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Everything posted by twirly

  1. twirly

    Money System

    That's what I thought! Peace and Love brother....stay cool.
  2. Cool. It's been ten years for me and I'm still looking stuff up everyday! It's the nature of the beast!
  3. Add an EAST soldier to the map with this in his init.... deleteVehicle this; ...or in your init.sqf use... _sideHQ = createCenter EAST;
  4. Yes. Give them a GLOBAL name (without the underscore). Then you can refer to the group using this name in other scripts. In this case below it is westgrp1. //spawn a WEST group with 5 random units... westgrp1 = [getPos hpad1, WEST, 5] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Next... To take away the groups (westgrp1) ammo..... for "_i" from 0 to ((count units westgrp1)-1) do { _unit = units westgrp1 select _i; {_unit removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _unit; sleep 0.01; }; For the timer it depends how you want to do things.... there's a few ways... but you most probably need to use a loop with a big sleep. You have the loop structure above. Start opening scripts and try to read and understand them. Try to see what they do. Familiarize yourself with the scripting commands. The best advice is probably to not to be too ambitious. You will simply end up frustrated. Do you have -showScriptErrors added to your games shortcut? This is very important in order to see where your scripts are screwing up.
  5. Try again.... I took out the reference to the "binocs".
  6. Not sure if you've seen this but a lot of info here... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75528&highlight=ppeffects
  7. twirly

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    Using this...it's very nice. Thank you gammadust!
  8. that seems to be a fairly impossible task... not sure if anyone has come up with a way to do that without totally disabling the character with enableSimulation
  9. @Easelm... I had added an example mission to my post above for you... not sure if you saw it or not.
  10. Mate it's going to take you more than 3 minutes to get the hang of it. That's for sure! Will generate a small example for you...hang on five. EDIT: OK... try this little example mission here.
  11. It's going to take a while and lots of hair pulling... but hang in there. You'll get out of it what you put into it. Good luck.
  12. This might help....but there is some reading and understanding involved. If you can script explosives then you should know about triggers and executing scripts already. ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules .. you need the "functions library". BIS_fnc_spawnGroup addWaypoint Hope it helps. EDIT: This looks like what you want... it was 10 posts down from yours! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=118665
  13. twirly

    Money System

    @Mathew123... that wasn't meant for you man. It was directed at Dragon_Zen. Good luck with your scripting.
  14. twirly

    Money System

    You have to buy a 5 1/4" money slot for your PC. It fits in the fron't....just takes up one drive space. Get one from eBay. Then get the drivers...you'll find them on the net. Keep Googling till you find them. After that the special variable "Money" will work... if not post your findings here! Did you even bother to read the post from Demonized above?
  15. Maybe this post might help .... http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1883686&postcount=4
  16. Use switch. Something like this... _counter = [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ceil"]ceil[/url] (random 3); switch (_counter) do { case 1: {[i]....code here[/i]}; case 2: {[i]... code here[/i]}; case 3: {[i]....code here[/i]}; };
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong....but that's not right. This thread was about Arma 2 ...not Arma 2OA. There's no AToC in the ArmA2.cfg as far as I can see. There's simply too much confusion between the different versions and people not being specific. Not everyone has or chooses to use OA! It just all leads to much confusion.
  18. Thank you for the patch BIS!
  19. This might help you also.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1868098&postcount=9
  20. I think it's a bit buggy. Newly created AI seem to know an awful lot about their surroundings. Since "CARELESS" does not work the way it used to (years ago).... the workaround should be the disablAI commands... which should at least do what their names suggest. There also was a time that CIVILIANS just ignored everything and you could put them to fly/drive these vehicles to accomplish these tasks.
  21. I made a test mission with continuously respawning planes so I could test the CCIP code I was playing with. I wanted the AI to bomb some vehicles, troops...whatever.... fairly accurately using dumb bombs. I'm creating the bombs under the wings at the same velocity and direction as the plane. It would work exactly one time. Every plane spawned after the first one seems to magically know that the target is there and try to take an evasive path around it. Not good for free fall bombing!! The bomb would always be released off to the side of the target as the pilot veered away. I've had the same trouble with trying to make CIVILIAN's ignore their surroundings and just follow the script! Every time there is action anywhere near them they just hit the ground.... jump out of their car etc. It's real annoying when every single command you try for this just does not work.... and there's enough of them..... disableAI.... careless etc. EDIT: As far as I know ... you've done everything here that you can do... except maybe setskill. But that seems to do eff all as well. _pilot disableAI "TARGET"; _pilot disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _HeliCrew setCombatMode "blue"; _HeliCrew setBehaviour "careless";
  22. I've had the same problem when working on a CCIP for dumb bombs. The only plane that will fly directly over the target is the first one created.... everyone after that fly's around the target to the left or right. I eventually gave up trying! If someone can figure this out it would be great. There are a lot of threads in the forums about "CARELESS" not actually meaning careless. The AI still seem to react as they please.
  23. (random 20) - 10 ???? How about (random 10) - 20 :)