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B CO 2/113 INF

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Everything posted by B CO 2/113 INF

  1. Punk Buster does a fine job, I played AA for years and between the sever admins SS and the software cheaters were pretty much dealt with. Here we have the legit players who purchased this game with money,,,, being kicked off servers because of OS privileges? I'm sorry, but my OS has nothing to do with the game itself, nor should we have to put ourselves out there information wise. AA was pretty simple, you're caught cheating, hardware ban. AA is free, so I'll deal with the headaches, but ARMA is not free, so everyone who pays has a consumer right to complain. I believe this would be a forth amendment issue of the constitution in the states also. Your work is appreciated, but you need a better deterrent... Under no circumstance should any anti-cheat software interfere with the ability to play a game online. Is it really worth killing off the game? So far I've done everything possible to play online and have been kicked off servers anyway for OS issues. Yes I run a steam version....