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About Mawel

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  1. Mawel

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    @OMAC this would be a rather advanced application of NordKindchen's method, with a bazillion of person-hours it would be possible to make realistic (and i don't mean naturalistic) surface textures to fit the real vegetation on those islands. probbably soem of the devs would get horny from the mere idea.
  2. Mawel

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    this could actually become an issue. it depends on the performance hit resulting from mid range textures, maybe there is no need for a lo-fi option at all. the texture tile size is insignificant compared to other textures in the game but there may be some problems in the engine that we aren't aware of. You could also influence the visibility by choosing overlay textures with less prominent details to avoid this issue. Though this is a gameplay issue which should be adressed separately. There are already problems with spotting playes at different ranges concerning foliage.
  3. (this is my second post in this forum, my first is quite the same but in a one year old thread) i am using the following script for saving the loadout on death and adding it to player on respawn: it works fine with the acception, that the ruck content doubles on every respawn. it seens that this script doesnt remove the ruck items. i think that after the line where it sais: " ... waitUntil { alive player }; if (_DEBUG) then { player sideChat "Gearing player..." }; ..." there has to come a line which removes everything that was put into the ruck. another possibility is to remove the backpack reference in this script completely, but i dont know wether that will work and how exatly it should be done since my scripting skills are not present. could it be that this script is outdated?
  4. i know this thread is quite old but ive got strage issues with the posted script. ive hacked my mission together with editor and copy-paste and tried to analyze the scripts i used. the weaponPreserve.sqf in the last post works well with one acception: the gear inside the ruck just adds on respawn. exapmple: my unit had 2 stanag magazines in the ruck before it was killed, on respawn the standard editor loadout for this type of unit is deleted (i can see it for half a second or so) and the pre-death gear is equipped, but in the ruck there are 4 magaznes now. every respawn doubles the ruck contents! maybe it would help to clear the ruck loadout together with the standard loadout before equipping the unit on spawn but i dont know how. is it a possibly bug? does anyone know a workaround for that in such case?