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Everything posted by Mayorc

  1. Hi guys, recently playing TDM with generic Cities in Operation Arrowhead, I found it way easy and a lot shoot your weapon then get killed cause you have no ammo. So I wanna give more freedom in equipment usage and get more variety. Also wanna improve military equipment for Takistan players cause is very underbalanced respect to West units one. Also want to give some units smoke grenades, fragmentation grenades and some RPG and handguns, just to get more fun action. :638: Other things that seems to be not good is the grenade launcher, for some weapons is empty. For the granade launcher only they are too few then you got to get killed. So editing every unit equipment would be a must. Even though through editing I could add ammo crates around, even if I don't know if this would be a good idea in a generic city creation. I take this opportunity as a secondary one. Optional addon : I want to change spawning point position to outside houses to avoid units get stucked inside. Also il would be nice to randomly respawn a unit as a armed car veichle (this could be the driver with a non playable gunner on top) in this case RPG would be nice. (Optional the car respawn could be assigned to the currently loosing team). Thanks in advance for your replies. P.S. Is it possible to edit after creation a mission created with Mission Wizard with the Mission Editor ?
  2. Someone knows how to confirm Waipoints behaviour in Arma 2 Mission Wizard for both SP and MP. Is there any complete guide available for the wizard ? Is it possible to convert wizard missions to Missions editable through Editor ?? Thanks.
  3. Yes, indeed you can't but i think that the missions you create go under you profile directory under My documents, there you can manipulate a few things if you do this in the wizard, the Editor is more powerful and complete but requires lot more experience.
  4. Actually I found a Configuration file that holds informations for the mission created with the wizard. :) This is the content: template="ca\missions_e\MPTemplates\MPTE_Town_TeamDeathmatch"; noCopy=1; owner="ca_missions_e"; island="Takistan"; year=1995; month=5; day=10; hour=12; minute=30; class Params { CaptureTheFlag=0; HouseCount=75; HouseSpacing=1.1; }; class Units { class players_west { group=0; name="units_rifleman"; file="units_west_rifleman.unit"; }; class players_east { group=1; name="units_sf"; file="units_east_SF.unit"; }; }; class Positions { WIZVAR_gita[]={11787.2,185.164,10460.6}; }; addons[]={}; weather=1; weatherForecast=1; fog=0.13797233; fogForecast=0; viewDistance=2.1004016e-037; So as I can see for both is using a different file: units_west_rifleman.unit and units_east_SF.unit. If I can duplicate these files and edit a second ones give them different file names. I can have different gear for them, but where do i found these files and how do I change their equipment. Suggestions accepted. P.S. Another question in The wizard when creating waypoints for the units by double clicking on the waipoint I can change the behaviour, but how do i confirm changes, pressing ESC it will revert to default ones, that is move. Using Enter or spacebar will not work. Thanks for any help.