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Cpt Blade

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Everything posted by Cpt Blade

  1. Cpt Blade

    Yellow Icon is Back

    as in this thread you can see that there are no fix at the moment for this issue yet
  2. Cpt Blade

    BattlEye GUID banning

    Kochleffel have gotten your list and thx all been added to our now thx for ths info on bad players
  3. Cpt Blade

    Server recommendations for new people

    Is very useful with ts3 or any other comsapp. since the most are using that to get more out of teamplay and then its abit easyier to ask for help
  4. Cpt Blade

    Yellow Icon is Back

    have combined ops and the server is windows based on a steamversion last time we replaced the files in EXPANSION/Dta folder in server with our own files and that worked but after this 1.57 that doesnt work now still yellow?
  5. Cpt Blade

    Yellow Icon is Back

    lol seen tried to fix it but nogo on what we replaced the last times so i have no idea now :butbut:
  6. Cpt Blade

    Yellow Icon is Back

    and here also, crap:confused:
  7. Cpt Blade

    BattlEye GUID banning

    But is the database all players that has connected to the server? and is it better if you get the banlist instead?
  8. Cpt Blade

    BattlEye GUID banning

    i will also do the same nice idea there Kochleffel
  9. Cpt Blade

    Servers with voice and team-work.

    Hello i think you was really unlucky getting in to that server gw01993 And thank you Demonized for those kind words
  10. we are runing with default cmdline dont know what dplay is so try to take it out and after the update to 1.56 we havent touch our expansion/dta folder
  11. Cpt Blade

    Having problems help!

    Seems like you dont have the latest update to 1.56 so check your version
  12. my first thought i that your server aint loading combined but just OA when you also is missing a hole map chernarus
  13. thats your rpt file not the server rpt file and caweapons_ammoboxes correct me if im wrong that would be from arma2 and not OA
  14. Cpt Blade

    Tips for a new online gamer?

    and again there is some servers that runs domination based on teamplay, we actually recruit on dom. just to see how they play when given orders an so on the domination is really nice when all play as one team tho
  15. Cpt Blade

    BattlEye GUID banning

    Hey weedkiller, Blade from 3para-gu there isnt any cfg file there just make a text file with ex: RConPassword xxxxxxx MaxPing 250 then save that files as BEServer.cfg and put that in your Battleye folder in profiles in server your ban.txt will be created when you ban someone from server in the same folder as your BEServer.cfg are and you dont need to put in an cmd line for the rcon tool since its a seperate program you run to monitor your server
  16. Ehh is not all about points ingame some just play coop for the teamwork and when our base suddenly gets bombed over and over again or suddenly all players are doing squats or dancing for 10 minutes or suddenly all gets kicked from server even admin so dont say thats no hack
  17. server running 1.55 and i have retail version of OA
  18. at our server 3para-gu we also have this problem not only steamusers but also those with dvd version i was one of those but i was running latest betapatch and the BE faild to connect, i switch then to the orginal comb.ops icon that solved for me and alot of other users in our clan. But we had to turnoff Battleye due to all players that tried to connect
  19. hello after the arma2 OA update to v.1.55 its seems like battleye is kicking all users with betapatch it doesnt seems like it connect?
  20. Cpt Blade

    Caledonian Canal Challenge 2011

    Thx Sparks
  21. Cpt Blade

    Caledonian Canal Challenge 2011

    Hello guys just informing all about a cause called Help for Heroes in the UK where you can donate to help wounded soldiers and help them with their lifes Im actually from Norway/Sweden but i will participate in that challange so pls help me with gathering funds for that cause This event is also started by gamers to do their bit to help http://www.bmycharity.com/V2/CaledonianCanalChallengeTKorsmo http://www.caledoniancanalchallenge.co.uk/ So to all cheers if can Tommy Korsmo
  22. did that and still cant connect oki fixes now some setting in firewall lol
  23. hello i also have the problems with cant connect: this is the cmd line in server:-config=server.cfg -port=2324 -profiles=profiles -netlog and the BEServer.cfg is placed in profiles/battleye folder in server have also an battleye folder in EXPANSIONS folder in server also tried there all i have in BEServer.cfg is: RConPassword xxxxxx so whats going wrong here?
  24. Cpt Blade

    Pingcheck with autokick function.

    so where do i put in that ping limit? got a tip that i needed a BEServer.cfg file to the battleye containg this MaxPing = 250 but that didnt work trying now without spaces dont know yet
  25. check out pchaxor post at page 2 he had to rename some folders