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Everything posted by twirly

  1. Thanks man....yes it does. I just got it! My script was more complicated and I had an error somewhere. Started over from scratch and bingo!! Been dicking with this for hours. Should have spent more time with the script than looking for the answer! Thanks again.
  2. I am the OP! ...so much for reading huh?
  3. Yeah....it looks sweet sometimes to see them fighting the spin :) Uncontrolled autorotation!
  4. This may help you with the building positions man....adapt it to your needs. //*** finds number of positions in nearst house _house = position leader esqd1 nearestObject "Building"; _posarray = []; _rndpos = []; _pos = []; _cnt = 0; while {format ["%1", _house buildingPos _cnt] != "[0,0,0]" } do { _pos = _house buildingPos _cnt; _posarray = _posarray + [[_pos]]; _cnt = _cnt + 1; sleep 0.02; }; Then "_posarray" will contain all the positions in "_house".
  5. Thanks for posting this. Been wondering how to get them to do this by script. You live and you learn! Thanks again.
  6. twirly

    SUV sounds

    I had the same problem.....This thread will help you. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101083
  7. For sure.....it's been a problem for ten years! ---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ---------- For sure.....it's been a problem for ten years! :mad:
  8. Hey buddy....You seem to just spend time on here telling people they are "trolls". You called me a "troll" yesterday for complaining about the netcode and warping. We paid money for this game and have every right to say what we think as long as we are not rude! Key word being "rude". We are really all small shareholders in BIS! You actually seem to be one that is simply trolling looking for trouble. Have you ever helped anyone? Get a life son!...and realise that you may not be dealing with kids all the time here.
  9. You can set the vertical position of the object like this....put in the objects Initialization field. this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 2.1]; This sets the object to the same location (x,y) where it is currently placed....but with a new height (z) of 2.1m. Adjust the height value to whatever you need.
  10. Check this thread.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=106200
  11. Consistency with everything really. Sometimes you press the "plus" and zoom in slowly...sometimes it just zooms in. It would be great if something like the instant zoom was a toggle...instead of another key to unzoom. Make things that can be toggled toggleable. Also add a click to things like that....so we can have some audible feedback. It just adds polish to a game that seriously needs it. The sight pictures on the guns are all over the place. Some sights are close to your face...some are out there. There's just a lot of general inconsistency that really needs work to polish this game. But what we will get instead is more new content that also doesn't work. Quantity instead of quality! Still love it though!! Peace!
  12. OK buddy...I see. Sorry I couldn't help.
  13. You know what they say about big men don't you. LOL!
  14. twirly

    Dialog Help

    Ooooh...methinks with lots of hair pulling! :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dialogs
  15. Try using a different version of Eliteness. I think there's two versions I found when l looked. One worked and one didn't. It might very well have been that same problem that you are having!.....Don't remember. Worth a try I guess.
  16. Hi...I think you have to add it to "class OpticsModes"... Have a look at this M-107 setup....I modified it for the gun to have all modes. You can sort out which one is BW. I don't remember! It's one of the thermal modes. It's totally unrealistic I know....but so are the 30mm cannon shells it fires :). I use it when testing missions if I need to destroy something and have a little fun at the same time! class OpticsModes { class StepScope { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 1; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1"}; opticsZoomInit = 0.0553; opticsZoomMin = 0.0178; distanceZoomMin = 500; opticsZoomMax = 0.0553; distanceZoomMax = 200; memoryPointCamera = "Konec hlavne"; opticsFlare = true; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = true; cameraDir = ""; [color="Red"] visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti","NVG"}; thermalMode[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; [/color] discreteDistance[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 4; }; };
  17. Kegety's has a photoshop .paa plugin at his site. Scroll down till you see Arma Tools...it's in that package. http://www.kegetys.net/arma/ I use it all the time and it works very well.
  18. You can also use Eliteness or PboView. Both work well for me. One way to do it is to just replace the ".wss" (sound) file with the sound you like for the gun....so there is no editing of the config itself.....just replace the sounds themselves. Swap the sounds from Elias sound with VOP sounds or vice versa.....shouldn't be any problems doing that. If you want to extract the .wss files to .wav to listen to them use "wssdec" (decode from wss to wav) and "wssenc" (encode from wss to wav). You can encode and decode by simply dropping files onto their shortcuts. They are DOS programs and you will have to create the shortcuts. I just googled the wss tools and found a valid link on the OFPEC forums.... http://www.k-foren.de/attachment.php?postid=193534 You might choose to find your own source.....whatever suits you. Hope you get something out of this....and it helps you at least a little. Afterthought.....I should have mentioned that PboView will only unpack and not pack. I use it if I quickly want to see what's in a pbo.
  19. This would make a good crop to make fuel from :- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4272&highlight=HEMP :)
  20. Thank you....exactly what I was saying :) Have you not read the rest of this thread or have you just decided to call me a "troll" because you think that's makes you a big man?
  21. Thanks....very true. Sometimes I forget this myself.:)
  22. Maybe a combatmode/behaviour combination. Track down and kill that bug. Lasers on boys! Have you tried "true" and "false"?
  23. That should work fine in your trigger if you just add one little bit more:- [color="Red"]nul=[/color]{_x enableIRLasers true} forEach units Sandman;
  24. Not sure why that's happening to you buddy....flipping them on and off here with no problems using "L". Trying to find a guy with a bloody flashlight to test....but having trouble....LOL!