic: anyone test this beta with KnowsAbout command? Maybe it bugged too?
  7. Tested it right now again with CBA 0.7.6 (build 160) and auto version: all works fine. As I say before: be sure, that your version of CBA is correct (for A2 only/OA only/CO). Also. Maybe in mission used some of variables from ACE Wounds or BIS modules? Try it in clear mission in editor. And for God... don't shoot in their heads :) Try single shots in their arms and legs :)
  8. I confirm this "blinking". BLUFOR units randomly change their "state" from blue to orange and back again. I check it when all OPFOR units was dead, but BLUFOR group still was in combat state.
  9. ADDON UPDATED Version 4.6 Changelog: - Fixed: Animation bug, when units get up after healing (armed unit sometimes can play animation, which used for unarmed units). - Fixed: Player can stuck on ground after healing. - Fixed: Blood screen still showing after team switch or respawn. - Fixed: AI may stuck with "heal" order. - Added: Support from static weapon crew. - Changed: Player cant switch to wounded unit or his healer in singleplayer. - Changed: Civilians and guerrillas can support wounded units. - Improved: Joint work with BIS First Aid: Battlefield clearance module (Medics issue) - Minor changes and optimisation Note: All links updated.
  10. Hmm. Very strange. I tested, right now, auto version 4.5 with CBA 0.7.6 and I have no any bugs. All works fine. Some info: Addon will be disabled if in mission used: - BIS First Aid: Simulation module - BIS First Aid: Actions module - ACE Wounds module Be sure that no one of those modules not used in mission. Also be sure that you not do lethal shot. Shot in body and headshot - is lethal. Main idea of this addon - you are not a superman.
  11. Do you have CBA? Because auto version requires CBA. If you have it, then check version of CBA (for A2 only/OA only/CO). Be sure that your version of CBA is correct. Else one. I see ACE "tag" in your sig :) If ACE Wounds module included in mission, then my addon simply will not be activated for avoid any collisions with ACE Wоunds module.
  12. It works. Check your CBA version (For A2 only/OA only/CO). And try download latest version. This was fixed in version 4.5. I many times run all versions of addon (for different tests) and never seen something like this. Kremator says that he seen this bug too, but.. Can you say in which phase of script work(When unit lies on ground and wait healer, after drag, after healing, etc.) it happens? Also now I testing new version. Added more new fixes and improvements. Especially for BIS First Aid: BC Module.
  13. I found weird collisions bug with this beta. This bug sometimes appears, when one unit come in contact(collision) with other unit. 8GE4UErDZsE
  14. I tested this situation in my mission again and guess that I found a cause. This bug appear when I place generated town too close to the map's "border". One part of this town was outside of this "border " and I think that AI just have no calculated routs for this "unknown" area. When I place whole town inside this "border", then all fine and AI vehicles avoid collisions with generated town. Tested with latest beta (82948) So, I think, all fine with this.
  15. Not only medics. ANY friendly unit (even crew of land vehicles), who trained to first aid (any regular soldier) can help you. This feature added specially for one situation: you are wounded, but your squad have no free units to help you (they support any other units or they wounded too). But near you stay some friendly soldiers from other squad. Now they will help you. In earlier versions they just stay near, until you die or stay alone in your squad.
  16. Thanks for info :) Now I know where is problem: SAME names of script folder and addon. They overwrite each other. I will change folder name for script version and all will be work fine. As I hope.. :D Also.. maybe you used old auto version of addon? Because I tried this combination and not saw any so strange collisions, as you saw.
  17. ADDON UPDATED Version 4.5 Changelog: - Improved: Scripts perfomance - Improved: Interactions with BIS First Aid: Battlefield Clearance Module - Improved: Searching wounded units (now search can be forced, if in unit's squad no available units for healing) - Improved: Wounding system - Fixed: Doubling "heal" order from squad leader - Minor changes and tweaks Note: All links updated.
  18. Performance - is good. But let's don't forget about this: gPbvPLJR6T4 ARMA 2 CO 1.59 - beta build 82604. No custom addons. Situation: Generated town and vehicle with "Seek and Destroy" waypoint.
  19. Got strange error message today. ARMA2 CO, no custom addons. Also... Seems that "[82484] Improved: AI helicopter attempt to land when hit during an attach run." have no effect. I just now saw how helicopter cancel landing, when he was under fire.
  20. ADDON UPDATED Version 4.4 Changelog: - Fixed: Removes heal event handler, when "healer" has been killed while he drag or move to wounded unit. - Fixed: "Stay with me"-bug, when healer just stay near wounded unit and do nothing until he die. - Fixed: Removed speech: "I can tell you only my name, rank...". - Fixed: Visual FX bug when player using team switch. - Added: Specific identificator (variable "DAP_AIFAS_ASSIGNED"), which signals that unit have attached event handler and controlled by AI First Aid Support script. If this variable equal 1, then unit have specific event handler. - Improved: ACE's wound system modules check. Note: All links updated. You can check it with specific variable "DAP_AIFAS_ASSIGNED". If this variable equal 1, then unit have attached event handler.
  21. If you want add this option for newly created units, then you need add same string in spawn script with replacing "AllUnits" to array of spawned units. Example1: [[_unit1,_unit2,_unit3]] execVM "DAPMAN\Init.sqf"; Example2: [(units _group)] execVM "DAPMAN\Init.sqf";
  22. In MP this option is useless. That is my opinion :) You already have respawn. So why create some additional scripts, which will do same work. For SP.. this problem can be solved with simple respawn script, which can be triggered by "killed" event handler. I have my own for different situations and, perhaps, I can add this, with some modifications, in next version for using in SP missions.
  23. Actually.. this script not works for LETHAL hits :) If you die - you die :) Body hits and head hits - lethal :) You can check it by shooting to different "parts" of unit's body :) Headshot = dead body, shot in leg or hand = wounded unit, which screams and roll on the ground :) In close range firefights very likely that you will be killed. In long range firefights you have more chances to stay alive. About some bugs.. I found some little bugs in scripts: sometimes units just stay near wounded unit an do nothing until he die. And you can't heal them too. It's already fixed in next version.
  24. Try small demo mission, which included in latest version, without any addons. If it works - then it works. For me - it works.
  25. There is two variants: 1. Event handler not added to unit (maybe something missed in init.sqf or/and in Description.ext in root mission folder) 2. Used BIS First Aid: Action module, BIS First Aid: Simulation module, or ACE first aid modules.