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Everything posted by Bootstomp

  1. Bootstomp

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Ok I figured it out but how do I get the AC-130 to work? I requested it but it seems that its just not appearing.
  2. Bootstomp

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Oh alright thanks alot!
  3. Bootstomp

    SAM / Nordin addons

    Hey Guys I do have a problem to get this SAM Support thing to work. Eberytime I try to put this into my Domination I get a failure saying "Resource sam_support not found" When im trying to open the GTAC in the action menu. I followed the Installation steps from the pdf and I also put the sam support folder into my missions folder where is the problem?
  4. Hey Guys, Ive searched on the Forums but I couldnt find a damn thing. Is it possible to lower the back ramp of the Merlin? Thanks!