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About Papap

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  1. Papap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Is this what you're talking about: "this setVariable ["LDL_planeInUse", false, true];" and you place it under the unit's initialization? That didn't do anything. If not, I'm not really sure what line needs to be placed where. I don't see a "Logics" menu option anywhere in the editor. *EDIT* - Nevermind, I found it in Units -> Sides -> Game Logic.
  2. Papap

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Feel free to call me an idiot, but I need a little help. It's my first time trying to use the editor, and I'm trying to just create a basic scenario with a convoy for the AC-130 to attack. I've read through the thread and readme files, and haven't really found anything that looks like it would help me. I have units placed where I want them, and I do have the "AC-130 Spectre Gunship" under my USMC unit menu... I've placed that, but in preview, the unit does not behave like in the missions included with the addon... There's no option to engage "AC-130 autopilot" to use the guns. Does the unit itself need special initialization in the editor? I did notice there is no co-pilot in the AC-130, and I've noticed in the included missions with the addon, there's always a co-pilot. You mentioned adding some lines in the init.sqf file, but my mission didn't even have an .sqf file in it at all... I tried copying the one from the example mission, but that didn't do anything either. That example missions worked perfectly, and I'm running Combined Ops with the addon. I'd definitely appreciate the help, and this is an awesome addon!