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Everything posted by DAP

  1. UPDATE Current Version: 2.43 Changelog: Improved spawn system for Insurgents Added restrictions on the management of helicopters and planes Added weapon restrictions for pilots Added TvT missions (Takistan, Zargabad) New mission - "Insurgency in Chernarus" Minor fixes ATTENTION: In Chernarus insurgents can place their camps in forests. Use helicopters for reconnaissance, but be carefull: insurgents have anti-aircraft launchers.
  2. I am very busy at now, but: UPDATE Current Version: 2.39 Changelog: IEDs on roads (Only engineers and SpecOps can defuse IED) Disposable launchers (M136, RPG-18) Decreased size of markers on map Increased number of insurgents Added icons (medic, engineer, machinegunner) for squad status window Added map with intel for some field commanders (If you kill him - search his body) Added option "Order mоve away" for civilians (If they block your way or stay in dangerous area) Added interier for hangars on US base (Chairs are usable) Added AH-6J on US Base Minor improvenments and fixes Here is only two missions. COOP for CO (Takistan and Zargabad). All other will be released as soon as possible.
  3. I already done progressive version, but it will be used in new mod. Different wound types and different procedures, including bandaging, anesthetic injections, CPR, EAV, OPA and other. Maybe, after mod release, I will add lite stand alone version :)
  4. I will fix this mistake soon :) Also markers already changed and no cover each other.
  5. I already changed name of this missions twice :D And "Insurgency" and "Insurgency in Takistan" is different names. "Insurgency in Takistan" is just translation from my native language into English. 1. Yes, sometimes red markers covered by green markers. Even in Takistan. I will change it in next version. 2. Actually, patrols works. Cars, BMP-2, infantry patrols. But seems it not enough. Takistan is too big. 3. IED's is in progress :) 4. Revive makes mission more arcade :) But I will add some changes in my wound system, and it will be less hard. 5. About BMP-2. Some vehicles on map stay at one place and guard the nearest area. My mistake :) Actually script uses interrupt on pressing "lockTarget" button :) On default setting this button - Tab :)
  6. Try run this addon without third party addons. Make simple test. Place two units on map, and shoot in one of them. Second unit must drag him (if no any big objects behind him). 2000 at start? :) Or they will spawn during the mission? :) If first variant - then you can use simple cycle in mission init-file. Something like this: {[units _x] execVM "DAPMAN\init.sqf"; sleep 5;}ForEach allGroups; If second variant - then just add next string in script, which spawn units, when all units in group was spawned: [(units _group)] execVM "DAPMAN\init.sqf";
  7. 4 pages and no one asked me "How looks insurgents leader?" ;)
  8. Both :) Green marker mean that here is no hostiles anymore. And they will not spawn at this area :) And here is two conditions for areas with caches: Cache was destroyed. No alive insurgents in area. Wrong :D You can find map on dead field commander only in 30% of cases :) So to be sure, that you get information about cache, you must leave him alive and interrogate him :) I added this feature after several hours of playing with casual players on public server :) Because of those situations: - Player: AAAA! I see insurgent!!! Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! Ha-Ha! He is dead! - I: Damn you... :D Anyway, here is new update :) UPDATE Current Version: 2.30 Changelog: Increased "spawn range" for insurgents groups in Takistan (1000m instead 750m). Increased number of insurgents in Zagrabad. Added 4 missions for CO (added weapons from A2) Added French localization for all missions(Thanks, Malah) All links updated.
  9. UPDATE Current version : 2.29 Changelog: Decreased size of markers in Zgrabad. All links updated
  10. Hmm. Maybe ask LordJarhead? :) What exactly he made with A-10 :) Seems that he change config not only in sound part.
  11. I will try do something with this. At first this mission was created only for Takistan and seems that it need more rework for Zagrabad. And you right about green markers. This is markers of clear areas.
  12. Transport works only for delivering soldiers from base to point on map, or from one point on map to another. Evac works only for delivering soldiers from any point on map to base. If you request transport then distance between you and destination must be more than 500m. If you request transport and distance between you and base less than 500m, then transport will wait you on base. If you request evac, then distance between you and base must be more than 500m.
  13. It works (you can see blood screen splashing when hit sometimes). But headshots is letal (most of cases - hits, when your soldier lies on ground and looks at target). Also after latest patches BIS increased damage from bullets in short range.
  14. Hmm. Strange, but I can't reproduce this bug. I tried several times but in 100% of cases both A-10 started moving again and take off. Maybe beta or some third-party addons?
  15. UPDATE Current version : 2.27 Changelog: Fixed empty OPFOR vehicles and static weapons when "ENABLE AI" option is disabled. Fixed bug with unavailable UAV, when player-operator was disconnected during UAV session. Fixed squad status message (squad members can be shown before squad leader in squad list). All links updated
  16. UPDATE Current Version: 1.82 Changelog: Fixed drag option for players. Improved perfomanse of core scipts. All links updated
  17. After death you anyway will spawn near box :) Just go to it and select option "Load loadout" :) And your saved loadout will added to your soldier in one second :) UPDATE Current version : 2.25 Changelog: Fixed drag option for players. All links updated
  18. Version 2.25 is upcoming. Added fix for drag option (In current state it work only one time: unitl first respawn). About VIP :) You can find VIP only in Takistan mission :) You will understand as soon as you will see him :)
  19. UPDATE Current version : 2.18 Changelog: Fixed error with missed KilledHandler.sqf All links updated
  20. No difference. If I44 wounds module added, then probably can appears "collisons" in scripts.
  21. I think, only if I44 wound module wasn't added in mission. But not tested yet.
  22. Thanks for info, Malah :) Else one :) You already found VIP cortege? :) UPDATE Current version : 2.17 Changelog: Fixed "flying" caches All links updated
  23. No. Because, as I say before, too many "collisions" with scripts. :D :D :D When I saw this first time, I almost fell under the table :D
  24. This feature works only in singleplayer. You must find barracks near US Mobile HQ. Move to it and check actions menu.