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Everything posted by gammadust

  1. You will be able to use your laptop or any secondary computer on your network :)
  2. gammadust


    sry if drifting a bit off here... ... interesting, are you somehow capturing key events and replaying them? whichever way you're doing it, that would be a great extension of BIS_fnc_ Play and Replay which are too limited (afaik they only record unit positions in a timeline)
  3. I did my best interpreting ofp sun position formula and it looks like: - Obliquity of the ecliptic is simplified to 23º (rounded to unit from 23.43...) - I suspect the earth's orbit is assumed to be circular instead of keplerian (so there is no mean longitude or mean anomaly to compensate for) - there is no Epoch (variables do not vary with julian centuries) - i wonder what happens in leap years - it does not account for longitude (every map is UTC - higher doubts on this one) I am probably wrong on this interpretation though, specially since the reference is related to ofp and not arma, and above all my programming/math/astronomy skills are average at best. That said, i think a simplified model of earth's orbit is all that is needed, if a more realistic model would be used so would processing (much trig functions) to achieve basically the same result. We do have seasons, and having atmosphere refraction, for example, would be over the top.
  4. YES!!... i know what you mean! "horizontal scrolling" kind of thing... i could not reproduce what you said but indeed in the back of my mind, very deep down, i think i had stumbled into that before! Whatever that would be, this is a very welcome feature!
  5. I just tried it... and found no difference either (both normal team command and high command mode) when you say "cycle through them easily" what do you mean?
  6. not sure, but by that time it is probably not possible to obtain that list. What i would suggest is to keep track of unit loadout every time said unit accesses a weapon crate, and maintain a global variable with that information on a per player basis (uid).
  7. gammadust


    I whish BI would address this in detail.
  8. GAM TimeXleration v1.0 by Gamma DESCRIPTION: Allows to accelerate the in-game daytime maintaining the rest of the simulation normal "speed" intact. Mimics time acceleration found in GTA series and others. USAGE: Script comes in two versions, as a mission addon which you can configure in your missions init or as a game addon providing a menu for easy run-time set up. Currently there's two settings: - Factor by which time is to be accelerated - Updates per second Access the menu options by pressing "5" followed by "9" 1 - Toggle TimeXleration * 2 - Acceleration (+20) 3 - Acceleration (-20) 4 - Update Rate + (doubles the rate) 5 - Update Rate - (halves the rate) 6 - Reset * Defaults to 60 times normal acceleration, 1 minute gameplay = 1 in-game hour at ~33,3 updates per second, this gives the best smoothness experience there is no point in increasing this value since difference won't be noticed lower values result in sudden repositioning of sun and clouds movement but might be a useful if this script load interferes with other ones ** includes signature keys INSTALATION: Check included readme file. REQUIREMENTS: Arma 2 (any version) signature keys are included but a multiplayer environment as not been tested, and this is just that type of think that is prone to break on this regard NOTES/TODO/COMPATIBILITY: Add the possibility to compress nightime for another factor (soon) (Some bugs might turn up, if you bump into one just post your finding. This and other suggestions are very welcome.) DOWNLOAD: Armaholic.com ArmedAssault.info (for those who have tried this before, this is the same version as published in the other thread, but soon enough there will be more to play with :) minor update: just clearing credits with CarlGustaffa for inclusion of one of his scripts)
  9. gammadust

    = nil?

    are they bypassing server signature checks or smtg? I am totaly newb in regards to running a server, but this and this maybe worthwhile. best luck dealing with those griefers.
  10. gammadust

    = nil?

    Well, engine's idiosyncrasies. Being aware of it allows you to prevent to bump into it. In regards to what is off one's control (scripts which assign anything to that command in bad practice), at the lack of better solution, you're left with modifying them to suit your needs. maybe this will give you a hint about why engine works that way: here we'll have to make do :)
  11. gammadust

    Development Blog & Reveals

    i've been so distracted, i was missing this... by the looks i'll have to get used to cardiac arrhythmia every odd thursday!
  12. I apologize for this necroing, but since this is such a recurrent question and there are a lot of newcomers in regards to scripting, but specially because to CarlGustaffa's solution in the earlier page one could add the following one: X_fnc_SunRise = { // it was (X_fnc_SunElev) /* Author: CarlGustaffa (modified by gammadust) Description: Returns the sun's rise in hours for the current day of the year on any island (whos latitude may differ). Parameters: None needed. Returns: Sun's rise in hours, in the same format as engine's [daytime] command (16.5 == 16:30) To obtain sun's set, just subtract the result from 24. Reference: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?107476-How-do-I-detect-sundown-sunrise */ private ["_lat", "_day", "_hour"]; _lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); _day = 360 * (dateToNumber date); _hour = acos ((24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)) / ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat))); _daytime = _hour / 360 * 24; _daytime }; This returns a more direct way of checking for the event of nighttime/daytime cycle with the very close CG's approximation to sun declination depending on the current time. Depending on implementation one would need to check in a loop the current sun declination and act accordingly. This modification allows to access the time of the event in advance (only needs to run once per in-game day) obtaining directly the time in hours of sunrise for further processing.
  13. gammadust

    GAM TimeXleration

    Thanks Blondak, updating op.
  14. gammadust

    GAM TimeXleration

    Many thanks fox :)
  15. Maybe you could the record your movement with BIS_fnc_UnitCapture and then BIS_fnc_UnitPlay and do your 3rd person recording... I don't how much detail stay on those recordings but could worth a try... nvm.. just read this :( if those functions haven't been updated there is no point. err... make an ai unit armed with a similiar weapon under your command and order it to shoot at somme target while you record... capture at an increased rate (ie 60 fps) and time decompress in video post edit. There are some good frame interpolators out there too (i doubt for such a detailed scene it would work though) running out of ideas :icon_rolleyes:
  16. gammadust

    Forum Problems

    Likewise... (in regards to my issue)
  17. You'll get the hang of it :) persistence is key if you're self learning. select stuff... well those must be arrays, selecting elements inside arrays. Arrays hold indexed elements: The number after a "select" represent the index of the element you want to make reference to. The first element is always "0". The expression before a "select" is the array you want to select data from. Elements within an array may be of any valid type o data (ie objects, numbers, strings of text, etc...). You can create and mix these types of data in the same array. In regards to loops and code structure you may check this. I would also suggest to keep this reference always side-by-side during your efforts. If you're looking for something new make a keyword search on that page, there are plenty of small examples there to help you through.
  18. don't forget to close the if structure { if( position _x distance getMarkerPos "fob" > 1500) then { switch (type _x) do { case "Name": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];}; case "NameLocal": {loc_passes = loc_passes + [_x];}; case "NameVillage": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];}; case "NameCity": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];}; case "NameCityCapital": {loc_towns = loc_towns + [_x];}; case "Hill": {loc_hills = loc_hills + [_x];}; case "Airport": {loc_airports = loc_airports + [_x];}; case "ViewPoint": {loc_viewpoints = loc_viewpoints + [_x];}; }; [color="#FF0000"]};[/color] } foreach _loc;
  19. gammadust

    European Politics Thread.

    Have you heard of Data Mining concept? But you could also go and read the rest of that wiki entry and understand how automatically one can be flagged as a subversive member of society, let me stress the keyword here... Automatically.
  20. gammadust

    Forum Problems

    Not even sure this could be related, but no point in starting a new thread... Since today i am experiencing this: This is only when "searching" the forums by using "Today's Posts" when not logged in. And this when logged in ("New Posts"): When using normal forum browsing all appears ok. I only experience this in FF (v3.6.28), i also disabled any addons/plugins for these tests. On the other hand, Opera browsing the same areas are ok. (In case you're wondering... I know that FF version is in the "slow" update branch, but since v4 that I am experiencing bugs with fullscreen video - due to my multiple monitor config i believe) Anyway this just appears to be some css not loading or something like that... anyone experiences the same?
  21. gammadust

    Re activating AI

    I can't be more precise that this, but DomZ's High Command Extensions was using another solution to that issue, i don't know if his code still has that after including Trexian's one, maybe it is compatible with arma 1...
  22. gammadust

    BattleField 3

    ^^ this is so much me... (and happens so many times as you narrow down google results from the first thousands you get with unquoted sentences or bad keywords)
  23. gammadust

    Placing Script

    If i am not mistaken you have to moveInCargo, check also the alternatives in the wiki page. Also i read somewhere that those cargo positions include any mounted guns (depending on vehicle?) and the order is "static", meaning you can't specifically choose the place into which to assign the unit, requiring you to keep filling the vehicle until the position is occupied. Check this and this (if you are unfamiliar with that devheaven, it is were one can request features and bugs be reported)
  24. I would start looking into MPRespawn and addMPEventHandler (requires OA 1.55)