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About Demonspawn

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  1. Hello all- I looked around for this and couldn't seem to find it. Kinda surprised at that myself but here goes. I use EDSF to move instead of WSAD. That's just the way I do things, as I'm a long time MMORPG gamer and I've grown sick of shifting my left hand to type. Also, this gives me another column of keys for me to use and I've got no problems hitting L-ctrl with my pinky (/justification ;) That said, I've had no problem changing infantry/vehicle movement to EDSF. However, when I'm in the commander seat for a vehicle, it only responds to WSAD (+QE). I can't seem to find where to change this in any of the setting screens. Does anyone know where it is?
  2. Demonspawn

    Logitech G35 headphones + Arma?

    I've got a G35 and Arma and I love it. Directional sound works like a charm, and I can tell what direction gunfire/vehicles/footsteps are coming from. Gunshots are implemented honestly: you hear the crack as it passes you, then you hear the gunfire and can tell direction. Unlike the other poster, I haven't had any significant problems with my G35 (also using W7-64). My only minor problem is that sometimes my center channel goes silent, but I can fix that by turning Dolby off and then back on via the headset switch. I highly recommend directional sound for any FPS game, it helps beyond belief.