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Everything posted by gammadust

  1. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    It does but do not 100% rely on it, only by chance Player's direction (12 o'clock) coincides with that of the graphic. The clock graphic pops-up without the script specificaly asking for it. It appears to be tied to the engines calling target event (which the script just mutes, leaving underlying occurences intact). As accurate as 360 / 12 = 30 degrees >> margin of error which is why there seems to be no difference, but in extreme cases that won't be the case. Specifically the o'clock readings are calculated based on the exact direction the player is facing at the moment of reporting. Only by chance it may coincide with the arma engine's calculation which drives the graphic clock. In BIS original implementation the orientation of the clock is more obscure: current formation direction/movement, individual units orientation, formation core position, even time seems to influence although indirectly. If leader suddenly makes a 180 degrees turn, formation direction takes some steps/time to update to current leader direction.
  2. "Arrays of Arrays" or how to access nested arrays your doubts explained here. and what types of variables can an array contain.
  3. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Server reacts (in error) to http://www.p8h8.info/Scott.Miller.born.500.php not sure if that means as soon as we have a fixed date, that we can inquire the server with no errors...
  4. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Indeed!!! my bad, overlooking that one! :o
  5. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    ^^ check doesn't really matter how fast the "seeking" was going, someone extracted the strings all together.
  6. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    500 in context can also be as in "500 Internal Server Error".
  7. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I really don't know, I just singled out that one since the results for "Barel" are usualy mispelings of "barrel", "Roamer" and "Exorcist" seams a dead end or totaly unrelated. That thread is the single one were "Tahlo" appears aside of "ArmA 2 site hacked" one.
  8. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Does "Silicon Heating Device" ring a bell to anyone here? I literaly ""Search The Users" on this forum and this came up following "Tahlo"
  9. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It is possible that, since the seeker.exe was throwing results at a certain expected pace, that would allow only for timely disclosures. What might not have been expected was that someone could reverse engineer the exe and get the results earlier. Rushing stuff too fast.
  10. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It was a last say :)
  11. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I'll spoil ^^ instead, and let that be my last say on the issue.
  12. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I just smashed one that was bugging my monitor... dusk time.
  13. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Darkhorse you talk like only a subset of people posting here were entitled to try out the xxx500.php page... if this is true you realy, Realy, REALY need to chill out, you are loosing touch with reality dude... this is just a disclosure game, play it and don't EFF around!
  14. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    pretty touchy there aren't we?? you fell for something you saw there? BTW: the page is not indexing anything anymore.
  15. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Didn't someone found a way to accelerate the timer some pages ago... from 90ms to 10ms?
  16. gammadust


    "Stay there or i'll shoot!!!!" "You're at the edge of unbefriending me!" Edit---- To avoid misunderstadings: "at the edge" - if a certain distance is reached. "unbefriending me" - side1 setFriend [side2 , value] but... apparently it is reported as buggy if set in the middle of mission and also is side wide. could worth a try though another approach could be addRating (Jakerod just suggested that on another thread btw) "When the rating gets below -2000, the unit's side switches to "ENEMY" and the unit is attacked by everyone." I suspect this applies only if they're on the same side...
  17. you could: objectName [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVariable"]setVariable[/url] [name, value (, public)] and object [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getVariable"]getVariable[/url] [name, defaultValue] that way the value will stay specific to the unit... The reason that "money" is shared is because it is named as a global variable (no underscore "_money") more info on variables scope here
  18. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    not just your own... or you followed something other than the only link there is for the exact phrase "arma3" in wikipedia. It was so far stretched that I did not bother. ... AR-MA-3, vegetation, proper projects, T_D. CODE name CODE name... it is just the abbreviation > Arenaria macradenia, S. Watson and everybody knows Mr. Watson is number 3!
  19. I love serendipity... PvPscene you just put me on the right track to solve for something else (the voice issues I was having with "special characters"). Tnx a lot! :)
  20. check the characters.pbo (arma 2) config.bin under CfgFaces, I am almost sure is one of them, there is 107 faces... you just need to cross reference the correct index from somwhere else.
  21. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    I skimmed through those threads, had no idea ppl had that of an issue with the system, maybe they played more then myself... "I have figured this out now! You're supossed to look at the map. Use the compas and take a heading for every one in your squad. Add them together. Divide that with the number of AI plus you. Take the squareroot and ad som Pi, just for fun. Then you have the average heading of the squad and hence the "direct ahead" direction! Easy and simple, not to mention made in a blink of the eye! Hmm... " /sarcasm lol ^^ is almost exacly what is scripted in my addon - minus the the hours separation of 30 degrees, and speech generation. In regards to OA (only) addon, it is possible, in fact if you try out the CO version (included in latest zip - check 1st post) the functionality is there including for BAF/PMC common units. I noticed so called "special characters" don't benefit, "Reynolds", "Poet", etc fail to use the right protocol, haven't figured a way circunvent that yet. Anyway you can try using the current CO in your OA install, you might get some .rpt errors but nothing game breaking hopefuly. It might justify branching out an OA specific version, I was avoiding it, but you can be sure a Final version would include that. Another thing is... while in Arma 2 there is no clock representation, the addon as-is is no problem, but for OA/CO there might be a disconnect between the exact orientation of the player and the 12 o'clock position shown. You have to remember where you were looking-at at the moment the report came in instead of looking down the clock if you get confused (maybe disable it totaly in your difficulty settings), anyway, in easier modes you now have a visual cue marked over the called target (as per PvPscene suggestion).
  22. gammadust

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    these tools have a thread in this very forum: ResLodRemover & MipMapRemover these tools have performance aims. I am starting to imagine streaming worlds and procedural generation on the fly/baked made by BIS in-house.
  23. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    Unfortunate this mishap, corrected now... check it out ;) new file here and updated in first post. In fact I believe present OA/CO target calling is not that confusing as it was in A2, it certainly improved (only a pool of two sentences). Remember that the usage of the addon subtracts that target calling such as "Enemy at grid 032083", useful if it is detected at a very long distance.
  24. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    Glad you're enjoying, any critique is welcome by the way, I am sure there's room for improvement and polishing. :)
  25. gammadust

    GAM Clockfacing Report

    I was holding a bit before going "Armaholic" but I knew you would just track me down... thank you for posting Foxhound. Combined Operations compatible version almost ready, and with no CBA requirements. :) I'll update soon.