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Everything posted by twirly

  1. The instructions for it are here....a demo mission is included:- http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76423&highlight=housepatrol.sqf
  2. This thread here might help you.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77397&highlight=paradrop
  3. Hi...If I understand you correctly maybe you can try it this way :- hint "out"; sleep 3; waituntil {triggeractivated trigger1}; hint "in1"; "smarker" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "obj1"); "flag" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "obj1"); waituntil {triggeractivated trigger2}; hint "in2"; "smarker" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "obj2"); "flag" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "obj2");
  4. twirly

    Troop loadout

    Wow...you must have a memory like an elephant! I can't remember that far back. So besides the short term memory loss caused by Jamaican tobacco.....apparently there's some long term memory loss as well! LOL!
  5. @Carl....Ahh...yes. That is correct! My bad.
  6. twirly

    Troop loadout

    C-64! Been there....done that! Wrote an oscilloscope program for it using assembly lang.
  7. you don't need the =="true"... true is boolean and not text! Use this instead :- if (quitNow) then {... };
  8. I had a quick look at counting two hits on a simple target and then making it go down....and gave up! I did find this cool piece of work in my downloaded scripts though.....and also found the link for you. The code you need is probably buried in here somewhere. UNA Targets....nice stuff! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107452&highlight=una+targets Hope it helps.
  9. Try this mate.... In the editor....place a soldier (player). Place an empty MH-6J. Create a script...here it's called myscript.sqf....and put it in your mission folder :- "myscript.sqf" ..... while {true} do { if (vehicle player [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isKindOf"]isKindOf[/url] "MH6J_EP1") then { hintsilent "This is an MH6"; } else { hintsilent "This is not an MH6"; }; sleep 1; }; To call the script put this code in the players Init field:- nul = [] execVM "myscript.sqf"; Get in the chopper to see the hint change. There are other ways to do this....but this is following what you have there.
  10. twirly

    How to Para drop Opfor

    Add a trigger to the demo activated by BLUFOR PRESENT....put the line below in the trigger's "On Act" field. In the init.sqf......comment out the same line.....as we no longer want it running from the init.sqf nul = [[wsqd1,wsqd2,wsqd3],wplane1] execVM "veh_movein.sqf";
  11. No bother man...You should be able to re-pack it with Eliteness.... or you can install the BIS Tools (biggish install). There's some PBO tools in there. Easy way :- You can also save the mission from the editor as a Multiplayer mission. When you go to save it use "Export to multiplayer missions" ... instead of "User mission". It will end up in your Arma2\MPMissions folder.
  12. Hey mate.... Bon's code is fine...you should have no problem with that. There is a little test here to show that it does work. I added a bit to it to delete the crew as well if they are left in the vehicle either fried or frying!
  13. Maybe it's not as simple as you think! I've looked at this three times now and I'm still thinking about how to accomplish what you need. Be patient...if someone has an easy solution for you ...it will come.
  14. twirly

    How to Para drop Opfor

    To delay something...the sleep command is one way. Another way would be to call the scripts only when you need them....but I'm not sure how you are using them so it's a difficult thing to answer!
  15. There is an oog file here that is just silence if anyone needs it.
  16. Glad to help mate. Use whatever works for you. I guess I only tried a few and ended up using those two. The scripting question is a biggie! That's going to take a lot of dedication, pulling of hair, gnashing of teeth...domestic violence....the whole nine yards mate! LOL! Read the scripts...try to understand what they do. Try to identify things in the code and change the values....test. Keep changing values and testing until you get a handle on what's going on. Get a good Text Editor.....everything is text! A lot of people use notePad+ I believe. I use TextPad. Eventually the code will begin to make sense....and you will begin to become adventurous. Yeah mate....the wiki is good. These forums are a great source of ideas, code and help also. The commands can be daunting....but pick and choose what you learn as you go. There's a lot stuff to be found here also at OFPEC Enjoy!
  17. Look here for the tools you need mate..... Community Tools You need to de-PBO the mission...then copy it into your mission folder and then you can edit in the editor.....and also edit the scripts if you are capable. I use Eliteness and PboView.
  18. Yep sure....you can put it in a while loop. Run the script on the group. In this example _found (local) has been changed to DudeFound (global). while {true} do { _cnt = 0; for [{_i=0},{_i < count units _grp},{_i=_i+1}] do { _dude = units _grp select _i; if (_dude distance _grpfob >= 1500) then {_cnt = _cnt +1}; sleep 0.01; }; if (_cnt >=1) then { DudeFound = true; } else { DudeFound = false; }; sleep 1; }; ...and then check from anywhere that DudeFound is true :- waituntil {DudeFound}; It's up to your imagination!
  19. Hi mate...I sent you a PM. It can be something along these lines This will check each soldiers distance from _grpfob. But only does the check on the group once. Place it in a while loop to keep checking. Maybe change _found to a Global var and keep checking that. for [{_i=0},{_i < count units _grp},{_i=_i+1}] do { _dude = units _grp select _i; if (_dude [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/distance"]distance[/url] _grpfob >= 1500) then {_cnt = _cnt +1}; sleep 0.01; }; if (_cnt >=1) then { _found = true; } else { _found = false; };
  20. More content added to a bug ridden program. Absolutely wonderful! A new multiplayer game!!! Why???? Have you fixed the netcode and warping? Fix the existing stuff. Take some pride in your work!
  21. twirly

    Graphics engine improvement

    This is spot on! For once in this games ten year career please get everything we already have working. It's more than enough content. We don't need more broken stuff. It seems to me the broken stuff is actually intentional....for whatever reasons. Maybe some kind of business plan on BIS's part!....I am starting to believe that's exactly what it is. To get ideas and fixed code from the public and turn around and sell it back to us....but who really knows!
  22. twirly

    How to Para drop Opfor

    Hi....have a look at this demo here.....it might help you.
  23. Found your problem..... you need the underscore like _this _city = [color="Red"]_this[/color] select 0; The groups are spawning now for me.