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Everything posted by twirly

  1. Did you try this (assuming briefing.jpg is in a folder called images in your mission folder)? <img image='images\briefing.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>
  2. Found this.... see if might help you... http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=33468.15 Also here is code that works..... waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil {player==player}; if (playerSide == WEST) then { player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Double Up", "Objectives are the enemy base <marker name='mkr_Obj1'>here</marker> and once that is secure...then move to <marker name='mkr_Obj2'>the airfield</marker> [color="Red"]<img image='briefing.jpg' width='256' height='256'/>[/color]"]]; tskExample2 = player createSimpleTask ["Secure airport roads"]; tskExample2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take the crossroads", "Secure airport roads", "Obj 2"]; tskExample2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkr_Obj2"); tskExample1 = player createSimpleTask ["Secure enemy base"]; tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take enemy base", "Secure enemy base", "Obj 1"]; tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkr_Obj1"); player setCurrentTask tskExample1; //can do this in the trigger for tskExample1 //waituntil {(taskCompleted tskExample1)}; //player setCurrentTask tskExample2; }; ....and here is an example that works..... http://www.mediafire.com/?cowd7op38c5os42 ...also discovered that if it does not work the first time you run the mission...you have to exit the game before you can try again. No matter what it shows the failed briefing until you restart the entire game. That's really shitty.
  3. Do some more reading mate.... I've come back to this thread to help several times and at the end of it I just don't think you'll understand the answer.
  4. Just try it mate...you'll soon find out if it works or not! I honestly see no reason why an array wouldn't work....but if it doesn't at least you have some backup.
  5. Even if it's not possible you can pass an integer value like 1,2 or 3 and then sort it out on the other end. other end.... _num = paramsarray select 9; switch (_num) do { case 1: {_array = [2,4]}; case 2: {_array = [5,8]}; case 3: {_array = [9,12]}; };
  6. If you are trying to generate a town... have a look at this little Demo. Extract the mission to your mission folder and run it. Two towns are created. One to your left and one to your right. Hope it helps. Scratch that....I read your post wrong.
  7. Tried a few more things and this works for me....with mods run from a parameter file. desktop shortcut:- "J:\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -par=startup.txt startup.txt -skipintro -nosplash -nopause -world=empty -showScriptErrors -maxmem=2047 _window -mod=@Islands;@Twirl;@Test...and so on. EIDT: Getting seemingly random CTD's... but wicked graphics now! Well done.
  8. You can do it like this.... First create the trigger... this is the example from the wiki page createTrigger modified slightly. //create trigger at player's location _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; //set the area to 50 x 50...rotation angle 0...trigger is a rectangle _trg setTriggerArea[50,50,0,true]; //trigger activated by anyone present... repeatedly _trg setTriggerActivation["ANY","PRESENT",true]; //to detect a soldier named wsold1 _trg setTriggerStatements["this && wsold1 in thislist", "hint 'wsold1 IS in the trigger area'", "hint 'wsold1 IS NOT in the trigger area'"]; Using the condition ("this && wsold1 in thislist") in setTriggerStatements is how you would detect a specific guy/object whatever. Here it looks for wsold1... and only if wsold1 is present... will it fire with the hint wsold1 IS in the trigger area. I personally am not familiar with all those other parameters.. "STATIC", "VEHICLE", "GROUP", "LEADER", "MEMBER" etc.... and haven't seen them used! Use triggerAttachVehicle to attach the trigger to the unit.
  9. A lot of people can't get into the game... so can't test anything! How could this be good in any shape, form or fashion? EDIT: Back to 88027....at least can play! Like Android... bad App....uninstalling.
  10. Store what you need to store in an array that's named after the group. That won't go away! If you're feeling adventurous test this... I haven't tested it. To store the items.... _items = [_item1,_item2,_item3]; for "_i" from 0 to (count items)-1 do { call compile format ["%1_Group_Array set [count %1_Group_Array,_items select _i]",_group]; sleep 0.01; }; To retrieve them.... call compile format ["_array = %1_Group_Array",_group]; _item1 = _array select 0; _item2 = _array select 1; _item3 = _array select 2;
  11. Demonized nailed it. I like the idea Mauser GDog..... good one.
  12. Yes....you can use allUnits to get a list of all units at any time. But would have to make sure it ran after all units were present or it might miss some. I think there's nothing wrong with doing it the way you are already doing it. At least you are sure that the spawned units have whatever applied to them. Maybe you can run a separate script on the group (_grp) as it is spawned.... but it is six of one.... half dozen of the other.
  13. I'm using the -par=startup.txt parameter in the shortcut....and get the error. startup.txt:- -skipintro -nosplash -nopause -world=empty -showScriptErrors -maxmem=2047 This no longer works...was working fine.! -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi -par=startup.txt Enough dicking around.....back to the last patch for me!
  14. Thanks guys. Actually...I get the same direct3D error with no mods loaded.
  15. When I run this beta I get...both onscreen and in the .rpt :- ErrorMessage: Error creating Direct3D 9 Graphical engine @Grillob3... what the hell is oktNoBlur?
  16. You can have a look at (if you haven't already!) Shuko's Taskmaster. This looks like it might also help.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=126390
  17. Cool thing mate...if that works then go for it. Good to have another method and good of you to post it for all to see.
  18. Your English is fine. Yes... I just tried this and it works fine. You can create a trigger and when you enter the trigger area it fires a little script that puts you in a new, separate group. Create the trigger.... Activation: ANYONE ONCE Present Condition: this && player in (thislist); On Act.: nul = [] execVM "littlescript.sqf"; Put this script in your mission folder.... littlescript.sqf:- [player] [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/join"]join[/url] grpNull; newgroup = [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createGroup"]createGroup[/url] WEST; [player] join newgroup; Good luck!
  19. Don't think you have a choice really....but someone else may know better. EDIT: After answering this question here.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2090749#post2090749 I think you just save the group name....and then maybe you can rejoin it again...even if the group is empty. If not...you should be able to recreate the group once you have a name. Worth a try.
  20. I'm no MP guru.... but would any of the other players get that hint? I think he wants all players to get the hint.... something like... On Shuko's machine..... "Please move back into the area of operation Shuko" On Twirly's machine..... "Please move back into the area of operation Twirly"
  21. He wants all players to get the hint....and the hint must have their name.
  22. The thing is.... how to determine who is "everyone". In a MP game you would use.... playableunits In a SP game you would use.... switchableunits Both playable units and switchableunits may return more units than players....so you still need to determine who the human players are in those lists. You see it gets messy quickly. You need to read about and understand "locality"..... here are two quick links. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Locality_in_Multiplayer EDIT: The second link won't let me paste it properly...so you only really get one link! Google it.