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Everything posted by xman1

  1. I am ready to buy it again as it is one of my favs, but I am not always on an internet connection. I understand it was on GoG at one point in time but it is no longer. I bought ArmA Gold on this site, but there is no ArmA 2. Please fix this! There is no reason for this old game not to exist on this site. https://www.gog.com/en -X
  2. Been trying to get to the BIS store for 2 days and all I get is a blank page with links to their game pages but no store. -X
  3. I just purchased Take On Helicopters: Hinds (Vanilla, not Steam), and after installing with 1.05 Take on Helicopters and then adding Hinds, it works fine. Try to upgrade to 1.06, and I get the following messages on start up and then it bails to desktop: Followed by this before it bails: I've read the Steam thread. This is not the same thing that is happening to me. Any clues? -X ---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 AM ---------- OK, I have traced the problem down to Rearmed. I removed Rearmed and now Take on Helicopters loads normally with patch 1.06. I'd like to use Rearmed as I own all of ArmA 2 and would like to fly in this area. Any additional ideas here? -X ---------- Post added at 09:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ---------- Uggh. I may be solving my own problem. Posting my results as I dig so that maybe this can help someone else: Found this on the rearmed page: "No entry'config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow" (on start-up) - try patching A2 & OA to the latest versions [2] http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Take_On_Helicopters_-_Rearmed -X ---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 AM ---------- Final solution was to take A2 to 1.11 and A2:OE to 1.60 and then to 1.62. Now I no longer have errors. I hope this solution helps others. -X
  4. Simple - your laptops videocard is not capable of doing something your Titan is capable of doing, so it is not bogged down by this feature which is obviously enabled on the Titan. There is also some rocks on Chenarus in the North East corner next to a lake that slow the whole system down for some reason. They have always done that since day 1 of ArmA II. -X
  5. You might be right. I have the full version installed of PMC and BAF however. What is installed. All DLC is full versions: ArmA II ArmA II OA PMC BAF ACR TOH TOH: Hinds Would be fun to add my Carrier Command Islands too Something is telling me that I might be spending too much of my $$$ with one company here. :p
  6. Is there a manual way to get ACR working in TOH? I have PMC and BAF installed and both of those show up. -X
  7. People still watch South Park? Got boring to me at least. Video was pretty cool. I remember how those graphics were once cutting edge. We were happy to simply have more than 4 colors and maybe a noise generator on top of the bleeps and blips! -X
  8. I quite using NVidia surround long ago due to its incompatibility with many games. Most work, but there are too many that don't. -X
  9. Right now, the Walrus just stops instantly when it hits a tree. It would be better if it stopped and knocked over the tree. Just thinking. -X
  10. Shadows are not your friend. See this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133280-For-those-with-mouse-lag -X
  11. xman1

    Manta out of fuel

    There is a thread already on this. Use the forum search to find it. I simply ran over a manta with my carrier and that works. I can't figure out how to use the hook on them though. -X
  12. Why would you want to? If you are not doing something constantly, the enemy carrier will begin eating your lunch because he doesn't pause. -X
  13. I found that lower shadow detail to be the biggest help. Lighting detail is the second best thing in helping relief mouse lag, though shadow detail is likely the best way to deal with it. Hope this helps. -X
  14. I got taken out today as I approached an island and it wouldn't let me stop the carrier. The enemy carrier turned around and started blasting me and I could do nothing to maneuver. It was outside of an immediate island and the option to set sail wouldn't even work. The enemy carrier just pulled up to my side and let me have it. -X
  15. Didn't use the search feature. Just read all the titles looking for a solution and didn't see one, so I created it. Seems I missed it.
  16. I think I would go for an upgrade too. -X
  17. Can't answer #2 as I have the same question. To save a manta, though the hook should work, I can't find a way to may it work. If the manta is in the water, I found I could run over it with the carrier and I could save it that way.
  18. I have seen the enemy carrier retreat. Matter of fact, I was annoyed that it is faster than my carrier.
  19. He just sat there as I blasted him with plasma just outside of his range where he detects me and starts to fight. The carrier should probably know when it is being engaged and pull up anchor - as a suggestion. Clarification - Maybe the enemy carriers engagement range should be increased as a workaround. I stood just at the max range of my plasma cannons where i could hit him, and he would not respond to being hit at this range. After the carrier takes significant enough damage, it will try to flee I think, but it is easy to damage it to a point where it is dead in the water and unable to move. You can just proceed with sinking it at that point as all its defenses are likely dead by this point too. -X
  20. No way that is full size. That is pure Beta size only.
  21. I'm still looking for these lights mentioned in this thread. I see no lights yet. What lights? I am P&C and someone didn't give me lights and I want them! :D
  22. Suckered again. I am now P&C. Bohemia.... If you guys did not make games I want to play........ jk! In reality, I am glad I am supporting you early once again. I know you won't disappoint me so I am not worried and happy to help. I have said you guys make some of the few games I want to play anymore (I admit, I am severely jaded and demand a lot) and I know you guys will deliver yet again. Tired of the cookie cutter games and you are one of the few that do not follow that path. -X
  23. The 7950 is rumored to have both an 8-pin external connector and a 6-pin external connector. For those that don't know, the 8-pin has a 150 Watts, and the 6-pin has 75-watts, and the PCIe BUS has an additional 25 Watts. This means this 7950 is guaranteed to have at least a 180 Watt power draw at minimum and probably up to 250 Watts at maximum. What is AMD doing here? High wattage room space heaters is the domain of NVidia. AMD needs to continue creating low powered decent performance boards!!! Such high power draw simply means the GPU is operating outside of spec and is factory overclocked. Uggh. -X
  24. xman1

    Ugly pattern in trees

    It came out with patch 1.59 I believe too. It was not in previous patches. And I can confirm the same issue exists in Take On Helicopters. -X